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"William Barnes"

author name: William Barnes
web link: William_Barnes

4 results

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  1. Bahá'í Communities in the Asia-Pacific: Performing Common Theology and Cultural Diversity on a 'Spiritual Axis'. Graham Hassall, William Barnes. (1998-07) The idea of a ‘spiritual axis' between the Bahá'ís of the northern and southern regions of the Asia-Pacific both served to establish closer relations between them, and raise consciousness of the barriers impeding their close relations. Articles-unpublished.
  2. Forging More Perfect Unions. William Barnes. (1992) Social advances toward inclusive political structures must be accompanied by a moral advance toward universal values; three stages of global political unification as described in the Bahá’í writings are confederation, federation, and commonwealth. Articles.
  3. "Forging More Perfect Unions," Commentary by John A. Grayzel: Author's Response. William Barnes. (1994) Essays.
  4. Perception Into Faith: A Radical Discontinuity Within Unity. William Barnes. (2001) Entering into eternal life is both a change of being and of perception; the two natures of man; faith versus good deeds as means for attaining eternal life; the Bahá’í 'spirit of faith'. Articles.
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