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page 153

And also He saith: "Know thou with absolute certainty, and through the firmly established and most irrevocable decree, that He--exalted be His glory, and magnified be His might, and sanctified be His holiness, and glorified be His grandeur, and lauded be His ways, maketh each thing to be known through its own self; who then can know Him through any one except Himself?" And further, He saith--exalted and glorified be He: "Beware, beware lest, in the days of His Revelation, the Vahíd of the Bayán (eighteen Letters of the Living) shut thee not out as by a veil from Him, inasmuch as this Vahíd is but a creature in His sight. And beware, beware that the words sent down in the Bayán shut thee not out as by a veil from Him." And again, He--exalted be He--saith: "Look not upon Him with any eye except His own. For whosoever looketh upon Him with His eye, will recognize Him; otherwise he will be veiled from Him. Shouldst thou seek God and His Presence, seek thou Him and gaze upon Him." And likewise, He saith: "Better is it for thee to recite but one of the verses of Him Whom God shall make manifest than to set down the whole of the Bayán, for on that Day that one verse can save thee, whereas the entire Bayán cannot save thee."

Say: O people of the Bayán! Be fair, be fair; and again, be fair, be fair. Be ye not of them who have made mention of the Manifestation of the Cause of God in the daytime and in the night season, and

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