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full details for

Light and Mercy

Author Bahá'u'lláh
Author 2
Author 3
Shoghi Effendi
Author 4
Universal House of Justice
Title of item
Light and Mercy
Subtitle of item
Mental Health and Tests and Difficulties
Editor, translator, etc.  
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia, comp
Date of this edition 2021
Permission Open copyright (see Baha'i Reference Library sharing terms, BIC copyright statement, and uhj_permission_electronic_texts)
Posted 2021-09-19 by Arjen Bolhuis
Classified in NSA Compilations
Abstract The physical and mental impact of the continuing pandemic is evident around us, and the members of the Baha’i community are not immune. This publication will be of assistance and support to the friends both individually and collectively.
Notes Mirrored from Also available in epub format.
Tags Blessings; Deeds; Disability; Happiness; Health and healing; Human nature; Mental health; Mind; Patience; Prayer; Psychology; Purpose of life; Self-knowledge; Service; Soul; Spirituality; Suffering; Teaching; Tests and difficulties; Work (general)
Page views 1550 hits since 2021-09-19
Last edited
2024-04-10 23:19 EDT. See previous versions [].

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