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Search for tag "Arabic alphabet"

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  1. La translittération bahá'íe: pourquoi, comment, by Pierre Daoust (2023). Cet article explique pourquoi il est important de bien translittérer les mots arabes et comment le faire en pratique à l'aide de quelques exemples. [about]
  2. New Religions and Religious Movements: The Common Heritage, by Moshe Sharon, in Studies in Modern Religions and Religious Movements and the Bábí Bahá'í Faiths (2004). The 19th Century; Croce’s religion of liberty; modern religious activity; the Qur'an and classical heritage; nature of revelation; magic and the names of God; mysticism of names and letters for the Bab; the letter bá'; Tafsir Basmalah. [about]
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