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1926 Jan Orcella Rexford and her husband Dr Gayne Gregory (the first to accept the Faith in Alaska) went to Haifa on pilgrimage and were technically the first from Alaska to do so. They were in the process of moving from Alaska to the Continental USA. [SETPE1p112-113 ]
  • See BW11p495-498 for for details of the life of Orella Rexford.
  • Haifa; Alaska; United States First Bahais by country or area; Orcella Rexford
    1946 11 Aug The passing of Orcella Rexford (b. Louise Cutts-Powell, 12 Jun 1887 in Tracey, Minnesota) in Los Angeles. She was buried near the grave of Thornton Chase in the Inglewood Park Cemetery. [BW11p495-498; Find a grave]
  • Orcella first heard of the Bahá'í Faith from Mrs. Myrta Sandoz of Cleveland, Ohio, and was later confirmed by Dr. Edward Getsinger in Boston, Mass. She became a believer in 1918-1919. [BW11p495]
  • For a brief biography see Bahá'í Chronicles.
  • For a more extensive biography see Bahaipedia.
  • See her article, Alaska, Our New Frontier. [BW9p918-922]
  • Los Angeles; United States Orcella Rexford; Births and deaths; In Memoriam; Cemeteries and graves; Thornton Chase

    from the chronology of Canada

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    1922 (Summer) Orcella Rexford entered the Yukon Territory from Skagway and via the White Pass Railroad arrived in Whitehorse. She held talks on the Faith to passengers aboard a stern-wheel riverboat as it travelled north. In Dawson City she lectured to some 550 people and received positive press coverage from the Dawson Daily News. [CBN No 117 Oct 1959 p1; Skagway, AL; Whitehorse, YT; Dawson City, YT Travel teaching; Orcella Rexford
    1953. 23 Sep Ted and Joan Anderson arrived in Whitehorse, Canada, and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for the Yukon. The first local spiritual assembly was elected in 1959. When they left in 1972 there were some 400 Bahá'ís in the area. [BW13:457; KoB255263; LynnEchvarria2008p57; CBN No46 Nov 1953 p3]
  • The Andersons established an organization called the Indian Advancement Association for Indigenous people, which later was changed to the Native Brotherhood and Yukon Association of Non-status Indians. Many of the early Bahá'ís in the Yukon were Indigenous elders. In addition to contributing to the growth and development of the Bahá'í community in the Yukon, these Bahá'ís also significantly contributed to the revitalization of the Indigenous cultures and language of the Yukon. [NSA website]
  • Whitehorse, YT Ted Anderson; Joan Anderson; Knights of Bahaullah; Susan Rice; Marion Jack; Emogene Hoagg; Orcella Rexford; Local Spiritual Assembly, formation

    from the main catalogue

    1. History of the Bahá'í Faith in Arizona, The: The First Fifty Years, 1900-1950, by Maureen M. Thur (2004). Historical details and biographies about Arizona, from Nellie French moving from Chicago to Bisbee in 1900, to the formation of LSAs in 1949. Includes biographies of Amelia Collins and Orcella Rexford aka Louise Cutts-Powell (Appendices 1-2). [about]
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