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1996 May The closing of the Bahá'í discussion list called Talisman. It had been in operation since October 1994 and at one time had over 100 subscribers.

Talisman eventually evolved into Talisman9 for ‘free and open discussion of issues in the Bahá'í faith from an intellectual point of view', but welcomed criticism of Bahá'í institutions.

Bahá'í-Studies was created by a Bahá'í sociologist at an American university for scholarly discussion of Baha'i academic and other issues.

H-Bahai was initiated for academic discussion of Bábi and Bahá'í topics; membership was generally restricted to individuals with advanced degrees in fields relevant to Bahá'í studies. Somewhat later, Bridges was created for similar discussions, but with membership by invitation and restricted to Bahá'ís. [Seeking for Truth: Plausibility Alignment on a Bahá'í Email List by David Piff and Margit Warburg] iiiii. The current incarnation of Talisman is Tarikh, established 2003.

  • See as well ‘The Baha'i Faith in America as Panopticon, 1963–1997', by J. Cole and ‘Baha'i Leaders Vexed by On-line Critics', by K P Johnson
  • Talisman (email list); H-Bahai (email list)

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    1. Bahá'í and Subud Dissent: Developments in the 2000s, by Bei Dawai (2011-06). Overview by a non-Bahá'í on dissident movements, ex-Bahá'ís, and contemporary ideological debates. [about]
    2. Contemporary developments in Baha'i studies: An examination using citation analysis, by Seena Fazel, in Occasional Papers in Shaykhí, Bábí and Bahá'í Studies, 7:1 (2003-01). Investigation of contemporary developments using the technique of citation analysis, a widely used method to report trends in academia. [about]
    3. Marginality and Apostasy in the Bahá'í Community, by Moojan Momen, in Religion, 37:3 (2007). Study of a particular type of articulate and well-educated ex-Bahá'ís, here termed "marginal" and "apostates," who first appeared in the West about 25 years ago and reached the peak of their activity in the last decade. [about]
    4. Scholars and the Administrative Order, by Universal House of Justice (1997-07-20). Letter to the House requesting guidance concerning a possible "atmosphere of distrust" among some academics, followed by a response which sets the problem in the context of the current intellectual and spiritual crisis afflicting society at large. [about]
    5. Seeking for Truth: Plausibility Alignment on a Bahá'í Email List, by David Piff and Margit Warburg, in Religion and Cyberspace, ed. Morten T. Højsgaard and Margit Warburg (2005). Dynamics of participation on the Talisman listserver in 1995, and how it provided an interactive process for seeking truth. [about]
    6. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1998, by Graham Hassall (1999-04-02). Overview of worldwide Bahá'í scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1998. [about]
    7. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1999, by Graham Hassall, in Australian Bahá'í Studies, vol. 2 (2000). Overview of worldwide Bahá'í scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1999; includes a progress report on the growth of the Bahá'í Library Online. [about]
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