- 1893 Russian Publication of Baha'u'llah's Last Will and Testament, The: An Academic Attestation of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Successorship. Christopher Buck, Youli A. Ioannesyan (2017). On the content of the Kitab-i-Ahdi, its manuscript history, and textual variants; Andalib's eyewitness account of its unveiling; Tumanski's scholarly work; contemporary attestation of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's successorship by Tumanski and other Russian notables. Articles.
- Bahá'u'lláh's Bishárát (Glad-Tidings): A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen. Christopher Buck, Youli A. Ioannesyan (2010-04). Historical and textual study of the one of the major writings of Bahá'u'lláh, and new theories as to its provenance and purpose; it may have been revealed for E. G. Browne. Includes Persian translation (following the English section). Articles.
- Baron Rosen's Archive Collection of Bábí and Bahá'í Materials. Youli A. Ioannesyan (2007). Baron V. R. Rosen's unpublished materials relating to Bábí and Bahá'í studies, including his correspondence with A. G. Tumanski and E. G. Browne, and official reports of Russian diplomats. Articles.
- Concept of the "Perfect Man" (Pole) in Sufism and the Bahá'í Notion of the Manifestation of God, The. Youli A. Ioannesyan (2001). While there is an obvious similarity between the Sufi concept of the "Perfect Man" and the Bahá'í concept of the "Manifestation of God," there are also striking differences; the theologies of at-Tirmidhí, Ibn al-'Arabí, Dáwud-al-Qaysarí, and Haydar Amulí. Articles.
- Development of the Babi/Bahá'í Communities, The: Exploring Baron Rosen's Archives. Youli A. Ioannesyan (2013). 19th-century private letters and diplomatic correspondence from a prominent Russian scholar, one of the first to study the rise of the Babis. Excerpt from book: contents and Introduction. (Offsite.) Excerpts.
- Last Prophet and Last Day: Shaykhí, Bábí and Bahá'í Exegesis of the 'Seal of the Prophets' (Q. 33:40). Christopher Buck, Youli A. Ioannesyan (2023). Survey and analysis of viewpoints on the meaning of "Seal of the Prophets"; the prophetic cycle and cycle of fulfillment; metaphorical and spiritual understandings of the "divine presence." Link to article (offsite). Articles.
- Reflections on Some Messianic Prophecies in Shaykhi Works. Youli A. Ioannesyan (2010). A Bahá’í interpretation of passages of messianic prophecy in the writings of Shaykh Ahmad and Siyyid Kázim. Articles.
- Scholar Meets Prophet: Edward Granville Browne and Bahá'u'lláh (Acre, 1890). Christopher Buck, Youli A. Ioannesyan (2018). Details of E.G. Browne's handwritten notes about his meeting with Bahá'u'lláh, his stay in Akka in April 1890, and his correspondence with Russian academics. Articles.
- St. Petersburg 19th Century Orientalist Collection of Materials on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, The: Primary and Other Sources. Youli A. Ioannesyan (2006). The important work of Russian scholars up to 1917 in collecting Bábí and Bahá’í materials; a detailed listing of available materials. Articles.