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Responses to common critiques of, doubts about, and objections to the Bahá'í Faith and against religion in general.
Transcript auto-generated by Youtube, copied from Several of the mentioned topics are discussed in subsequent videos on the same YouTube channel. Not edited or formatted. See also complete list in PDF (archived copy).

35 Common Objections to the Bahá'í Faith

Bridging Beliefs


1. Transcript (see formatted summary and video below)

35 Common Objections to the Bahá'í Faith
uploaded by Bridging Beliefs (Rob Cacchioni)
2018 May 3
30:45 minutes
Video description: A Baha'i lists common critiques of, doubts about and objections to (some against religion in general) the Baha'i Faith and defends core concepts from both religious and secular foci.

Transcript auto-generated by Youtube, not edited or formatted

What does the Baha'i Faith claim? The Baha'i Faith claims that Baha'u'llah is0:05
the Promised One of all Religions, that humanity will be brought together in one0:10
universal Cause, one common Faith, that the different Religions of the world are0:16
different chapters in one great spiritual drama that courses throughout0:21
history. This is a very beautiful, to some, vision of human humankind's history, but0:29
at the same time, there are many challenges that arise and many questions that arise with regards to this claim of the Baha'i Faith. Here at Bridging0:38
Beliefs we try to look into some of these questions and explore them as best we can. "The objection was commonly raised against the foregoing conception of0:54
religion is the assertion that the differences among the revealed faiths are so fundamental that to present them as stages or aspects of one unified system1:04
of truth does violence to the facts. Given the confusion surrounding the1:09
nature of religion, the reaction is understandable. Chiefly, however, such an1:14
objection offers Baha'is an invitation to set the principles reviewed here more1:20
explicitly in the evolutionary context provided in Baha'u'llah's writings."1:27
In this quote it states that the differences between these faiths are so fundamental1:34
that to actually claim that they are actually coming from one common Source would do violence to the facts. But this is actually coming from a1:43
misunderstanding about the nature and role of religion. I love this quote because it actually says to the Baha'is that we have to empathize with this1:53
perspective, that it seems that this cannot be true, and that the responsibility is placed upon the Baha'is to try to actually place all these2:02
different faiths within their evolutionary context, to any adherent of another belief system. Be they Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish,2:09
and secular atheist, or agnostic. The Baha'i faith is moving out into2:14
neighborhoods, reaching out to community members, and attempting to bring all of humankind, irrespective of belief or creed, into a process of trying to unify2:27
society. We're reaching out to friends and family and neighbors, and asking them2:33
to come with us to walk paths of service together, irrespective of our beliefs.2:39
And when we do, we have to understand that many of these people will say "well that's a beautiful vision. At the same time, I have some concerns about the2:48
perspectives of the Baha'is." So they might be coming from a Christian perspective, and have questions that are particular to Christianity. They might be coming2:56
from a Buddhist background, and have questions that are particular to a Buddhist. And it is our job, as Baha'is, to place these Revelations in their3:04
respective evolutionary context, and do our best to actually respond to the apprehensions of our brothers and sisters in our communities.3:15
"It is at such time that the Friends of God avail themselves of the occasion, seize the opportunity, rush forth and win the prize. If their task is to be confined to good3:25
conduct and advice, nothing will be accomplished. They must speak out, expound the proofs, set forth clear arguments, draw3:34
irrefutable conclusions, establishing the truth of the Manifestation of the Sun of Reality."3:44
"In this day there is nothing more important than the instruction and study of clear proofs and convincing, heavenly arguments, for therein lie the source of3:53
life and the path of salvation." In the first quote we are told explicitly by4:00
'Abd'ul-Bahá that, if our task be confined to good conduct, nothing will be accomplished. That we actually have to be willing and4:07
ready to actually share the reasons for our beliefs with friends and family. To4:14
express to them, through arguments, clear and conclusive arguments, why it is that4:20
we believe the Baha'i Faith is actually a Divine Revelation, and is the, if you4:25
will, refuge of humankind, to create a unified society. So from here, we're going4:31
to actually move through a series of potential objections and questions that might be posed by people from different backgrounds. And to remember all4:40
throughout this that, given our highest goal of the Baha'i4:45
Faith is a unification of humankind, any dissension or conflict that arises,4:51
the Baha'is should actually remove themselves from. So if things become very contentious, we actually step out of the discussion. We seek to have cordial,5:01
intellectual, loving dialogue between people of all belief systems. Here first,5:07
we're going to look at some questions that might arise from the secular standpoint; those who are not adherents of any religion.5:13
[1- Why can't I just be a good person?] There is this concept [in the Baha'i Faith], where actually the recognition of the Manifestation of God5:22
is essential. The opening of the Most Holy Book, the central book of the Baha'i5:28
Revelation, is that the first duty prescribed unto all humankind is the5:33
recognition of God's Messenger. After that, it is adherence to His laws and His teachings. "Why is this? Why, if I myself am trying to demonstrate the unity of5:43
religion and science, if I am supportive of for example an international auxiliary language, and I actually believe in the eradication of the5:50
extremes of wealth and poverty, if I take a host of Baha'i teachings, actually say, sure, that's fine. That's fine.5:57
I agree. I agree. And I am seeking to actually support these. And as well, even within my own life, trying to be a noble being. Why does it matter [that I recognize Baha'u'llah]?"6:06
[2- Evolution or Creation?] This is actually a question under the rubric of "science and religion" period.6:14
"What is the Bahá'í teachings in its relationship to the concepts within Darwinian evolution?" There are many cases where actually some6:24
of the Central Figures appear to state things that are not actually congruent with the current perspective of Darwinian theory; of biological theory.6:34
"How can one actually recognize and then reconcile these seemingly divergent6:41
perspectives?" [3- Science vs Religion?] This brings up the entire topic of "science and religion". The Baha'i6:48
Faith teaches the unity of science and religion. For many people, this actually6:55
sounds like "the unity of oil and water". It appears as if you're saying it's the unity of "blind faith" and the unity of "intelligent investigation of the7:06
realities of the universe". Obviously I believe this to be an erroneous perspective, but how do we do this? "Has not faith throughout history, religion in7:15
particular, actually opposed science?7:22
Is not the very doctrines of religion and the beliefs of religion7:27
inherently epistemologically weak?" "Meaning, given the notion of the7:33
Baha'i "Faith", is not faith in itself just fundamentally opposed to reason, and7:39
intelligent, and rational discourse? Forgetting just science itself. Is not faith7:44
at its heart eroding the actual potentialities of humankind, and if you7:50
will, dumbing humanity down?" [5- The Baha'i Faith is Non Political: Impotent]7:57
"The Baha'i Faith, and its impotence" And I particularly mean in this case, "how is it that the Baha'i Faith, which appears to8:05
be completely apolitical, not politically involved, can possibly solve the problems8:10
of our world? If Baha'is, and this is a fundamental teaching of the Baha'i Faith, do not engage themselves within partisan political systems, how is8:20
it possible that we could actually solve humankind's problems?"8:25
[6- Religion Causes War] There are so many instances where believers in Christian and Islam have battled, where Buddhists8:33
have battled Muslims, or Hindus have battled Buddhists. Where there is8:39
conflict on the borders of all these religious ideologies. "Is it not8:44
true that religion itself is inherently divisive and inherently causes conflict,8:50
and even open warfare?" [7- War in Scriptures] And this topic of religion causing war is actually itself separate from another8:59
question. For example, in Islam, there is the doctrine of Jihad. There are wars9:07
within the Old Testament. There are actually warfare within Hinduism. The9:12
Bhagavad-Gita, one of the most famous Hindu texts, is actually placed in a battlefield, and is a response to one individuals question about why he would9:23
have to conduct warfare. So while "religion causes war is inherently divisive"9:28
is one question. The other is, "what is religions relationship to the use of military force?" And this also relates to the9:38
Baha'i Faith itself, because in the Baha'i Faith we believe there is an "International Peacekeeping Force" that should actually establish and maintain9:46
unity in the globe. "How can we understand this?"9:52
[8- Religion is Merely Social Control] "Religion has been used throughout history simply to control people. It itself is something that has been10:00
chosen by those in power to, if you will, cow the people, to keep them as sheep,10:07
so that they're not questioning, and keep them in order."10:16
[9- Religious Merely for Psychological Reasons] Another a whole host of issues comes when we look at how religion has10:22
actually been commonly understood. For example people will say that "religious people merely want community. So most people are just religious because they10:30
want to have a whole bunch of people that will accept them". Or that "people are merely afraid of death. So this this fear of non-existence in10:39
the future makes people pick up the mantle of religion, because it is really a wish-fulfillment system, that actually makes them feel better, instead of simply10:47
facing up to the harsh realities of life." There are many within this group.10:52
But it's really that, there is a psychological need or a social need that10:58
drives people to become religious, and it has no relationship to an actual truth claim. [10- The Baha'i Vision is Utopian]11:06
The vision of the Baha'i Faith is unbelievably exalted. Our perspectives on11:12
the International Auxiliary Language, the unity of religion and science, the equality of men and women, and a host of other Bahá'í teachings, appear to11:21
actually portray "a vision of a future that is entirely utopian; idealistic to11:27
the extreme, and it couldn't possibly ever be achieved." How can we actually11:33
understand this, and how can we respond to this understandable objection?11:38
[11- The Baha'i Faith's View on Homosexuality] Another large question that is often brought up is "the relationship of the Baha'i11:47
Faith to issues such as homosexuality or transgender issues." Another thing that is11:53
often not discussed, and that we will have to look at in time. [12- Proofs of God and the Afterlife?]12:00
In common culture, many people just actually have the assumption that "there are no proofs of the existence of God, and no possible way that one could prove12:10
that there actually is an afterlife. Or that the spirit of humankind continues after the destruction of his body."12:17
[13- The Baha'i Faith is Merely Syncretic] Further, Baha'i Faith is actually often seen as syncretic. "Is not the Baha'i12:27
Faith simply a religion that has picked and chosen a series of different things that it likes from the different religions and sort of just mashed them12:35
together, in a, if you will, unnatural or false unity? Are we not just choosing12:41
from the buffet of religious ideologies and drawing them together?" [14- Unity of Religion is Contradictory]12:52
Hinduism appears to "be polytheistic; there are many gods. In Christianity, it is the doctrine of the Trinity, where God is a tri-une Being, one God with three persons."13:02
Islam appears to explicitly state that "this is completely false."13:07
Actually in fact, "Judaism appears not to agree with Christianity on the nature of13:14
the Godhead." "How about Buddhism, which appears to have no God?" This is commonly believed within the West. "So how do we take all these different visions of13:24
Ultimate Reality [God] and possibly say the that they are one?" This goes as well for Prophetology. "Is not the station of Jesus Christ seemingly radically different from the13:35
station of the Prophet Muhammad, as revealed in the Qur'an? The Buddha does not seem to be, in its common understanding, He does not seem to be the13:44
same kind of Being as, for example, the Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, or Krishna.13:50
So, within our Prophetology (our study of the Prophets themselves) how can we possibly13:55
say that there is a unity of religion, when the actual Founders appeared to claim such radically different stations for themselves?" This also goes for14:03
soteriology, or the study of salvation. "Do we really think that the process of achieving Nirvana, as revealed within the Buddhist texts, is actually the same14:14
process as Moksha, the goal of Hindu mysticism? And how could either of14:21
these two be remotely connected to the concept of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior, and actually having His sacrifice on the14:31
Cross being the redemption of your eternal soul?" The other is the issue of exclusivism. Jesus Christ says "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man14:40
cometh to the Father except through Me." Unbeknownst to most people, the Buddha says almost the identical thing, that there is no way to Enlightenment except14:49
through the Eightfold Path, His teachings. "So if you actually have exclusivistic communities throughout, how can you possibly bring them together?"14:58
[15- The Baha'i Administration is Impractical on a Large Scale]15:04
There's no clergy within the Baha'i Faith. All are elected or appointed15:09
officials, for terms. But one of the peculiar features of the Baha'i system15:14
is actually that there is no nomination. You cannot form parties. You cannot15:19
campaign for yourself or for another individual. "How can this possibly be15:24
applied to the whole world, let alone just one single country?" [16- Is the Baha'i Administration Democratic or Theocratic?]15:35
The Administrative Order itself as well claims, in the words of actually the15:41
Central Figures of the Baha'i Faith, to incorporate all the beneficial aspects of the various forms of government, of autocracy, of democracy, of aristocracy,15:52
and of theocracy. And yet at the same time, to have purged out from the system any of15:59
the negative qualities or aspects of any of these respective forms of governments. Baha'is themselves are free to actually debate, and dialogue, and16:10
question things. But once a decision has been made, even by a Local Spiritual Assembly, and a National Spiritual Assembly of course, we must carry out the16:20
decision of that body. [17- The Infallibility of the Universal House of Justice]16:26
This rises right up to the top, when we get to the supreme elected body16:31
of the Baha'i Administrative Order, which is the Universal House of Justice. Because the16:37
Universal House of Justice is claimed to be an infallible institution, and when it actually makes a legislative decree, that is it. It is to be considered as equal to16:46
the very word of God itself. For many, this is actually a frightening notion.16:52
[18- The Severity of Baha'i Criminal Laws] There are a host of, if you will, penalties and injunctions within the17:01
Most Holy Book related to such things as murder, arson, theft, and destruction to17:09
the property of the community. [19- What is the Baha'i Administrative Order?]17:16
"What is the Baha'i Administration? How can we get a picture of how it is structured, and why it is structured the way it is, to the17:25
best of our knowledge? What about the future Baha'i Commonwealth?" In the Most Holy Book, as you can find within the notes of the Most Holy Book, there is to17:33
be an International Peacekeeping Force. There is to be a Parliament of Men, where17:39
all the nations are brought together. There's to be a Supreme Tribunal, that is to adjudicate between problems between countries.17:48
[20- What is the Baha'i Divine Economy?] The Baha'i Faith has a, from the outside perspective, very peculiar economic conception.17:57
We claim that it is a spiritual solution to economic problems. "How is that going to be carried out, especially given that within the18:05
Baha'i Faith, taxation is actually voluntary? How could we possibly run a society on such a principle?"18:15
[21- Muhammad is the Last Prophet] There is a common understanding, near universal understanding18:22
within the Islamic community, that the Prophet Mohammed is the seal of the Prophets. The final Prophet of God to humankind, before the18:31
Great Day of God, and if you will, before the End of Times. "Baha'u'llah comes along,18:37
and the Bab comes along, the two Founders of the Baha'i Faith, and claim to be Messengers from God to humankind. How could this possibly be so, given the18:48
Qur'an says He is the seal of the Prophets?"18:54
[22- The Baha'i Qiblih is Shirk] Another question that has been brought up, and an understandable objection in many ways from the Islamic community, is that "the point of prayer, the Point of19:03
Adoration of the Baha'i world is the very Person of Baha'u'llah Himself. So19:09
that, throughout the history of the Baha'i Faith, the focus of prayer, whereas an Islam it was Mecca, the Kaaba in Mecca, was actually the Person of Baha'u'llah as He19:19
moved through His exiles. This seems to be shirk, the associating of partners19:25
with God, explicitly." [23- Islam is the Perfect Religion]19:30
The Qur'an states "today I have perfected your religion." Or such things as "you shall have no other religions save Islam". "How can we19:39
actually look at the Qur'an, see that Islam was perfect. And this actually goes19:45
for example Christianity, and Judaism, or Buddhism, or Hinduism. That it's a perfect19:51
Revelation, and yet it needs to be updated? How can we actually see a quote19:57
saying "you shall have no other religions except Islam" and then say "but there's this other religion". How is it that the Islamic law itself has been completely20:06
abrogated? This is actually the same question that a Jew asks a Christian. How is it possible that the laws of God have just been, in some sense, wiped away?"20:15
[24-The Qur'an on Jihad and Holy War]20:22
"What does the Qur'an actually say about Jihad? Are Muslims supposed to kill20:31
non-believers?" This is often stated within our culture and within social20:37
media, but what does it actually say? It would be important to actually study this. But this relates as well to the history of Islam. It is undeniable that20:48
the Prophet Muhammad and His companions engaged in warfare. "How do we understand this?"20:54
[25- Prophet Muhammad had Many Wives] "The Prophet Muhammad had multiple wives. Polygamy is in the Qur'an. It is21:04
also within the Christian and Jewish Scriptures as well. But how do we understand this?"21:09
[26- Jesus is the Only Way] Christianity claims to be an exclusivist religion. By that21:17
I simply mean "there's no other way to God save through Jesus Christ." The New Testament explicitly states "there's no other Name under heaven by which you may be saved, save Jesus Christ."21:25
There are a host of other quotes within the New Testament21:31
that justifiably in many cases give the Christian a solid belief that there21:37
couldn't possibly be a messenger after Jesus Christ. [27- Do Baha'is Believe in the Trinity?]21:46
"The Trinity is a very dominant within the Christian community. While it21:53
is not universal, it is very very prominent, and it has been for a very long time. The Qur'an itself seems to explicitly deny the Trinity. And do22:04
Baha'is themselves believe in the Christian Trinity? If not, again, how could this be reconciled? This even brings up an issue,22:11
from a Baha'i perspective, in its relationship to Christianity and Islam. Because as is very commonly believed, the Qur'an seems to even deny the crucifixion22:21
of Jesus Christ. How could that possibly be true, since it is a central concept within the New Testament?"22:31
[28- What was the Nature of Jesus' Resurrection?] Another major question that could arise from the Christian community, and is very22:38
understandable, is the Baha'i perspective on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.22:43
It appears to many that "the Baha'i Faith outright denies the physical22:48
resurrection of Jesus Christ, focusing instead upon a spiritual metaphorical interpretation of the events, as told to us in the New Testament. And this seems to22:58
really cut to the very heart of Christianity and Christians themselves. [29- Spectacular Eschatology?]23:06
Eschatology, the belief in the End Times, and in particular the Return of Jesus Christ.23:12
It is commonly understood that "the return of Jesus Christ will be a very obvious and extremely apocalyptic event,23:20
that no one could possibly miss. And yet the Baha'is portray the Return of Jesus23:27
Christ as being, from many people's perspectives, an obscure individual within the Middle East, with no massive signs or apocalyptic happenings."23:38
[30- Is Baha'u'llah a False Prophet?] The New Testament clearly warns the Christian community about the coming of23:47
false prophets. That they will try and deceive people, try and take them away from the truth of the Gospels. "Is not Baha'u'llah, The Bab, or the Prophet Muhammad,23:59
or Buddha, or Hindu [Krishna], themselves merely false prophets? If you will, even servants24:06
of Darkness, that are trying to tempt the Christian community away from the truth,24:11
as revealed within the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. [31- Buddhist Theology?]24:19
There is again another list of issues that could arise from your Buddhist friend, or your Hindu friend. But equally could arise from an atheist. An atheist could ask "how the24:31
Baha'is could possibly believe in the unity of religion, when Christianity24:37
teaches a tri-une God, whereas Buddhism teaches that there isn't a God,24:43
very often Buddhism is said to be an atheistic faith, sometimes a24:49
non-theistic faith. And how is it possible that Islam, whose central tenet24:56
is the unity and the oneness of God, could be one different expression of the25:03
same Reality as within Buddhism?" As mentioned previously, Hinduism, "does it not have multiple gods? How can we actually bring25:14
these together?" [32- Anatman: No Soul in Buddhism]25:20
Specifically with Buddhism, the doctrine of Anatman. Anatman is often translated25:25
as "the doctrine of no self". That "there is no abiding underlying reality within the25:32
human individual that actually could possibly carry on. That we are really an aggregate of physical form of thoughts and feelings emotions and25:43
concepts that itself cannot abide through the death and destruction of this body."25:49
[33- Reincarnation] "Do Baha'is actually believe in reincarnation?" This common pat answer25:58
that people will give is no. "How's this possible, given reincarnation appears to be explicitly taught within the Bhagavad-Gita and is riddled26:08
throughout the Buddhist scriptures, such as the Pali Canon?" [34- Hindus Believe the Human Soul is God]26:16
The Atman Brahman equation. As is commonly believed in the Hindu circles, "the Atman, which is our26:27
self, our true self within us, is itself Brahman, Ultimate Reality. This is the26:32
concept that you often find in popular if you will New Age movements, that we ourselves are God. That our Atman, what is our true nature, is Brahman, that Ultimate Reality.26:42
How can we understand this in its relationship to Christianity, or the Baha'i Faith, or Islam? Again, when it seems there is myself, who is created in the26:52
image of God, and there is this Divine Entity that is unfathomably unfathomably27:00
beyond comprehension and above us." [35- The Buddha is the Only Way to Nirvana]27:06
"How can we understand, for example the statement of the Buddha that27:13
"there is no other way to enlightenment save through the Eightfold Path?" This is27:19
also commonly not known within the West. But the Buddha explicitly states this within Buddhist scriptures. In the most ancient Buddhist scriptures, such as the27:27
Pali Canon, where there are all these other paths, but they can never truly get27:32
one to full Enlightenment, truly get one to Nirvana. "How can we understand that,27:39
given we believe there are seemingly other paths, such as Christianity, which27:44
came hundreds of years later? [Baha'i Teachings. Verities Found in the Baha'i Writings.]27:50
In addition to many commonly raised objections from a secular, agnostic, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, or Hindu27:59
perspective, we also wish to go into some of the fundamental teachings of the28:04
Baha'i Faith, and some of the lesser known ones. We want to try to explore such things as "the independent investigation of truth", one of the central tenets of28:13
the Baha'i Faith. And how that relates to, for example, faith. We want to even just28:18
understand what is the relationship of science and religion, as portrayed within the Baha'i scriptures. This is a vital topic, as they are powerful and potent28:27
forces within society. We also want to look at such teachings as the "international auxiliary language", a core teaching of the Baha'i Faith. That every28:37
individual should have, in addition to their mother tongue, one universal language, that can be spoken throughout the world. What are the Bahá'í28:45
teachings on economics? What is our perspectives on the uses of force? What is the relationship of men and women? What, for example, is the28:56
doctrine of "Progressive Revelation", the belief that humankind has been communicated to by the Divine World throughout history? How can we understand this?29:05
What is the nature of, given this is something germane to the issues of between Buddhism and Hinduism and Christianity Islam, what is the nature of29:15
a Prophet? What is a Messenger of God? What are the worlds of God, beyond this one? Are there different stages? How can we understand the picture portrayed by the29:25
Baha'i Writings and sync them later with the different world religions? What is29:32
Baha'i epistemology? There are many texts within the Baha'i Writings that speak of proofs and evidences and of ways of carrying out an independent29:40
investigation of truth. How can we understand this? It is important to29:45
remember, that whatever presentations are given here, whatever answers are offered,29:51
are simply my own. They are not the official [authoritative] perspectives of the Baha'i Faith.29:56
They are an individual's understandings and beliefs surrounding many of these topics.30:03
It's also important to remember that, if you move through any of these talks, there is an audio recording of any of these talks. So you don't actually have30:13
to watch them. And in addition, any of the quotes that end up being used are actually in a PDF (original PDF at

2. Formatted summary, provided by ChatGPT

What does the Baha'i Faith claim?

The Baha'i Faith claims that Baha'u'llah is the Promised One of all Religions, that humanity will be brought together in one universal Cause, one common Faith. The different religions of the world are viewed as different chapters in one great spiritual drama that courses throughout history. This is a beautiful vision of humankind's history to some, but at the same time, many challenges and questions arise with regards to this claim.

At Bridging Beliefs, we try to explore these questions and look at them as best as we can.

    "The objection commonly raised against the foregoing conception of religion is the assertion that the differences among the revealed faiths are so fundamental that to present them as stages or aspects of one unified system of truth does violence to the facts. Given the confusion surrounding the nature of religion, the reaction is understandable. Chiefly, however, such an objection offers Baha'is an invitation to set the principles reviewed here more explicitly in the evolutionary context provided in Baha'u'llah's writings."

This quote suggests that the differences between the faiths are so fundamental that claiming they come from one common Source would distort the facts. However, this stems from a misunderstanding of the nature and role of religion. I appreciate this quote because it calls on Baha'is to empathize with this perspective. It highlights that, though it seems impossible, the responsibility is on Baha'is to try to place all these faiths in their evolutionary context.

The Baha'i Faith's Call to Action

The Baha'i Faith is reaching out to all of humankind, regardless of belief or creed, to unify society. Baha'is are engaging with friends, family, and neighbors, asking them to walk the path of service together, irrespective of their beliefs.

Many people will respond by saying, "That's a beautiful vision," but they may also have concerns about the Baha'i perspectives. These concerns could come from various backgrounds, whether Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, secular, atheist, or agnostic. It is our role as Baha'is to place these revelations in their respective evolutionary contexts and respond thoughtfully to the concerns of our brothers and sisters.

Guidance from 'Abdu'l-Bahá

    "It is at such times that the Friends of God avail themselves of the occasion, seize the opportunity, rush forth, and win the prize. If their task is to be confined to good conduct and advice, nothing will be accomplished. They must speak out, expound the proofs, set forth clear arguments, draw irrefutable conclusions, establishing the truth of the Manifestation of the Sun of Reality."
    "In this day there is nothing more important than the instruction and study of clear proofs and convincing, heavenly arguments, for therein lie the source of life and the path of salvation."

In these quotes, 'Abdu'l-Bahá explicitly tells us that our task cannot be limited to good conduct alone. We must be prepared to share the reasons for our beliefs and explain why we believe Baha'u'llah’s Revelation is divine and essential for creating a unified society.

Addressing Questions from Various Perspectives

The Baha'i Faith aims to foster unity, so any dissension or conflict must be avoided. We seek to have cordial, intellectual, and loving dialogues with people of all belief systems. Now, let’s explore some potential questions from different viewpoints:

1. Why can't I just be a good person?

In the Baha'i Faith, recognition of God’s Messenger, Baha'u'llah, is essential. The first duty prescribed to all humankind is the recognition of God's Messenger. After that, adherence to His laws and teachings follows.

"Why, if I am trying to demonstrate the unity of religion and science, or if I support an international auxiliary language, or the eradication of extremes of wealth and poverty, why does it matter that I recognize Baha'u'llah?"

2. Evolution or Creation?

This question deals with the relationship between the Baha'i teachings and Darwinian evolution. While some central figures in the Baha'i Faith state things that may not align with Darwinian theory, we must explore how to reconcile these perspectives.

3. Science vs. Religion?

The Baha'i Faith teaches the unity of science and religion. For many, this seems impossible, as they view science and religion as opposing forces—science being based on reason and investigation, religion often associated with blind faith. How can these two be unified?

"Has not faith, throughout history, been at odds with science? Are religious beliefs inherently weak epistemologically?"

4. The Baha'i Faith is Non-Political: Can it Solve World Problems?

Many wonder how a faith that is politically neutral can possibly solve the world’s problems. Baha'is avoid partisan political involvement, yet work towards creating a unified society.

5. Religion Causes War

It’s often said that religion causes conflict and war, citing historical battles between different religious groups. How does the Baha'i Faith address this? And what is its stance on the use of military force?

6. Religion as Social Control

Some claim that religion has been used historically to control people. How does the Baha'i Faith respond to this view?

7. The Baha'i Vision is Utopian

The Baha'i vision of a united world can seem idealistic or unattainable. How can we address concerns about the seeming utopian nature of the Baha'i teachings?

8. The Baha'i Faith's View on Homosexuality

The Baha'i Faith’s stance on issues like homosexuality and transgenderism is often a topic of concern. This will be addressed in time.

9. Proofs of God and the Afterlife?

Many people assume there is no proof for the existence of God or the afterlife. How does the Baha'i Faith address these fundamental questions?

10. The Baha'i Faith is Merely Syncretic

Some argue that the Baha'i Faith is simply a syncretic religion, picking elements from different religions without offering a true revelation. How can we respond to this criticism?

11. Unity of Religion is Contradictory

The Baha'i Faith teaches the unity of all religions, but how can we reconcile the different concepts of God and salvation across faiths? For example, the nature of God in Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism seems radically different. How can we say they are all one?

12. The Baha'i Administration: Is it Practical?

The Baha'i administrative system lacks a clergy, relying on elected officials. But how can this be applied on a global scale, and what about the Baha'i Commonwealth and its structure?

13. The Infallibility of the Universal House of Justice

The Universal House of Justice is believed to be an infallible institution in the Baha'i Faith. What does this mean for decision-making and legislative decrees?

14. The Severity of Baha'i Criminal Laws

The Baha'i Faith prescribes strict penalties for crimes like murder, arson, theft, and destruction of property. How do these laws fit within the larger context of Baha'i teachings?

15. What is the Baha'i Administrative Order?

The Baha'i Administrative Order is a system that includes an International Peacekeeping Force and a Parliament of Men, along with a Supreme Tribunal to resolve disputes between nations. How can this vision of global governance be realized?

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[20- What is the Baha'i Divine Economy?]

The Baha'i Faith has, from the outside perspective, a very peculiar economic conception. We claim that it is a spiritual solution to economic problems. "How is that going to be carried out, especially given that within the Baha'i Faith, taxation is actually voluntary? How could we possibly run a society on such a principle?"

[21- Muhammad is the Last Prophet]

There is a common understanding, near universal within the Islamic community, that the Prophet Mohammed is the seal of the Prophets. He is considered the final Prophet of God to humankind, before the Great Day of God, and before the End of Times. "Baha'u'llah comes along, and the Bab comes along, the two Founders of the Baha'i Faith, and claim to be Messengers from God to humankind. How could this possibly be so, given that the Qur'an says He is the seal of the Prophets?"

[22- The Baha'i Qiblih is Shirk]

Another question that has been brought up, and is an understandable objection from the Islamic community, is that "the point of prayer, the Point of Adoration of the Baha'i world, is the very Person of Baha'u'llah Himself. So, throughout the history of the Baha'i Faith, the focus of prayer, whereas in Islam it was Mecca, the Kaaba in Mecca, was actually the Person of Baha'u'llah as He moved through His exiles. This seems to be shirk, the associating of partners with God, explicitly."

[23- Islam is the Perfect Religion]

The Qur'an states "today I have perfected your religion," or "you shall have no other religions save Islam." "How can we actually look at the Qur'an, see that Islam was perfect, and yet it needs to be updated? This goes for other religions as well, like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or Hinduism. How is it that the Islamic law itself has been completely abrogated? This is actually the same question that a Jew asks a Christian. How is it possible that the laws of God have just been, in some sense, wiped away?"

[24- The Qur'an on Jihad and Holy War]

"What does the Qur'an actually say about Jihad? Are Muslims supposed to kill non-believers?" This is often stated within our culture and within social media, but what does it actually say? It is important to actually study this. But this relates as well to the history of Islam. It is undeniable that the Prophet Muhammad and His companions engaged in warfare. "How do we understand this?"

[25- Prophet Muhammad had Many Wives]

"The Prophet Muhammad had multiple wives. Polygamy is in the Qur'an. It is also within the Christian and Jewish Scriptures as well. But how do we understand this?"

[26- Jesus is the Only Way]

Christianity claims to be an exclusivist religion. By that, I simply mean "there's no other way to God save through Jesus Christ." The New Testament explicitly states, "there's no other Name under heaven by which you may be saved, save Jesus Christ." There are a host of other quotes within the New Testament that give Christians solid belief that there couldn't possibly be a messenger after Jesus Christ.

[27- Do Baha'is Believe in the Trinity?]

"The Trinity is very dominant within the Christian community. While it is not universal, it is very prominent, and it has been for a very long time. The Qur'an itself seems to explicitly deny the Trinity. Do Baha'is believe in the Christian Trinity? If not, how could this be reconciled? This brings up an issue from a Baha'i perspective, in its relationship to Christianity and Islam. As is commonly believed, the Qur'an seems to deny the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. How could that be true, since it is a central concept within the New Testament?"

[28- What was the Nature of Jesus' Resurrection?]

Another major question from the Christian community is the Baha'i perspective on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It appears to many that "the Baha'i Faith outright denies the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, focusing instead upon a spiritual, metaphorical interpretation of the events, as told to us in the New Testament. This seems to really cut to the very heart of Christianity."

[29- Spectacular Eschatology?]

Eschatology, the belief in the End Times, and in particular the Return of Jesus Christ, is commonly understood as "the return of Jesus Christ will be a very obvious and extremely apocalyptic event that no one could possibly miss." Yet, the Baha'is portray the Return of Jesus Christ as being, from many people's perspectives, an obscure individual within the Middle East, with no massive signs or apocalyptic happenings.

[30- Is Baha'u'llah a False Prophet?]

The New Testament clearly warns the Christian community about the coming of false prophets. "Is not Baha'u'llah, The Bab, or the Prophet Muhammad, or Buddha, or Krishna, merely false prophets? Are they servants of Darkness trying to tempt the Christian community away from the truth, as revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament?"

[31- Buddhist Theology?]

There are issues that could arise from your Buddhist, Hindu, or atheist friends. An atheist could ask, "How can Baha'is possibly believe in the unity of religion when Christianity teaches a triune God, whereas Buddhism teaches that there is no God? Buddhism is often said to be an atheistic or non-theistic faith. How can Islam, whose central tenet is the unity and oneness of God, be seen as one different expression of the same Reality as within Buddhism? As mentioned previously, Hinduism... does it not have multiple gods? How can we actually bring these together?"

[32- Anatman: No Soul in Buddhism]

Specifically with Buddhism, the doctrine of Anatman is often translated as "the doctrine of no self," which states that "there is no abiding, underlying reality within the human individual that could possibly carry on. We are really an aggregate of physical form, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and concepts that cannot survive through the death and destruction of this body."

[33- Reincarnation]

"Do Baha'is actually believe in reincarnation?" The common answer is no. "How is this possible, given reincarnation appears to be explicitly taught within the Bhagavad-Gita and is found throughout the Buddhist scriptures, such as the Pali Canon?"

[34- Hindus Believe the Human Soul is God]

The Atman-Brahman equation is a concept found in Hindu circles. "The Atman, which is our true self, is itself Brahman, Ultimate Reality." This is a concept often found in popular New Age movements: that our Atman, our true nature, is Brahman, the Ultimate Reality. "How can we understand this in its relationship to Christianity, the Baha'i Faith, or Islam? How do we reconcile the belief that I, as a human being, am created in the image of God, with the idea that there is this Divine Entity beyond comprehension and above us?"

[35- The Buddha is the Only Way to Nirvana]

"How can we understand, for example, the statement of the Buddha that 'there is no other way to enlightenment save through the Eightfold Path'?" This is often not well-known in the West, but the Buddha explicitly states this within Buddhist scriptures, such as the Pali Canon. There are all these other paths, but they can never truly lead one to full Enlightenment or Nirvana. "How can we understand this, given that we believe there are seemingly other paths, such as Christianity, which came hundreds of years later?"

[Baha'i Teachings: Verities Found in the Baha'i Writings]

In addition to the many commonly raised objections from secular, agnostic, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, or Hindu perspectives, we also wish to explore some of the fundamental teachings of the Baha'i Faith, including lesser-known ones. We will explore topics like the "independent investigation of truth," a central tenet of the Baha'i Faith, and how it relates to faith. We aim to understand the relationship between science and religion as portrayed within the Baha'i scriptures, as they are powerful forces within society.

Other topics include the "international auxiliary language," which teaches that every individual should know, in addition to their mother tongue, one universal language. We will also discuss the Baha'i teachings on economics, the uses of force, the relationship of men and women, and the doctrine of "Progressive Revelation," which suggests that humankind has been communicated with by the Divine throughout history.

We will also explore the nature of a Prophet and a Messenger of God, the worlds of God beyond this one, and the different stages of existence. How can we understand the Baha'i picture and sync it with the teachings of different world religions? Finally, we will look into Baha'i epistemology and how the Baha'i writings discuss proofs, evidence, and the process of independent investigation of truth.


It is important to remember that whatever presentations are given here, whatever answers are offered, are simply my own. They represent an individual's understanding and beliefs surrounding many of these topics, and they are not the official or authoritative perspectives of the Baha'i Faith.

Also, remember that there are audio recordings available of these talks, so you can listen to them at any time.

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