Bahá'í Library Online
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  1. Adelbert Mühlschlegel: Seine Gedichte in zwei Sprachen: His Poetry in Two Languages, by Adelbert Muhlschlegel (2010). Overview of the life of this Hand of the Cause, written by his daughter and son-in-law, and a selection of 31 poems, with the original German and English translation presented side-by-side. [about]
  2. Allgemeine Evangelische Missionsgeschichte: Mission und Evangelisation im Orient, vol. 2, by Julius Richter (1908/1930). Three-page discussion of Bahá'í history and thought. [about]
  3. Bab und Babis, by Arminius (Armin) Vambery, in Meine Wanderungen und Erlebnisse in Persien (1867). Lengthy discussion of the Babis, by a Hungarian Jew who later met Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
  4. Das Südliche Ufer des Kaspischen Meeres oder Die Nordprovinzen Persiens, by G. Melgunof (1868). 3-page overview of the Bábí movement, with discussion of Mulla Husayn and Tahirih. [about]
  5. Der Islam (Sekten), by Rudolf Strothmann (1948). Passing mentions in the context of Islamic modernism, the Qajars in the 1840s, and the Nusayris. [about]
  6. Der Messianismus des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts und die Entstehung der Baha'i Religion, by Kamran Ekbal, in Iran im 19. Jahrhundert und die Entstehung der Bahá'í Religion, eds. Johann Christoph Bürgel and Isabel Schayani (1998). On the resurgence of a millenarianistic climate in the 19th century from China through the Middle-East to the USA. It highlights the millenniarist mood in Iran at the time of the beginnings of the Bábí and Bahai religions. [about]
  7. Die deutsche Auswanderung 1816/1817 in den Kaukasus und ihre millenaristischen Hintergründe, by Kamran Ekbal, in Beiträge des 'Irfán-Kolloqiums, 3 (2006). The phenomenon of emigration from Germany to the Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan around 1816-1817, and its messianic background. [about]
  8. Die Fünf Grossen Religionen, by Helmuth von Glasenapp (1952). 1-page overview of Babi/Bahá'í history. [about]
  9. Die Grundlagen Der "Verwaltungsordnung" Der Baha'i: (The foundations of the Baha'i administrative order), by Udo Schaefer (1957). Schaefer beschreibt in der Dissertation die Bahá'í-Verwaltungsordnung. Sie basiert auf dem Bund Gottes. Er erläutert im Detail die Bahá'í-Gemeinde, deren Elemente der Organisation, die Quellen des Bahá'í-Rechts und die verwendeten Begriffe. [about]
  10. Die Perser: von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, by Alessandro Bausani (1965). Brief overview of the early years of the Bahá'í Faith. [about]
  11. Die persische Staatszeitung Rúznáme-ye Vaqáye`-e Ettefáqíyye, weit mehr als herrschaftliche Repräsentation, by Hassani Riazi (2009). Some history of the Shaykhi and Bábí movements in the context of the Persian state newspaper Rúznámih-yi Vaqáyi`-i Ettefáqíyyih. (Link to thesis, offsite.) [about]
  12. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, volume A-C (1957). Two dictionary definitions: "Bahai-Religion" and "Babismus". [about]
  13. Die Verborgenen Worte, by Bahá'u'lláh (n.d.). German translation of The Hidden Words. [about]
  14. Golden Age of Jewish/Christian Relations Revisited, The: The Contribution of H.J. Schoeps to Interfaith Dialogue, by Christopher Buck (1984). On Bavarian historian Hans Joachim Schoeps, considered a foremost authority on early Jewish Christianity. Includes appendix of previously unpublished correspondence between Schoeps and Bahá'í scholar Udo Schaefer, in both German and English translation. [about]
  15. Grundriss der Religionsgeschichte, by Ernst Dammann (1972). 3-page overview of Bahá'í history and teachings. [about]
  16. Heilsgeschichte und Paradigmenwechsel: Zwei Beiträge zur Bahá'í-Theologie, by Udo Schaefer (2002). German original text of Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm. [about]
  17. Ihsan'u'llah Khan Dustdar, die Kaukasischen Revolutionare und die Grundung der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepublik Iran 1920-1921, by Kamran Ekbal, in Osmanismus, Nationalismus und der Kaukasus: Muslime und Christen, Turken und Armenier im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (2005). Dustdar was a Bahai commander of the Persian Red Army who in 1920-1921 landed with his revolutionary Persian Forces on the southern shores of the Caspian to establish the Socialist Soviet Republic of Iran. [about]
  18. Iran: Drehscheibe zwischen Ost und West, by Gerhard Schweizer (1991). Lengthy discussion of Bábí history, Bahá'í literature and teachings, and the persecutions of 1955 and 1979. [about]
  19. Islamische Grundlagen des Kitáb-i Aqdas: Mit neuen Erkenntnissen zu seiner Datierung, by Kamran Ekbal, in Iran im 19. Jahrhundert und die Entstehung der Bahá'í Religion, eds. Johann Christoph Bürgel and Isabel Schayani (1998). [about]
  20. Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte, by Alfred Bertholet (1925). One-paragraph overview of the Bábí movement. [about]
  21. Letter on the Attempted Assassination of Nasir al-Din Shah, by Alfred von Goumoens, in Oesterreichischer Soldatenfruend (1852-10-12). Austrian captain Alfred von Goumoëns witnessed and reported on the attempted assassination of Násir ad-Dín Sháh and sent this letter to an Austrian newspaper. [about]
  22. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Christian Cannuyer (1997). [about]
  23. Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, Extracts on the Institution of, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (1985). Readings on the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, in both English (unpublished) and German (published as Das Bahá'í-Haus der Andacht Bedeutung und Bestimmung). [about]
  24. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl, by Babak Farrokhzad (2021). Wikipedia-Artikel über Mirza Abu‘l-Fadl, der den neusten Stand der Literatur (Oct 2021) berücksichtigt. [about]
  25. Persien wie es ist und war mit Karawane, Auto und Flugzeug durch Risas Königreich, by Hermann Norden (1929). I don't know if this refers to Bahá'ís or not; possibly on page 197? Email me if you can read German, or have access to Hathi Trust. [about]
  26. Report to the) American Oriental Society / A New Prophet, by Austin Wright, in The Literary World, 228:8 (1851-06-14). First paper on Bábí history, from a letter to the American Oriental Society, published in multiple newspapers, including translation into German. Includes preface by Steven Kolins. [about]
  27. Zustände im Heutigen Persien wie sie das Reisebuch Ibrahim Begs Enthüllt, by Walter Schulz (1903). Passing mentions of the Babis and their persecutions in the context of the travels through Iran of the fictitious character Ibrahím Bayg. [about]

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