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full details for

"By the Fig and the Olive"

AuthorNecati Alkan
Title of item
"By the Fig and the Olive"
Subtitle of item
`Abdu'l-Bahá's Commentary in Ottoman Turkish on the Qur'ánic Sura 95
Parent publication   Bahá'í Studies Review
Publisher of this ed.
London: Association for Bahá'í Studies English-Speaking Europe
Date of this edition 2001
Permission editor and publisher
Posted 2010-07-17 by Jonah Winters
Formatted 2002 by Chris Manvell
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract A translation and discussion of an Ottoman-Turkish Tablet by `Abdu'l-Bahá: his commentary on the Quaranic Sura of the Fig (#95). 
Notes Presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #36, London School of Economics, England (July 13-15, 2001), online at

See also translation of this Tablet. This article is also available as a formatted PDF, as published in BSR: alkan_fig_olive_bsr10.pdf.

Tags Abdul-Baha, Writings and talks of; Alam-i-Mithal (World of images); Allegories and metaphors; Arc of ascent and descent; Barzakh; Bible; Christianity; Commentaries; Cosmology; Fig (symbol); Hurqalya; Ibn Arabi; Interfaith dialogue; Intermediary realm; Islam; Jesus Christ; Judaism; Moses; Mount Sinai; Muhammad (Prophet); Olive (symbol); Paran; Perfect Man (Pole); Philosophy; Quran; Shaykhism; Soul; Sufism; Tree symbolism; Turkish language; Worlds of God
Locations Turkey; Jerusalem; Israel; Medina; Mecca; Saudi Arabia
Page views 24519 hits since 2010-07-17
Edit qualityhigh: carefully proofread and edited
Format qualityhigh: well formatted
Last edited
2022-10-12 00:55 EDT. See previous versions [].

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