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The Knowledge of God

AuthorJack McLean
Title of item
The Knowledge of God
Subtitle of item
An Essay on Bahá'í Epistemology
Parent publication   World Order
Date of this edition 1978 Spring
Permission author
Scanned 2013-01 by Robert LeBlanc
Posted 2013-02-02 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Knowledge of the divine is the beginning of all things. This can come through the investigative faculty, the path of reason, or through intuition and mysticism, the path of the heart.
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Tags Epistemology; Heart; Intuition; Knowledge; Mysticism; Philosophy; Reason
Page views 3939 hits since 2013-02-02
Last edited
2023-05-09 14:47 EDT. See previous versions [].

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