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Bahá'í Chronology: 1848-03-30

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1848 30 Mar Mullá Husayn departed for Mázindarán, setting out on foot as the Báb has directed. [DB260; MH144]
  • The Báb told him to visit the Bábís in Khuy, Urúmíyyih, Marághih, Mílán, Tabríz, Zanján, Qazvín and Tihrán before proceeding to Mázindarán. In Mázindarán he was to find `God's hidden treasure'. [DB260; MH144]
  • In Tihrán he again met Bahá'u'lláh. [DB261; MH148] [key]
  • Mazandaran; Khuy; Urumiyyih; Maraghih; Milan; Tabriz; Zanjan; Qazvin; Iran Mulla Husayn; Bahaullah, Life of; Bab, Life of
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