- Arc of Ascent: The Purpose of Physical Reality II, by John S. Hatcher: Review, by Ross Woodman. (1994)
- Archeology of the Kingdom of God, The, by Jean-Marc Lepain. Peter Terry, trans. (2015) Analysis of the spiritual worlds as depicted in philosophical and religious texts, from ancient the Greek to Jewish, Christian and Muslim thought, contrasted with the theosophy, metaphysics, anthropology, and hermeneutics of Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
- Authority of the Feminine and Fatima's Place in an Early Work by the Bab, The, by Todd Lawson. (2007) While Tahirih inspired many in Europe and eventually America, she is very much a daughter of her own culture, history, mythology, and religion. She was a religious mystic who felt a new day arising in the world, and seen by some as the "return" of Fatima.
- Background and Centrality of Apophatic Theology in Bábí and Bahá'í Scripture, The, by Stephen Lambden. (1997) History of the theological position of the incomprehensibility-unknowability of God in past major Abrahamic religions and its importance and significance for contemporary Bahá'ís.
- Bahá'í Teachings on The Universe, Ernie Jones, comp. (2017/2022) Compilation of writings related to the cosmos, the worlds of God, and spiritual evolution.
- Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality, Paul Lample, comp. (1996) The quest for spirituality, the spiritual life, material and spiritual reality, the progress of the soul and humanity’s spiritual education.
- "By the Fig and the Olive": `Abdu'l-Bahá's Commentary in Ottoman Turkish on the Qur'ánic Sura 95, by Necati Alkan. (2001) A translation and discussion of an Ottoman-Turkish Tablet by `Abdu'l-Bahá: his commentary on the Quaranic Sura of the Fig (#95).
- Celestial Pavilion, Inmates of, by Universal House of Justice. (2003)
- Creation, by Lasse Thoresen. (2002) Contributing to the creation of a new civilization as a researcher or an artist means participating in the process of never-ending unfolding; the divine names are the eternal archetypes organizing the material world; dialogue between thinking and reality.
- Demystifying Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of the Holy Mariner: History, Translations, Interpretations and Analysis, by Hui Bau. (2016) Lengthy compilation, with background information on the Tablet, and commentary from Bau, Adib Taherzadeh, Michael Sours, Jamsheed Samandari, and Aziz Mboya.
- Eternal Quest for God: An Introduction to the Divine Philosophy of Abdu'l-Baha, by Julio Savi. (1989) A philosophical theology based on the Bahá'í writings.
- Explanations Concerning Sacred Mysteries, by Mirza Asad'Ullah. Ameen Ullah Fareed, trans. (1902) Essays on the book of Daniel, and on the mysteries of: daily sacrifice, the kingdom, death, prayers for the dead, the figure 9, Jonah, fasting, and prayer.
- Interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá, An, by Mary Hanford Ford. (1933-07) Discussing spiritual insights, martyrdom, and labor-saving machines' role in societal advancement.
- Introduction to the Lawh-i Haqqu'n-Nas, An, by Jean-Marc Lepain. Peter Terry, trans. (2007) Summary of the tablet Lawh-i Haqqu’n-Nas, Tablet of the "Right of the People," on the metaphorical character of this world.
- Kaleidoscope: Some Aspects of Angelology, Light, the Divine Throne and Color Mysticism in Bábí and Bahá'í Scripture, by Stephen Lambden. (2004) Miscellaneous notes relating to religious cosmology, angelology, color and “throne” symbolism in select Abrahamic, Bábí, Bahá’í, and religious and mystical texts. It will be seen that colours are related to the theology of the celestial Throne.
- Life of Thomas Breakwell, The, by Rajwantee Lakshiman-Lepain. (1998) Breakwell (1872–1902) was a religious seeker who became a Bahá'í in Paris in 1901, the first Englishman to become a Bahá'í as well as the first westerner to contribute to the Huqúqu'lláh.
- Marian Crist Lippitt: Short Biographical Monograph, by Peter Terry. (1999) Controversial both during her lifetime and after, Lippitt was a trained engineer who applied her rigorous intellect to the study of metaphysics and epistemology, and is best known for developing an education philosophy titled "The Science of Reality."
- Material and Spiritual Worlds, by Peter J. Khan. (2010-12) Four talks on the Five-Year Plan given at the North Island Bahá'í Summer School, Hamilton, New Zealand, December 2010.
- Metaphor and the Language of Revelation, by Ross Woodman. (1997) To enter the realm of metaphor as the language of the soul is to come into direct contact with the Word as the originating power of creation.
- Navigating Two Worlds, by Peter J. Khan. (2008-01)
- Path to God, The: 1956, by Dorothy Baker. (1956) Some elements for spiritual success: power through prayer and nine benefits of prayer, victorious living, and immortality.
- Prolegomenon to the Study of Babi and Baha'i Scriptures, A: The Importance of Henry Corbin to Babi and Baha'i Studies, by Ismael Velasco. (2004) On the foremost Western authority on the Islamic philosophy of Persia, one of the most influential Islamicists of the 20th century, whose work is uniquely relevant in understanding the philosophical context for the emergence of the Bábí Faith.
- Realms of Divine Existence as described in the Tablet of All Food, by Bijan Ma'sumian. (1994 Summer) Bahá'í theoretical theology in the Lawh-i-Qullu'Ta'am.
- Relativism: A Basis For Bahá'í Metaphysics, by Moojan Momen. (1988) "Relativism" as a means of reconciling the often widely-divergent theologies of the world's religions.
- Research Department, Functions of; Etymologies of three terms, by Universal House of Justice. (1992) Two questions: (1) what is the function of the Research Department, and (2) etymologies of the three terms "world of exemplars," "'álam," and "barzakh." Includes translated excerpts of tablets of Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá.
- Resurrection and the World to Come, by Bahá'u'lláh. William F. McCants, trans. (2018-01-21) Extract from the Lawh-i-Yusuf (Tablet of Joseph), explaining the meaning of 'paradise', 'hellfire', 'resurrection', and similar terms.
- Space: The Final Frontier?: Warwick Leaflets, by Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. (1997) Bahá'í perspective on extraterrestrial life, technological progress, and spiritual development
- Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth: From Mazdean Iran to Shi'ite Iran, by Henry Corbin. Nancy Pearson, trans. (1977) An analysis of interrelated themes in Iranian religion, including the angelology of Mazdaism and Islamic Shi'ite concepts of spirit-body identity. Includes descriptions of cosmologies in Zoroastrian, Shi'i Islamic and Shaykhi philosophies.
- Spiritualization of the Bahá'í Community: A Plan for Teaching, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ireland, Adib Taherzadeh. (1982) A three-part collection consisting of a letter from the NSA of Ireland, a letter from Taherzadeh to the Bahá'ís of Ireland regarding the spiritualization of the Bahá'í community, and the preamble for a plan of action for teaching.
- State When Asleep, The: Dreams, Their Interpretation and Wisdom, Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani, comp, Keven Brown, trans. (2011) Annotated translation by Keven Brown (2011) of a compilation by Mazandarani published in Amr va Khalq (1954-1955).
- Study of the Pen Motif in the Bahá'í Writings, A, by Kavian Sadeghzade Milani, Nafeh Fananapazir. (1999) Theology and background of the "pen" metaphor — the creative force presented by the Manifestation of God — and the "tablet" — the recipient of the creative force. Also the five realms of existence: Háhút, Láhút, Jabarút, Malakút, and Násút.
- Symbolic Cosmology in the Sufi and Bahá'í traditions, by Michael McCarron. (1997) Introduction to some meanings of the various realms of God.
- Tablet of All Food and the Nature of Reality, The, by Karl Weaver. (2016) Review of the Tablet's historical background, antecedents for specific phrases, English literary commentaries, its color system as related to Bábí and Islamic traditions, the meaning of 'food,' and a different way of looking at the five levels of reality.
- Tablet of All Food, The: The Hierarchy of the Spiritual Worlds and the Metaphoric Nature of Physical Reality, by Jean-Marc Lepain. Peter Terry, trans. (2010-04) Terminology employed by Bahá'u'lláh to describe the hierarchy of the spiritual worlds: Háhút, Láhút, Jabarút and Malakút.
- Tablet of the Manifestation, The (Lawh-i-Zuhur), by Bahá'u'lláh. Joshua Hall, trans. (2023-01-02) Tablet on the metaphysical reality of the Manifestations of God, and their divine station as cosmic, "supernatural" entities.
- Tablet of the Universe (Lawh-i-Aflákiyyih), by Abdu'l-Bahá. Anonymous, trans. (1997) A theological description of reality, with reference to Ptolemy and Al-Farabi.
- Tablet on the Right of the People (Lawh-i haqq al-nas), by Bahá'u'lláh. Keven Brown, trans. (2016) On some situations relating to a person’s private rights, in this case theft and debt, with a larger meditation on the spiritual rights a person earns through righteous deeds, and God’s promise to reward good deeds and punish the wrong.
- Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023) Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging.
- Wondrous New Day, A: The Numerology of Creation and 'All Things' in the Badí' Calendar, by Robin Mihrshahi. (2004/2013) Symbolism in the Bahá'í-era calendar, some Shaykhí origins of the Báb’s cosmology and ontology, and how these Shaykhí concepts find symbolic expression in the structure and organization of the Badí‘ calendar.
- Worlds of God, The, by Iscander Micael Tinto. (2013) Creation is an act of divine manifestation across five realms: Háhút, the unknowable Essence of God; Láhút, the first actualization of potentiality; Jabarút, God's action and will in creation; Malakút, the angelic plane; and Násút, the physical world.