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2005 (In the year)
The publication of One Common Faith by the Universal House of Justice.
  • "The statement 'One Common Faith', prepared under the supervision of the Universal House of Justice, addresses the following fundamental question of the modern world: On one hand the facts of history show clearly that revealed (prophetic) religion has been the primary driving force of the rise of human civilization. On the other hand, the current forms of the respective communities derived from these same religions have now become one of the most divisive and destructive forces of the twenty-first century. How could such a thing have occurred?" [Précis Commentary on 'One Common Faith' by William S. Hatcher]
  • Unlike the pamphlet written by George Townshend to all Christians under the title "The Old Churches and the New World Faith" in 1949 or the letter to the clergy in 2002, this statement is for "the thoughtful study of the friends". [One Common Faith p.iii-iv]
  • One Common Faith (commentary); Interfaith dialogue; * Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages; Unity of religion; - Bahá'í World Centre
    2005 (In the year)
    In Brazil, eleven leaders of thought were invited to study and comment on the initial concept paper developed by the Institute (Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity). These comments were gathered in a book which was published and disseminated around the country and used to stimulate discussions in seminars with small groups of participants. [One Country Issue 3, Vol 17, Story 8]
  • The book, edited by Iradj Roberto Eghrari, can be downloaded at Ciência, Religião e Desenvolvimento: Perspectivas para o Brasil (Science Religion and Development: Perspectives for Brazil)
  • Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP); Brazil
    2005 (In the year)
    The official campaign to malign the name of the Faith in Iran through the mass media, newspaper articles and web sites, through radio and television programs and through films, as per the provision implemented in 1991, escalated in 2005. [Open Letter dated 4 March, 2009] Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; Iran
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