- Bahá'í Bhajans: An example of the Bahá'í Use of Hindu Symbols. William Garlington. (1998-01) The appearance of Bahá'í bhajans is indicative of both the approaches taken by the Indian Bahá'í community towards Hindu villagers during the mass teaching period, and perhaps of a broader pattern of cross cultural exchange and adaptation. Articles-unpublished.
- Bahá'í Faith in India, The: A Developmental Stage Approach. William Garlington. (1997-06) 5 distinct stages of development of Bahá'í history in India, each with its own unique personalities and events, patterns of community organization and missionary endeavor; the internal and external dynamics which led to these changes. Articles-unpublished.
- Bahá'í Faith in Malwa, The: A Study of a Contemporary Religious Movement. William Garlington. (1975) A broad overview of Bahá'í history in general and in India in particular. Examination of present-day activities, sociological frameworks of village life, and development of local Bahá'í administrative orders. Theses.
- Bahá'í Proselytization in Malwa, India. William Garlington. (1984/2001) The establishment of the Bahá'í Faith in Malwa amongst poor rural villagers; elements of appeal, including the use of Hindu terminology. Articles-unpublished.
- Biographical letter from a Hindu villager. Daya Ram Malviya. William Garlington, trans. (1974) A glimpse into the life of an Indian convert to the Faith. Letters.
- Development of the Bahá'í Faith in Malwa, The: 1941-1974. William Garlington. (1999-02) A socio-cultural examination of Bahá'í mass teaching as experienced in Central India. Articles-unpublished.
- Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen: Review. William Garlington. (1998) Reviews.
- India, Notes on Bahá'í Population. Charles Nolley, William Garlington. (1997-03) Indian membership numbers, and how "enrollment" there has a different meaning than in developed countries. Essays.
- Visions of Peace, Strategies for Change: Bahá'í Books on Creating a New World Order. William Garlington. (1986) Reviews of To the Peoples of the World: A Bahá'í Statement on Peace, by the Universal House of Justice, World Peace and World Government, by Jan Tyson, and Circle of Peace. ed. Anthony Lee. Reviews.