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Search for tag "Exclusivism"

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  1. Continuing Contest between Exclusivism and Pluralism, The: Thoughts on the 2002 Day of Prayer for Peace, by Julio Savi, in World Order, 33.4 (2002). Origins and purpose of the Catholic "Day of Prayer in Assisi," and interfaith dialogue. [about]
  2. Religion and Exclusivism: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Julio Savi, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 7 (2006). Various factors have distracted the attention of religionists from the essential teachings of religion rather than its secondary aspects; this has led to dangerous claims to exclusivity or finality, which need to resolved to ensure peaceful coexistence. [about]
  3. Understanding Exclusivist Texts, by Seena Fazel, in Scripture and Revelation: Papers presented at the First Irfan Colloquium (1997). Contemporary religions, esp. Christianity, must examine their exclusivist claims to account for other paths to salvation. [about]
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