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Date 1954-04-21, sorted by date, descending

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1954 Ridván
In Uganda, 2 years previous, there were no Bahá'ís. By this time there were over 700 Bahá'ís, with 24 Spiritual Assemblies. [That Promising Continent 18] Statistics; Uganda
1954 21 Apr
Bruce Matthews arrived at Goose Bay and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for Labrador. [BW13:453]

See Bruce Matthews, Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Goose Bay, Labrador by Lynn Wright and Susan Gammage.

- Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Canada; Goose Bay, NL; Labrador, NL
1954 Ridván
The first local spiritual assembly in Algeria was formed in Algiers. [BWIM114] Algeria; Algiers, Algeria; Local Spiritual Assembly first Local Spiritual Assembly Algeria
1954 Ridván
The first local spiritual assembly was formed in in Usumbura (later Bujumbura, Burundi) and it composed entirely of Congolese. At that time the area was called Ruanda-Urundi. In 1962 Ruanda-Urundi became the two independent states of Rwanda and Burundi. [A Remarkable Response Film 26:55] Bujumbura, Burundi; Burundi; Local Spiritual Assembly first Local Spiritual Assembly Ruanda-Urundi (Burundi)
1954 Ridván
The first local spiritual assembly was formed in British Cameroons. British Cameroon; Local Spiritual Assembly first Local Spiritual Assembly British Cameroons
1954 Ridván
The first all African local spiritual assembly in Tanganyika was formed in Bukoba. Bukoba, Tanzania; Local Spiritual Assembly; Tanganyika, Tanzania first all African Local Spiritual Assembly in Tanganyika
1954 Ridván
The first local spiritual assembly in the Malay Peninsula was established in Seremban. British Malaya; Local Spiritual Assembly; Seremban, Malaysia first Local Spiritual Assembly Malay Peninsula
1954 Ridván
Adelaide Sharp, who had been in Iran since 1929, was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran, the first woman elected to that body. [BFA2:361] Adelaide Sharp; Firsts, other; Iran; NSA; Women first woman elected NSA Iran
1954 Ridván
In his cablegram of October 8, 1952, Shoghi Effendi called upon all 15 "continental" Hands to appoint, during Ridván, 1954, five Auxiliary Boards, one on each continent, composed of nine members each to work as their deputies along with the National Assemblies to assist in the execution of the twelve teaching plans. [BW13p335, MBW44, 63] Appointed arm; Assistants; Auxiliary board members
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