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2023. 30 Apr The film, An Expansive Prospect, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, was screened at the 13th International Bahá'í Convention.

The 72 minute film highlighted efforts in four regions of the world where people, communities, and institutions were striving together to channel the transformative power of the Bahá'í teachings toward social change. It was scripted in English with subtitled versions in other languages. A voiceover version of the film in Arabic was also made available.

  • It can be found on YouTube in the original English. Other versions include Russian, Spanish, French, Farsi, and Arabic.
  • BWC Conventions, International; Film; Documentaries, BWC; Social change; * Institute process; Nine Year Plan (2022-2031); An Expansive Prospect (film)

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    1. Abdu'l‐Bahá y la cuestión racial, by Amin E. Egea, in Journal of the Sociology and Theory of Religion, 13:1 (2022). Pese a compartir objetivos comunes, la perspectiva sobre la armonía racial del líder de la religión bahá’í y el de muchos de sus coetáneos era diametralmente opuesta y, también lo eran sus propuestas para la transformación social. [about]
    2. Bahá'í Approach to Non-Involvement in Partisan Political Activity, by Shoghi Effendi and Universal House of Justice (2022-10). Resource for individual and group study, in light of the current civil and political unrest in the U.S., Iran, and the world; reasons for the Bahá’í stance against partisan activity and its approach to social change; Bahá'í use of social media. [about]
    3. Becoming Your True Self, by Daniel C. Jordan, in World Order, 3:1 (1968). The nature of human potential, and how the Bahá'í Faith can guide the process of spiritual transformation. [about]
    4. Communal Harmony: India's Greatest Challenge, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India (1993(?)/2015). A formal statement from the NSA of the Bahá'ís of India on the need to overcome religious, linguistic and caste-based tensions. [about]
    5. Compilation on Change and Importance of Transformation (2008). [about]
    6. Constructive Imaginary, The, by Michael Karlberg, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 30:3 (2020). In a 2007 letter on the closing of the BIHE, the Universal House of Justice introduced the concept of "constructive resilience"; on the relationship of this to other concepts in discourses on social change, and its relevance to the exigencies of the age. [about]
    7. Creating an Inclusive Narrative, by Australian Bahá'í Community (2020-11). Culmination of a series of nationwide round tables, conveying the vision of Australians to foster a socially cohesive society. [about]
    8. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2022-11-01). Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, the human family's crisis of identity, prejudice, Africa, and economic injustice. [about]
    9. European Strategy for the Elderly, A: The Irreplaceable Role of Community Life, by Bahá'í International Community (2023-11-29). Statement envisioning the elderly as invaluable contributors to community life, emphasizing their role as active participants in shaping a cohesive and vibrant society. [about]
    10. From Outsider to Outsider: A Study of Iranian Bahá'ís' Identity in Iran and the United States, by Naghme Naseri Morlock, in Journal of Hate Studies, 18:1 (2023). The denial of a national identity of Bahá'ís in Iran; their experiences in the U.S.; cultural differences between immigrant and American Bahá'ís; the importance of religious identity; how religious, national, and cultural identities are negotiated. [about]
    11. Harvard Pluralism Project: Baha'i (2023). Six overview essays on Bahá'í history, beliefs, and practices. (Offsite) [about]
    12. Ideas, Religion, and Social Change, by Julia Berger, in Rethinking Religion and Politics in a Plural World: The Bahá'í International Community and the United Nations (2021). Links to a book chapter and video presentation and presentation notes (offsite) presented for the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities, on meaning-making processes driving NGO behavior and the Bahá'í Faith's pursuit of social change. [about]
    13. Karlberg's Notion of Consultation and Bahá'í Consultation (Ontological Truths, Knowledge and Ethics), by Filip Boicu (2022-05). Michael Karlberg proposes a "consultative epistemology" as central to the Bahá'í methodology for social change. The claim is that a new model for civilization building has been born, one that transcends previous limitations. [about]
    14. Next Stage, The, by Douglas Martin, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 23:1-4 (2013). Bahá'í scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a discourse that is free of "haughty intellectualism." The Association for Bahá’í Studies can help promote the Bahá'í cause to institutions of higher learning. [about]
    15. Notes on Uncertainty & the World: Theories for Social Change? A Framing, by Filip Boicu (2023-09). On what theories are dominant in a particular setting via the use of a basic grid; social and religious applications; religions, social change, and strategies for growth; gaps in existing Bahá'í literature. [about]
    16. Political Activity, Social Change, and Public Policy, by Universal House of Justice (2008-12-23). Letter to an individual Bahá’í regarding political activity, social change, and public policy. [about]
    17. Potential of the Bahá'í Faith to Grow in Scope and Influence, The, by Annette Prosterman, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 4:3 (1992). A sociological perspective says that, to grow and develop, a religion must have ideological and structural elements that foster its effective growth, maintain its cohesion as a collective unit, and enable it to mobilize its members toward social change. [about]
    18. Preparing Bahá'í Communities in the East and West to Embrace Gender Equality, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani, in Lights of Irfan, 12 (2011). The way Abdu'l-Bahá dealt with the matter of gender equality, some of his writings revealed in honor of the Bahá’í women in Iran and North America, and the practical ways he educated Bahá'í men to accept women as their equals. [about]
    19. Principle of the Oneness of Humankind, The: Strong Foundationalism, Non-Adversarialism, and the Imperatives of Our Time, by Filip Boicu (2022). Some of the ways in which the concept of globalization has been framed in the recent past; the vision of Shoghi Effendi; The Seven Valleys and social change; moral codes and ethical living; the oneness of humankind and non-adversarialism. [about]
    20. Reflections of Our Values: Digital Technologies and a Just Transition, by Bahá'í International Community (2021-02). A statement to the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development on technological innovation, consultation on technological adoption, and working inclusively between communities and governments. [about]
    21. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (2023-11-28). Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guardianship, global expansion, community building and development, participation in societal discourse, and construction of the Bahá'í World Centre. [about]
    22. Rising to the Challenge of Reconciliation, by Roshan Danesh and Douglas White III, in Bahá'í World (2023-01-08). Analyzing the legacy of colonialism and racism in Canada and examining the profound, multifaceted process of social transformation that genuine reconciliation implies. [about]
    23. Some Reflections on Bahá'í Approaches to Social Change, by Roshan Danesh and Lex Musta (2012-12). The Bahá’í writings foresee social change happening both through engagement in society at large and through the work of building patterns and structures within Bahá’í community life. There should be less emphasis on limiting political participation. [about]
    24. Tahirih and Women's Suffrage, by Universal House of Justice, in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 4:2 (1990-01). Two letters on Táhirih's association with women's suffrage, and the authenticity of the words "You can kill me as soon as you like, but you cannot stop the emancipation of women". [about]
    25. Vision of Race Unity: America's Most Challenging Issue, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1991). A formal statement from the US NSA on "the most challenging issue confronting America." [about]
    26. Women, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá, in Compilation of Compilations, Volume 2 (1991). Explores the status of women in the world, the development of women, the role of education in that development, the Bahá'í concept of gender equality and the application of that principle to family life. Includes bibliography of related Bahá'í literature. [about]
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