1985 24 Oct 198- |
In anticipation of the United Nations International Year of Peace, and on the fortieth anniversary of the United Nations, the Universal House of Justice addressed a message "To the Peoples of the World" inviting them to consider that a new social order can be fostered by all peoples' seeing themselves as members of one universal family. This message, The Promise of World Peace was presented to world leaders and countless others during the United Nations International Year of Peace. [BBD174, 187–8; BW19:139, 155; VV59, 86–8, The Promise of World Peace]
See BW20p131 for the logistics involved in distributing it throughout the world.
Within six months national spiritual assemblies present copies to 167 world leaders, including 140 to leaders of independent countries. [BW19:139, 334–6]For pictures see BW19:337–44.For text see BW19:324–33.
See the compilation on Peace compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice.
See the oral statement from the Bahá'í International Community of the 17th of April 1986 addressed to the NGO committee for the University of Peace.
See the Message of the Universal House of Justice dated 18 January 2019 on the subject of world peace.
United Nations; Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline; Promise of World Peace (statement); - Statements; * Publications; Peace; World peace; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages; Bahá'í International Community; * Bahá'í World Centre; - Worldwide |