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Bahá'í Chronology: 1949-00-00

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1949 (In the year) The pamphlet written by by George Townshend to all Christians under the title The Old Churches and the New World Faith was sent out to 10,000 “responsible people” in the British Isles on the occasion of his resignation from the church. [UD470] [key] Ireland; United Kingdom George Townshend; Christianity; Interfaith dialogue; Proclamation
1949 (In the year) Construction began on the superstructure of the Shrine of the Báb. [BBD210]
  • The architect, Sutherland Maxwell, fell desperately ill during the winter of 1949-1950. " He reached a point where he seemed to have no conscious mind left, could not recognize me, his only and idolized child, at all, and had no more control over himself than if he were six months old." [PP155]
  • He was taken to Switzerland where he rapidly recovered. By 1951 his health was so frail he returned to his native Montreal. [PP156] [key]
  • BWC; Mount Carmel Bab, Shrine of; Shoghi Effendi, Life of; Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1949 (In the year) A Bahá’í in Kamshatti, near Calcutta, was martyred by a religious fanatic. [BW11:34] [key] Kolkata (Calcutta); India Persecution, India; Persecution, Deaths; Persecution
    1949 (In the year) Agnes Harrison (née Parent), an Athabascan, became a Bahá’í in Alaska, the first Native Alaskan to accept the Faith in the country. Alaska; United States First Bahais by country or area first Native Alaskan
    1949 (In the year) The Misaghieh Hospital was gifted to the Bahá'í community in 1949 by a Bahá'í named Abdolmisagh Misaghieh and was managed by the Bahá'í community.

    After the Islamic Revolution, the Mostazafan Foundation – in English, the Foundation for the Oppressed – confiscated properties belonging to members of the Bahá'í community. The Misaghieh Hospital was among these properties. After its confiscation, the hospital’s name was changed to Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital. [Iran Wire] [key]

    Tihran; Iran Misaghieh Hospital; Abdolmisagh Misaghieh
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