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"Stanwood Cobb"

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Stanwood Cobb

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  1. Ayesha of the Bosphorus: A Romance of Constantinople. Stanwood Cobb (1915). A novella combining fiction with scenes from the lives of Abdu'l-Bahá and the Bahá'ís in Haifa in the early 1900s. Includes introduction by Bei Dawud. Fiction.
  2. Character: A Sequence in Spiritual Psychology. Stanwood Cobb (1938). A spiritual autobiography; scientific and religious foundations for character; self-development; the law of duty; altruism and selflessness; progress. Includes discussion of two days spent with Abdu'l-Bahá in 1908. Books.
  3. Difficulties of the Young Turk Party, The. Stanwood Cobb (1912-01). Reflections on the character and political fortunes of the Young Turks, written shortly before the partitioning of Ottoman empire. Essays.
  4. Essential Mysticism, The. Stanwood Cobb (1918). Clarification of some of the spiritual problems of humanity; the real value of Oriental mysticism; the mystery of the soul of man in terms not of psychology but of daily life; the value of spirituality in daily life. Books.
  5. Homoculture: Principles of Baha'i Education. Stanwood Cobb (1935). With its teachings of universal civilization the Bahá'í Faith contains a wealth of directions regarding pedagogy, and exerts a revolutionary effect upon cultural and spiritual education. Articles.
  6. In His Presence: Visits to 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Roy Wilhelm, Stanwood Cobb, Genevieve L. Coy (1989). Re-publication of Wilhelm's Knock and It Shall Be Opened Unto You (1908), Cobb's Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1962), and Coy's A Week in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Home (1921). Text missing quotation marks. Books.
  7. Islamic Contributions to Civilization. Stanwood Cobb (1963). Overview of the many inventions and sciences which were developed by or transmitted by Islamic people and nations. Books.
  8. Meaning of Life, The. Stanwood Cobb (1932). The sole purpose of life, so far as the individual is concerned, is growth through struggle. Not to be active is to stagnate and atrophy; movement and change is the sign of life. Articles.
  9. Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Stanwood Cobb (1962). Recollections by eminent American Bahá'í author Cobb (1881–1982). Pilgrims.
  10. New Horizons for the Child. Stanwood Cobb (1934). Understanding the child; character training; home life; the child as an individual; limitations of activity education; children as creative and active beings; romanticism vs. classicism; builders of civilization. Includes 20 pages of childrens' poetry. Books.
  11. New Leaven, The: Progressive Education and Its Effect upon the Child and Society. Stanwood Cobb (1928). On principles of the new education; revolutionizing pedagogy and transforming the child; importance of social engagement in schools; the ages of enrollment of children and preparatory schools, from nursery-primary through secondary school to college. Books.
  12. Real Turk, The. Stanwood Cobb (1914). Reflections on three years spent in Turkey during the rise of the Young Turk Party and the downfall of Abdul Hamid; the character of the Turkish, their temperament, and their way of looking at life. Books.
  13. Security for a Failing World. Stanwood Cobb (1934). An overview of the influence of religion on the world and its relation to modern problems. Bahá'í precepts are included in the text without the work being a strictly introductory work on the Bahá'í Faith. Books.
  14. Simla, a Tale of Love. Stanwood Cobb (1919). A Hindu legend retold in poetic form: a story of love and devotion that reconciles flesh and spirit, love and life, the world and the soul. Books.
  15. Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Stanwood Cobb (1951). On worries about the future; the New World Order; solutions of economic problems; prejudice; one world language; science and religion; education. Books.
  16. Unity of Nations, The. Stanwood Cobb (1938). A look six decades into the future (from 1938) to envision the Lesser Peace. Essays.
  17. Various Books: 12 Books for Download. Stanwood Cobb (1932-1977). Titles include: Discovering the Genius Within You, Sage of the Sacred Mountain, Radiant Living, Trouble: How to Meet It, Expanding Our Spiritual Consciousness, Joy of Existence, Scientific Study of the Hand, Thoughts on Education, Spiritual Power. Books.
  18. What Is God?. Stanwood Cobb (1955). Poetic meditations on the nature of God and our search for the divine, "an attempt to open up vistas into the Infinite in a way that prose could not accomplish." Books.
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