- Altruism and Extensivity in the Bahá'í Religion. Wendy M. Heller, Hoda Mahmoudi. (1992) Bahá'í teachings relating to research on altruism and prosocial behavior; the interaction of spiritual and social transformation through beliefs and practices that encourage the development of altruistic personalities; socialization and discipline. Articles.
- Bahá'í Physicians: Emerging Roles and Responsibilities. Hoda Mahmoudi, Gloria Teckie. (2010) The role of a Bahá'í doctor; the relationship between medical intervention and health of the mind, soul, as well as body; the patient's role in maintaining their own health; a Bahá'í approach to health-care delivery. Articles.
- Constructiveness and Accomplishment in Social Relationships: The Bahá'í Perspective on Altruism. Hoda Mahmoudi. (2003-04-08) Audio.
- "Exploring Male Oppressions from a Family-Systems Perspective,: Commentary and Response. Hoda Mahmoudi, Janet Huggins. (1991) Essays.
- From Oppression to Equality: The Emergence of the Feminist Perspective. Hoda Mahmoudi. (1989) The Bahá’í principle of the equality between women and men; history of the obstructions and prejudices toward women as promoted by religious institutions; what it means to be a liberated woman in the eye of the Bahá'í writings. Articles.
- Human Knowledge and the Advancement of Society. Hoda Mahmoudi. (2012) Knowledge is the means toward realizing a global civilization. The current Five Year Plan focuses the Bahá'í community’s consultation, reflection, and global growth, and the individual’s applying spiritual and secular knowledge to help this process. Articles.
- Permanence of Change, The: Contemporary Sociological and Bahá'í Perspectives. Hoda Mahmoudi. (2008) Sociohistorical changes of the Axial Age and the Renaissance, sociological views on modernity and its contemporary challenges, and key features of modernity as identified in the Bahá’í writings as "the universal awakening of historical consciousness." Articles.
- Resilience in Children: Within a Spiritual, Social, and Neurobiological Framework. Hoda Mahmoudi, Nasim Ahmadiyeh. (2002) Exposure to hardship and to events requiring adaptation to change allows the child to learn flexibility and resilience, and so find his or her sphere of useful service in a constantly changing world.
- Rights and Responsibilities in the Bahá'í Family System. Hoda Mahmoudi, Richard Dabell. (1992) Duties ascribed in the Bahá’í teachings to the members of the family; complementary functions of women and men; the institution of marriage and family is fundamental in the development of a new society and global civilization based on equality and unity. Articles.