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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1973-04-21-03, sorted by event description, descending

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1973 Ridván
The Nine Year Plan was successfully completed. [BW16:131]
  • For the growth of the Bahá'í Faith in this period see BW16:130.
  • Also see The Nine Year Plan, 1964-1973: Statistical Report, Ridván 1973 by the Universal House of Justice.
  • See as well the document entitled Analysis of the Nine Year International Teaching Plan of the Bahá'í Faith published by the Universal House of Justice in April, 1964.
  • "Tribute must be paid to the host of Bahá'í youth from many countries whose travels in Africa hastened and ensured the success of the Nine Year Plan in that continent, and in particular to the international "rescue squad" of youth from Persia, India, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries who in the closing hours of the Plan sealed its triumphant conclusion in Africa." [BW15p184]
  • "The friends in several countries of Africa are also indebted to the outstanding services of Dr. 'Aziz Navidi, an international lawyer and Baha'i International Community Representative for Africa, who assisted the Bahá'í communities in these countries in obtaining official recognition and performed other valuable services." [BW15p185-186]
  • * Teaching Plans; - Bahá'í World Centre; Aziz Navidi; Nine Year Plan (1964-1973); Travel Teaching; Youth
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