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full details for

Burial, Baha'i

Author Bahá'u'lláh
Author 2
Shoghi Effendi
Author 3
Universal House of Justice
Title of item
Burial, Baha'i
Volume I
Parent publication   Compilation of Compilations
Date of this edition 1991
Permission Open copyright (see Baha'i Reference Library sharing terms, BIC copyright statement, and uhj_permission_electronic_texts)
Posted 2001 by Jonah Winters
Proofread 2001 by Ehsan Bayat
Formatted 2001 by Jonah Winters
Classified in BWC Compilations
Abstract Extracts from writings on Bahá'í burials, cemeteries, and funerals, specifying the type of ring, shroud, coffin, and prayer plus the position of a body in a grave.
Notes Also available as a nicely-formatted PDF, prepared by Romane Takkenberg. See also Bahá'í Burial and Related Laws.

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Tags Burial (general); Death; Prayer; Rings
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