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Date 2023-04-30-01, sorted by date, descending

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2023 30 Apr
The film, An Expansive Prospect, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, was screened at the 13th International Bahá'í Convention.

The 72 minute film highlighted efforts in four regions of the world where people, communities, and institutions were striving together to channel the transformative power of the Bahá'í teachings toward social change. It was scripted in English with subtitled versions in other languages. A voiceover version of the film in Arabic was also made available. [BWNS1660]

  • It can be found on YouTube in the original English. Other versions include Russian, Spanish, French, Farsi, and Arabic.
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; - Documentaries, BWC; - Film; - Institute process; An Expansive Prospect (film); Conventions, International; Nine Year Plan (2022-2031); Social change
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