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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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2013 26 Sep
The publication of Leaves of Twin Divine Trees - An In-depth Study of the Lives of Women Closely Related to the Bab and Baha'u'llah by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani and published by George Ronald.

Over two and half decades she worked to gather all the known information about the women whose lives were intertwined with those of the Manifestations of God for this age, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters. Looking beyond published sources, she was given permission by the Universal House of Justice to consult original documents in the Bahá'í International Archives and to make provisional translations of more than 50 Tablets, letters, memoirs and papers not previously published in English, many never before published in any language.

2013 20 Sep
Deloria Bighorn, chairperson of the National Spiritual Bahá'ís of Canada, presented, on behalf of the Bahá'í Community of Canada, a submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission at the BC National Event held in Vancouver from September 18th to the 21st. The formal presentation followed a panel organized by the Canadian Bahá'í Community and Reconciliation Canada. The previous week 250 people listened to Chief Doug White, Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, and Dr. Paulette Regan from the Commission discussing the challenge of reconciliation. [T&R website, CBN 24 September, CBN 9 February, 2018, BWNS1248]
  • For the text see Submission of the Bahá'í Community of Canada to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission or download PDF.
  • The Bahá'í community also produced a short film, The Path Home, which it screened in Ottawa in association with the final national gathering.
  • Native Americans; - Indigenous people; Reconciliation; Human rights; - Documentaries; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); - Film; The Path Home (film); Vancouver, BC; Canada
    2013 31 Aug
    The release of Luminous Journey: 'Abdu'l-Bahá in America - 1912 produced by Anne and Tim Perry. The feature-length documentary film chroniclied 'Abdu'l-Bahá's 1912 journey through the United States and Canada. It was some five years in the making. [Part 1; Part 2]
  • The motion picture sound track was made available 14 August 2013 and is available at Amazon.
  • See an interview with the artists at 239 Days.
  • See a review by J A McLean.
  • Luminous Journey (film); - Film
    2013 24 Aug
    Mr. Ataollah Rezvani, a well-known Bahá'í in the city of Bandar Abbas disappeared and the next day the Criminal Investigation Office of that city informed the family that his body had been found in his car outside the city. The report of the forensic physician determined the cause of death to be "a hard trauma on the brain tissues, due to being hit with some penetrating object, such as (a bullet)" and ruled it as a suicide. Strong evidence exists to indicate that it was not. [Archives of Bahá'í Persecution in Iran]

    It is of note that a few years before his murder, the Friday prayer Imam had incited the local population against the Bahá'ís, referring to them as un-Islamic. He further called on the people of the city to rise up against the Bahá'í community. [BWNS987; BWNS1031; Message from the Universal House of Justice 27 August 2013; Iran Press Watch 27 August 2013; Iran Press Watch 9306; Iran Press Watch 16 September 2013]

    The assassins were never identified. The murder was not reported in the Iranian newspapers and did not raise any protest except among prisoners of conscience at Rejaee prison who condemned the assassination in a statement and demanded justice. [Iran Press Watch 1 September 2013; 175YP266-267]

    Ataollah Rezvani; Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Bandar Abbas, Iran; Iran
    2013 13 Aug
    The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam in Vancouver, Canada. He served on the Universal House of Justice for forty years since 1963. [BWNS964]
  • See Life of Hushmand Fatheazam as told by Fariborz Sahba.
  • Hushmand Fatheazam; - In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Vancouver, BC; Canada
    2013 28 July
    The passing of Amin Banani (b. 23 September 1926 in Tehran) in Santa Monica. He was survived by his wife Sheila Wolcott (m. 1951)and daughters Sussane and Laila. Find a grave.
  • During World War II, like a number of other young Persian men, Amin was sent to study in the United States. He graduated with a BA, majoring in history from Stanford University in 1947. During his study at Stanford he became familiar with western music and read philosophy and world literature. He obtained his MA from Columbia University in 1949 and returned to Stanford for his PhD degree, which he received in 1959.
  • In 1953 Amin and Sheila became Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for being among the first Bahá'ís to settle in Greece. In Athens Dr. Banani taught history at the Overseas Program of the University of Maryland in Athens until 1958 when his work permit expired and they were obligated to leave the country.
  • A list of some of his publications can be found on Bahá'í Library.
  • A tribute to Dr Banani Professor Amin Banani, 1926–2013: A Prominent Scholar of Iranian Studies by Ehsan Yarshater.
  • His three-part lecture on Shoghi Effendi's letters entitled The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh can be found on Soundcloud. Another talk The Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha can be found at "Bahá'í Talks".
  • In the late 1940s he accepted assignments to represent the Bahá'í community at a UN conference of nongovernmental organizations and a human rights commission. In the early 1950s he also served the U.S. National Spiritual Assembly on its National Youth Committee. For more complete biographical information see his eulogy on the US Bahá'í site and another in the Lights of Irfan.
  • - In Memoriam; Amin Banani; Sheila Wolcott; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Santa Monica, CA; United States (USA)
    2013 24 Jul
    The Universal House of Justice addressed a message the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada regarding the Association for Bahá'í Studies. The Universal House of Justice reiterated a number of issues that the Association had addressed since its inception in 1975...
    -an appreciation for the importance of personal study of the Revelation,
    -correlating the teachings with contemporary thought,
    -defending the Cause,
    -encouraging young believers in their academic pursuits,
    -attracting the interest and involvement of non-Bahá'í academics to the extent possible, a
    -providing a forum for Bahá'í academics to collaborate with one another, thereby helping to raise capacity among those who participate within a wide range of disciplines and, particularly, in specific fields associated more directly with the study of the Faith, such as history, the study of religion, and translation.
    ...and provided guidance for an evolving conceptual framework.
    Bahá'í Studies, Associations for; Association for Bahá'í Studies (North America); Canada; United States (USA); North America
    2013 15 Jul
    Iranian filmmaker and blogger as well as a former Islamist hardliner who has become an outspoken critic of the government, Mohammad Nourizad, kissed the feet of 4 year old Artin whose parents had been arrested for participation in the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education. [Wikipedia entry; Faith and a Future p38-39]
  • Some years later Mr Nourizad repeated this gesture, kissing the feet of a six year old boy named Bashir whose parents, Azita Rafizadeh and Peyman Kushak Baghi had been sentenced to four year prison terms for teaching at the BIHE.
  • Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE); Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Education; - Persecution; Human rights; Education; Mohammad Nourizad; Iran
    2013 Jul – Oct
    The holding of 114 Youth Conferences around the world at the request of the Universal House of Justice. The purpose of the gatherings were to explore such themes as the characteristics inherent to the period of youth, the historical contribution of young people to the transformation of society, the responsibilities of the present generation of youth, the society-building power of the Bahá'í Teachings, and the importance of faith and tenacity to a life of service. [List of places and dates for Youth Conferences]
  • See The Five Year Plan 2011-2016: Summary of Achievements and Learning pg46-43.
  • Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Youth; - Conferences, International; Youth; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); - Worldwide
    2013 27 Jun
    In a message from the Universal House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies it advised of the news of the destruction of the House of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdad. (Bayt-i-A'zam) [Message of 27 Jun 2013; Message of 17 July, 2013]
  • Grieve not, O House of God, if the veil of thy sanctity be rent asunder by the infidels. [GWB114]
  • In truth, I declare, it shall be so abased in the days to come as to cause tears to flow from every discerning eye...And in the fullness of time, shall the Lord by the power of truth exalt it in the eyes of all the world, cause it to become the mighty standard of His domination, the shrine round which shall circle the concourse of the faithful. [BA99-100; BWNS961]
  • See the compilation entitled The House of Bahá'u'lláh, Baghdád 'Iráq.
  • See "The Most Great House in Baghdad" [SA140-143]
  • See GPB110 for the various designations of the Most Great House.

      Within its walls the "Most Great House of God," His "Footstool" and the "Throne of His Glory," "the Cynosure of an adoring world," the "Lamp of Salvation between earth and heaven," the "Sign of His remembrance to all who are in heaven and on earth," enshrining the "Jewel whose glory hath irradiated all creation," the "Standard" of His Kingdom, the "Shrine round which will circle the concourse of the faithful" was irrevocably founded and permanently consecrated. Upon it, by virtue of its sanctity as Bahá'u'lláh's "Most Holy Habitation" and "Seat of His transcendent glory," was conferred the honor of being regarded as a center of pilgrimage second to none except the city of 'Akká, His "Most Great Prison," in whose immediate vicinity His holy Sepulcher, the Qiblih of the Bahá'í world, is enshrined.
  • House of Bahá'u'lláh (Baghdad); Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Baghdad, Iraq; Iraq
    2013 24 - 26 Jun
    Contrary to the constitution which established the government's commitment to assuring and maintaining the sanctity of holy shrines and religious sites and guaranteeing the free practice of rituals. In addition the penal code that criminalized disrupting or impeding religious ceremonies and desecrating religious buildings, and specified that it applied to religious minorities. In Iraq followers of all religious groups and sects were free in the practice of religious rites and in the management of religious endowments, their affairs, and their religious institutions.
    And contrary to the plans of the Department of Antiquities who had declared it a heritage site in a decree by the Iraqi Culture Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi not two years earlier, the House of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdád was razed to make way for the construction of a husseniya or Shiite congregation hall. [Message from the Universal House of Justice date 17 July 2013, SETPE1p170; Al-Monitor 11 December, 2018]
    House of Bahá'u'lláh (Baghdad); Baghdad, Iraq; Iraq
    2013 14 May
    The Bahá'í International Community launched the Five Years Too Many campaign to protest the 20-year prison sentences given to the Bahá'í leaders in Iran, the longest sentence given to prisoners of conscience under the current regime. The harshness of the sentences reflected the Government's resolve to completely oppress the Iranian Bahá'í community, which faced a systematic, "cradle-to-grave" persecution that was among the most serious examples of state-sponsored religious persecution in the world. [Five Years Too Many, BWNS954] Yaran; Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Human rights; Bahá'í International Community; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); - BIC statements; Tehran, Iran; Iran; - Worldwide
    2013 29 Apr – 2 May
    The 11th International Bahá'í Convention in Haifa and the 50th anniversary of the inaugural Convention in 1963 at which the first Universal House of Justice was elected. Those elected were Paul Lample, Firaydoun Javaheri, Payman Mohajer, Gustavo Correa, Shahriar Razavi, Stephen Birkland, Stephen Hall, Chuungu Malitonga, and Ayman Rouhani. [BWNS950, BWNS951, BWNS953]
  • More than a thousand members of one hundred and fifty seven National Spiritual Assemblies attended, and nearly five hundred more, including those from an additional fourteen countries, participated in the election by mail. [Letter from the Universal House of Justice to the delegates gathered at Bahá'í National Conventions dated 16 May, 2013]
  • Universal House of Justice, Election of; Elections; Universal House of Justice, Members of; Conventions, International; Paul Lample; Firaydoun Javaheri; Payman Mohajer; Gustavo Correa; Shahriar Razavi; Stephen Birkland; Stephen Hall; Chuungu Malitonga; Ayman Rouhani; Anniversaries and jubilees; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Bahá'í World Centre; Haifa, Israel
    2013 Ridván
    "In Santiago, Chile, where the Mother Temple of South America was being erected, the building work continued apace. The concrete construction of the foundations, basement, and service tunnel was completed, as were the columns that will bear the superstructure. The anticipation associated with this project was growing..."[Riḍván 2013 To the Bahá'ís of the World ] Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Santiago; Santiago, Chile; Chile
    2013 Ridván
    The announcement by the Universal House of Justice in the Ridván Message of the creation of the Office of Public Discourse. [Ridván 2013]
  • As an example of their work here are a few lines of action that were identified by the Office of Public Discourse at the Bahá'í World Center as being particularly helpful capacities to build at the national level in the United States:
    • Reading the reality of society and its discourses on race. This includes not only visiting cities as described above to learn about current programs, but also discovering how people in various parts of society are talking about race.
    • Entering established social spaces, such as conferences and workshops. A wide variety of opportunities are open for Baha'i participation, Andrews notes — not just groups that study the dynamic between white and African-American communities, but also institutes for studies concerning Native Americans, Asian Americans and Latin Americans.
    • Developing sincere friendships with people active in social justice work. Working with others over a number of years, OPA has found a nucleus of groups "with whom we can build relationships and who are interested in engaging with us," Lample says. Those collaborations help the office participate effectively in high levels of discourse.
    • Convening spaces for a variety of people and agencies and creating content to stimulate sharing of thoughts. Right now the most active Baha'i-sponsored space is the Dialogue on Faith and Race, which OPA hosts every three months. While that attracts about 20 participants in an average session, "about 50 organizations are loosely part of the community that we bring together," Andrews says. Usually the content that starts conversations at those gatherings is in the form of a document or white paper, but the team is looking at learning to create podcasts and videos for a wider audience.
    • Learning how to engage small, knowledgeable groups of Bahá'ís. The race discourse team has started conversations with Baha'is across the country who have expertise and experience taking part in the national discourse on race. "This aspect of our work will likely grow and develop as the American Baha'i community continues to gain more experience in translating the writings of Baha'u'llah into action and the power to articulate what it is learning," Lample says. [NSA USA website]
  • Office of Public Discourse; Public discourse; * Bahá'í World Centre; Haifa, Israel
    2013 11 Apr – 5 Dec
    The commemoration of the centenary of the visit of 'Abdu'l-Bahá to North America. [BWNS918] Centenaries; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Travels of; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Wilmette, IL; United States (USA)
    2013 April
    The publication of Insights from the Frontiers of Learning by the International Teaching Centre.

    At this point there were more than 3,600 clusters where the friends were striving to establish new programmes of growth or to advance existing ones. An analysis of developments in some 200 of the most advanced of these clusters—particularly the strongest 20—suggested effective strategies for growth and demonstrated the efficacy of pursuing lines of action in a coherent manner. This publication offered a close examination of the pattern of action characteristic of the clusters at the forefront of learning.

    - International Teaching Centre, Publications; * Publications; Insights from the Frontiers of Learning; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2013 5 Mar
    The passing of Mas'ud Khamsi, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre in Lima, Peru. [BWNS943; In Memoriam: Mas'úd Khamsí (1922-2013), Spiritual Father of Peru, Mentor and Counselor by Boris Handal translated by Samuel Duboisme]
  • Photo.
  • Slideshow in Spanish.
  • Bahaipedia.
  • He was the son of one of "The Five Siyyids" (Sádát-i-Khams in Arabic), so named by Bahá'u'áh. For the story of this family see The Khamsis: A Cradle of True Gold by Boris Handal. Mas'ud Khamsi's story is told in this book (p111-239).
  • Masud Khamsi; Baqirof-Khamsi (Sadat-i-Khams); Counsellors; International Teaching Centre, Members of; - In Memoriam; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Lima, Peru; Peru
    2013 Mar
    The publication of the report entitled Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Bahá'í Community published by the Bahá'í International Community. The report documents a rising tide of violence directed against the Iranian Bahá'í community - and the degree to which attackers enjoy complete impunity from prosecution or punishment.
  • From 2005 through 2012, for example, there were 52 cases where Bahá'ís have been held in solitary confinement, and another 52 incidents where Bahá'ís have been physically assaulted. Some 49 incidents of arson against Bahá'í homes and shops, more than 30 cases of vandalism, and at least 42 incidents of cemetery desecration were also documented. [BWNS972]
  • Report in English.
  • Report in Farsi.
  • Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Human rights; Justice; Bahá'í International Community; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); - BIC statements
    2013 (In the year)
    The publication of the article George Ronald: A Bibliographic Historyby Jan T Jason. The article lists their publications from the founding in 1950 until 2012. - Publishing; Oxford, England; United Kingdom
    2013 - 2017
    In 2013 the United Kingdom Bahá'ís undertook a multi-year project to restore and improve the Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi. It was carried out in three phases, the restoration of the area immediately around the Resting Place, the arboricultural aspects of the property and the construction of a permanent Reception Area and office for the custodian. [Reference website no longer available.]

    Here you will find information on The Guardian's Resting Place and directions to the Southgate Cemetery.

    Shoghi Effendi, Resting place of (London); United Kingdom
    2013 (In the Year)
    The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity initiated a line of action conceived as "areas of inquiry". Through this initiative the Institute aimed to develop capacity to describe and examine, in the light of the Revelation, social phenomena that were pressing and crucial to the life of humanity. Working with collaborators such topics as the global movement of populations, peace and justice in societies in transition, and the role of religion in migration. [The Five Year Plan 2011-2016: Summary of Achievements and Learning pg113] Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP)
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