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1867 Sep - Aug 1868 Nabíl-i-A‘zam was dispatched to Iraq and Iran to inform the Bábís of the advent of Bahá'u'lláh. He was further instructed to perform the rites of pilgrimage on Bahá'u'lláh's behalf in the House of the Báb and the Most Great House in Baghdad. [BKG250; EB224; GPB176–7]
  • For details of his mission see EB224–7.
  • On hearing Nabíl's message, the wife of the Báb, Khadíjih Khánum, immediately recognized the station of Bahá'u'lláh. [EB225]
  • Nabil was the first Bahá'í to perform pilgrimage to the house of the Báb in Shiraz in fall 1866, in accordance with the rites prescribed in the Surat al-ḥajj revealed by Bahá'u'lláh. He also went to Baghdad and performed the pilgrimage to the House of Bahá'u'lláh in spring 1867, according to another sura, Surat al-damm written by Bahá'u'lláh for that purpose. Nabil's pilgrimage to those two houses marked the inception of pilgrimage laws ordained by Bahá'u'lláh later in his Kitāb-i-Aqdas. For the rites of these two pilgrimages performed by Nabíl see SA113–15. [GPB176-177, "Nabil-e aʿzam Zaranadi, Mollā Mohammad," by Vahid Rafati, Encyclopædia Iranica, DB434-435]
    • Lawh-i-Hajj (Tablet of Pilgrimage) (Note: there were numerous Tablets revealed with this same name. [BW19p584] (Leiden List shows 18 in total.)
  • Shiraz; Iran; Baghdad; Iraq Nabil-i-Azam; Pilgrims; Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Khadijih Khanum; House of Bahaullah (Baghdad)
    1869 Early in the year Hájí Amín-i-Iláhí arrived in `Akká from Iran and was the first pilgrim to see Bahá'u'lláh. [DH33]
  • He was `only able to do so in the public bath, where it had been arranged that he should see Bahá'u'lláh without approaching Him or giving any sign of recognition'. This was the bath of Al-Jazzár. [DH33; GBP817]
  • Akka Haji Amin (Abul-Hasan-i-Ardikani); Public baths (bathhouses); Pilgrims; First pilgrims
    1870. 22 Jun Mírzá Mihdí, the Purest Branch, fell through the skylight in the roof of the prison in `Akká onto a crate lying on the floor below. [BKG311–12; GBP188; RB3:205]
  • It was a normal practice for prisoners to go onto the roof in the summer evenings for fresh air. [RB3:205]
  • He was chanting the verses of Bahá'u'lláh's Qasídiy-i-Varqá'íyyih. [RB3:206]
  • He was so badly injured that his clothes have to be torn from him. [RB206]
  • Bahá'u'lláh came to him at His bedside and asked His son whether he wished to live; the Purest Branch begged Bahá'u'lláh to accept his life as a ransom for the opening of the gates of the prison to pilgrims. Bahá'u'lláh accepted this sacrifice. [BKG311–12; GPB188; RB3:208]
  • Akka Mirza Mihdi (Purest Branch); Qasidiyyih-Varqaiyyih (Ode of the Dove); Citadel; Sacrifice; Pilgrimage; Pilgrims; First pilgrims
    1881 (In the year) The Ridván Garden and the Firdaws Garden were purchased in the name of Bahá'u'lláh. [BBD84, 196; DH95, 103]
  • Most of the flowering plants in the Ridván Garden were brought by pilgrims from Iran. [CH96]
  • BWC; Akka Ridvan Garden; Firdaws Garden; Gardens; Pilgrims; Purchases and exchanges; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre
    1892. c. 24 May Bahá'u'lláh called all the believers and many pilgrims to His bedside for their last audience with Him. [GPB222] Bahji House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Bahaullah, Ascension of; Pilgrims
    1898. 22 Sep The first Western pilgrims departed for `Akká, travelling via New York and Paris. [BFA1:XXVIII, 140–1, 230]
  • It was arranged by Phoebe Hearst, who had already planned a journey to Egypt for the autumn. [BFA1:140, AY60]
  • There were 15 pilgrims in all. Among them was Ibáhím Kheiralla and his family. [AB68; AY111]
  • New York; United States Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Phoebe Hearst; Lua Getsinger; Edward Getsinger; Robert Turner; Ibrahim George Kheiralla
    1898. 11 Nov Kheiralla arrived in `Akká. [BFA1:XXVIII, 141]
  • He had left the party of pilgrims in France and departed for Egypt in early October where he had children. His wife went to England to invite her Bahá'í aunt to accompany them to Akka. [BFA141]
  • During his stay he tried to get approval for his manuscript entitled Behá'U'lláh from 'Abdu'l-Bahá. The manuscript had many of his personal beliefs, such as the station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá being that of the return of Christ and his concept of reincarnation. [BFA1p230; 161; LWS149]
    • See BFA1p32-33 for a discussion of how the issue of reincarnation affected the American Bahá'í community.
  • During his visit `Abdu'l-Bahá conferred titles on him: `Bahá'ís Peter', the `Second Columbus' and `Conqueror of America'. [BFA1:142; GPB275; SBBH2:112]
  • Dr. Kheiralla, his wife and daughters, Nabiba an Labiba departed Haifa for Port Said on the 21th of March, 1899. Kheiralla arrived in New York on the 10th of May. [LGHC24; 30; BFA1p160;]
  • Akka Ibrahim George Kheiralla; Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims
    1898. 13 Nov `Abdu'l-Bahá commemorated Kheiralla's arrival by ending the period of mourning for Bahá'u'lláh and by opening His Tomb to pilgrims for the first time. [BFA1:142–3; SBBH2:112] Bahji Ibrahim George Kheiralla; Firsts, Other; Bahaullah, Shrine of; Bahaullah, Ascension of; Pilgrimage; Pilgrims
    1898. 10 Dec The first Western pilgrims arrived in `Akká. [AB68; BBD13; BBRXXX; DH214; GPB257; SCU13; Bahá'í Teachings]
  • See MBBA146-152 for a description of how arrangements were made to accommodate the Western visitors in a relatively new city with no hotels and few houses. The city was built to accommodate the construction of the Suez Canal which had been completed in 1869. Other sources indicate that the pilgrims were accommodated in Cairo.
  • 'Abdu'l-Bahá expressed His appreciation to Mírzá Áqá Nuri'd-Din for his service in accommodating the Western pilgrims. His Tablet seems to indicate that he was kept in place for that purpose. [MBBA152]
  • They divided themselves into three parties, using Cairo as a staging post. [AB68; BFA1:143; SBBH1:93]
  • See AB68–72; BFA2:9; DH61; GPB257, 259 for those included in the pilgrimage group.
  • Included were Mrs Hearst's nieces, a few American friends and, joining in London, Mrs Mary Thornburgh-Cropper and her mother. [SCU13. CH234-236; LDNW15]
  • In Paris the group was joined by two nieces of Mrs Hearst, Mrs Thornburgh, her daughter Miriam Thornburgh-Cropper and May Bolles. [AB68]
  • LDNW15 says that Ella Goodall and Nell Hillyer and May Bolles joined the party in Paris.
  • There were further additions in Egypt. [AB68]
  • See BFA1:143–4 for those included in the first group.
  • Among the group was Robert Turner, the first member of the Black race to become a Bahá'í. For 35 years, Turner faithfully served as butler to Phoebe Apperson Hearst and Senator George Hearst, parents of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. [AB72; BBD227; BFA1:139; GPB259]
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá received the pilgrims in the House of `Abdu'lláh Páshá. [BBD13, 108; DH61]
  • See AB68–71; BW16:104–5; CH235–6 and GPB257–9 for the pilgrims' responses to the pilgrimage.
  • Edward Getsinger made a recording of `Abdu'l-Bahá chanting a prayer. [BFA1:160]
  • Getsinger also took photographs that he later tinted and published as an album. [LDNW16]
  • On the 18th of January, 1899, Lua received her first Tablet from 'Abdu'l-Bahá, in fact, it was the first Tablet addressed to a North American believer. [LGHC23]
  • See TF31-52 for details of Lua Getsinger's pilgrim experience and TF44-46 for 'Abdu'l-Bahá's parting remarks to the pilgrims.
  • The Getsingers returned from the pilgrimage with an Arabic copy of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas which was later translated by Anton Haddad. They departed on the 23rd of March, 1899. [BFA2:11; LGHC30]
  • See Star of the West, vol. VII, No. 4 or "Lua Getsinger - Herald of the Covenant" By Amine DeMille for a description of how 'Abdu'l-Bahá gave Lua the power to speak eloquently. [LDNW15] iiiii
  • Akka; Cairo; Egypt Pilgrims; Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Mary Virginia Thornburgh-Cropper; Robert Turner; First believers by background; Edward Getsinger; Lua Getsinger; Anton Haddad; Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book); House of Abdullah Pasha; Abdul-Baha, Voice recordings of; Abdul-Baha, Life of
    1898. c. 20 Dec The second group of Western pilgrims arrived in `Akká, and stayed three days before returning to Cairo to resume their plan for a six-week trip up the Nile which began soon after New Year's Day. [BFA1:145]
  • Included in this group were Phoebe Hearst, Amalie Bachrodt, Mrs Thornburg and possibly Robert Turner. The Hearst group arrived incognito and in the dark to protect her reputation and that of her son . In spite of these precautions the authorities became aware that visitors had come to see the Prisoner of Akka and limitations upon Him were increased. [BFA1:145]
  • This group remained for three days and were back in Cairo for Christmas. [BFA1p145]
  • Akka Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Phoebe Hearst; Amalie Bachrodt; Thornburg, Mrs; Robert Turner
    1899. mid Jan By mid-January Marion Kheiralla arrived in Akka. [BFA1p145] Akka; Haifa Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Marion Miller Kheiralla
    1899 16 Feb The third group of Western pilgrims arrived in the Holy Land after completing their six-week cruise on the Nile.
  • The group consisted of Anne Apperson, Julia Pearson and Robert Turner.
  • As the pilgrims prepared to depart May Bolles and Maryam Thornburgh-Cropper, Mrs Thornburgh's daughter, arrived in Port Said from Marseilles. The two women proceeded directly to Haifa. [BFA1:145]
  • See EP12-13 for May Maxwell's reaction to meeting 'Abdu'l-Bahá for the first time.
  • Haifa; Akka Pilgrimage; Pilgrims; First pilgrims; Anne Apperson; Julia Pearson; Robert Turner; May Maxwell (Bolles); Maryam Thornburgh-Cropper
    1899. 12 Mar Margaret Peeke (b. 8 April 1838, d. 2 November 1908) and an unknown companion visited 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Akka. They had two interviews of two and three hours each. Mrs Peeke was a presenter at Green Acre and wrote several books on the Rosicrucians, the occult and psychic phenomena.. [SoW Vol 2 No 14 November 23, 1911 p16; LWS152-158]
  • See My Visit to Abbas-Effendi in 1899.
  • Robert H. Stockman wrote in his book The Baha'i Faith in America, that while Margaret B. Peeke had been raised as a strong Protestant church member, her interests changed, and she became a Martinist. Martinism is a form of mystical Christianity. Margaret was the author of Born of Flame, Numbers and Letters: or The Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom, and Zenia the Vestal (online here). [BFA2p156-157]
  • Find a grave.
  • Photo.
  • See a story about a tribute paid to her at her gravesite.
  • Akka Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Margaret Peeke; Occultism
    1899. 13 Mar Near the end of the first Western pilgrims to Akka (8 December 1898 to 23 March 1899), government officials in Akka received word from Istanbul that they were to prevent all foreigner from visiting 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Only 5 of the group of Western pilgrims remained by this time but a group of Persian pilgrims were required to leave almost immediately after the start of their pilgrimage. [LWS150-151]

    One possible trigger was the conspicuous arrival of two American women and their retinue. One of these women, Margaret Bloodgood Peeke, had altered their travel plans by adding Akka so that she could meet 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [LWS151]

    Akka Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Margaret Bloodgood Peeke
    1899. 23 Mar Edward and Lua Getsinger departed Akká and arrived in New York City on the 20th of May. [LGHC30]
  • Prior to her leaving 'Abdu'l-Bahá took a piece of bread, put some honey on it and told her to eat it, saying as He did so, "let all of your words be as sweetly flavoured by kindness to al people as this bread is flavoured by honey". She wrote that at that moment she felt as she swallowed that bread as if she had received a great spiritual blessing. LGHC25]
  • For His parting address to them see [LGHC27-28]
  • They brought with them a photograph of 'Abdu'l-Bahá as young man, a copy of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in Arabic, a calligraphic rendering of the Greatest Name and a phonographic recording of the Master's voice. They left the record player in Akká for the Holy Family. [LGHC30]
  • Akka; New York; United States Edward Getsinger; Lua Getsinger; Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Greatest Name; Abdul-Baha, Voice recordings of; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Gifts
    1901 20 Aug Sultán `Abdu'l-Hamíd re-imposed the restrictions confining `Abdu'l-Bahá and His brothers within the walls of `Akká. [AB94; CB226–7; DH67–8; GBP264]
  • This was the result of mischief stirred up by Mírzá Muhammad-`Alí. [AB92–5; CB227; GBP264]
  • See as well An Epistle to the Bahá'í World by Mirza Badi'u'llah, page 18.
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá was subjected to long interviews and detailed questioning. [AB95; GPB2645]
  • For the continued mischief and false allegations of the Covenant-breakers see CB227–30 and GBP265–7.
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá suspended the visits of the pilgrims for a time. [GBP267]
  • He directed that all the Bahá'í writings in the possession of His family and secretaries be transferred to Egypt and has His mail redirected through an agent in Egypt. [GBP267]
  • For the work of `Abdu'l-Bahá whilst in confinement 1901–8 see CB231–44 and GBP267–9.
  • Akka; Egypt Sultan Abdul-Hamid; Mirza Muhammad Ali; Covenant-breakers; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Abdul-Baha, Basic timeline; Pilgrims; Pilgrimage; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Badiullah
    1901 Sep Thomas Breakwell went on pilgrimage to `Akká, the first Englishman to do so. He was accompanied by Herbert Hopper. [BFA2:154; BW7:709]
  • For an account of this pilgrimage see AB77 and BW7:710.
  • Akka Thomas Breakwell; Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Herbert Hopper
    1902 (In the year) Pilgrims from the East and the West were once again permitted to visit `Abdu'l-Bahá. [CB232] Haifa; Akka Pilgrims; Pilgrimage
    1905. 23 May or 2 Jun A Nineteen Day Feast was celebrated in New York City, the first known to have been held in North America. [BFA2:XVI, 245]
  • It consisted of a devotional portion and a social part. The administrative aspect of the Feast was developed in the 1930s. [BFA2:245; SA208]
  • Howard and Mary MacNutt, along with Julia Grundy, had been on pilgrimage early in the year and had been encouraged to hold Feasts by 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
  • In a meeting of NY Board of Council at the home of Mr. Arthur Pillsbury Dodge on the 19th of May, Mr. Howard MacNutt described a Nineteen Day Feast he had attended in Acca. The Board then planned the First Nineteen Day Feast to be held the following Tuesday, June 2nd at the home of Mr. Fleming. [Highlights of the First 40 Years of the Bahá'í Faith in New York, City of the Covenant, 1892-1932 by Hussein Ahdieh p10]
  • New York; United States Nineteen Day Feast; Howard MacNutt; Mary MacNutt; Julia Grundy; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Pilgrims
    1906 Mar Mrs Whyte, the wife of a well-known Scottish clergyman, made a pilgrimage to `Akká with Mary Virginia Thornburgh-Cropper. In answer to a letter that Mrs Whyte left for `Abdu'l-Bahá upon their departure, He revealed the Tablet the `Seven Candles of Unity'. [AB361–2, SCU4554]
  • See AB360–2 and SWAB29–32 for text of the Tablet.
  • See AB355–9, BW4396-399 and SBR20–1 for accounts of Mrs Whyte's pilgrimage.
  • See also Anjam Khursheed's, The Seven Candles of Unity pg45-54.
  • Her account of the meeting with 'Abdu'l-Bahá can be found in Seven Candles of Unity: the Story of 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Edinburgh (London: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1991). [Scottish Women: A Documentary History, 1780-1914 by Esther Breitenbach and Linda Fleming p.213]
  • Akka Seven Candles of Unity; Unity; Abdul-Baha, Writings and talks of; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Abdul-Baha, Basic timeline; Jane Whyte; Mary Virginia Thornburgh-Cropper; Pilgrims; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1908 Mar The book Some Answered Questions; Collected and Translated from the Persian of Abdu'l-Baha was published simultaneously in Great Britain in English (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co in London) and was translated into French by Hippolyte Dreyfus under the title Les Leçons de Saint Jean-d'Acre (Ernest Leroux in Paris) and the Persian edition (Al-Núru'l-Abhá fi Mufavi∂áti-‘Abdu'l-Bahá)(The Light of Bahá Shining in Discourse with 'Abdu'l-Bahá and had the sub-title Talks During Luncheon ( E.J. Brill in Holland). [AB82; BBD212–13; BFA2:238; ABF8; M9YA 314-219, 340-345; LB108-117]
  • See Some Answered Questions" and Its Compiler by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani published in Lights of Irfan, 18, pages 425-452. Some details:
    • Laura Barney's first pilgrimage to met 'Abdu'l-Bahá was in 1900. As with other Western pilgrims the practice was to travel to Cairo and from there, after resting from the long travel and permission had been granted, to make the final leg of the journey to the Holy Land. Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl help prepare the visitors for the experience. He became her beloved teacher and friend.
    • Initially she made notes herself for her personal study but decided to make His answers available to others. During her third visit in 1904, when Western visitors were limited because 'Abdu'l-Bahá had been re-incarcerated, she asked permission to bring Ethel Rosenberg as stenographer. ‘Abdu'l-Bahá's answers were also recorded in Persian. Mírzá Munír, the son of Mírzá Muhammad-Qulí, the faithful half-brother of Bahá'u'lláh, was given this task. These Persian transcripts were corrected by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, revised and then verified again by HIm and became the basis for the publications that were to follow. Due to this diligence the book can be considered as Bahá'í scripture. [M9YA 340-345; BFA2p238]
    • During this extended visit (winter 1904-1905) the visitors stayed with the Family in the house of ‘Abdu'lláh Páshá. Youness Khán Afroukhteh served as interpreter as well as His daughters Rouha Khánum and Munavar Khánum when no men could be present and after Afroukhteh's departure for Europe.
  • United States; United Kingdom Some Answered Questions; Pilgrims notes; Publications; Translation; Authenticity; House of Abdullah Pasha; Youness Khan Afroukhteh; Laura Clifford Barney; Mirza Abul-Fadl; Ethel Rosenberg; Mirza Munir
    1909 (In the year) Juliet Thompson made a pilgrimage to 'Akka and met with 'Abdu'l-Bahá., [ABF19] Akka Juliet Thompson; Pilgrims
    1910 10 May Talk by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Haifa to some American pilgrims. [SoW1 Vol 8] Haifa Pilgrims
    1913 13 Jun `Abdu'l-Bahá left Marseilles on the S. S. Himalaya for Port Said. Sailing with Him were: Mirza Ali-/akbar Nakhjavani, Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, SIyyid Asadu'llah-i-Qumi and Mahmud Zarqani. [AB395; ABF667-669]
  • He sent a telegram to Haifa instructing the many pilgrims awaiting His return to come to Port Said. Because of the great numbers who came, there wasn't sufficient hotel accommodations and a large tent was erected on the roof in which to hold meetings. [SoW Vol 4 No 7 p121]
  • Marseilles; France; Port Said; Egypt Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour; Abdul-Baha in Egypt; S. S. Himalaya; Ships; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Pilgrims; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Abdul-Baha, Basic timeline
    1914 29 Jun `Abdu'l-Bahá instructed the remaining pilgrims in the Holy Land to leave. [AB406]
  • CH191 says the American pilgrims left on the last boat from Haifa to Alexandria on 15 Jan. 1915.
  • Haifa Pilgrims
    1924 (In the year) The publication of Abdul Baha's First Days in America from the Diary of Juliet Thompson by Juliet Thompson. Note that portions of these extracts differ from The Diary of Juliet Thompson published in 1983 by Kalimat Press. East Aurora, NY Pilgrims notes; Diary of Juliet Thompson; Juliet Thompson; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Abdul-Baha, Travels of
    1926 14 Feb In a ceremony, dust from the Tomb of Bahá'u'lláh brought back by pilgrims (including Margaret Stevenson) from the Holy land, was placed into the soil of New Zealand at the Stevenson's home. [Arohanui pg94] New Zealand Margaret Stevenson; Pilgrims; Bahaullah, Shrine of; Boxes containing dust, earth or plaster
    1927 11 Mar Sadie Oglesby and her daughter Bertha Parvine arrived in Haifa, the first black American women to make the pilgrimage. [TMW173, 206, SETPE1p141-145] Haifa Pilgrims; First pilgrims
    1928 Ridván 'Abdu'l-Hamid Khemiri arrived in Haifa from Tunis. He was the first from that country to make a pilgrimage. [SETPE1p153] BWC; Tunis; Tunisia Pilgrims
    1932 Apr Pilgrims were able to stay overnight at Bahjí for the first time. [GBF101; PP232] Bahji House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Pilgrims
    1946 Jan-Feb Canadian Elizabeth Greenleaf went on pilgrimage in Haifa. [SETPE1p114] Haifa Elizabeth Greenleaf; Pilgrims
    1950 9 Jul The Centenary of the Martyrdom of the Báb was commemorated.
  • For Shoghi Effendi's message to the Bahá'ís on this occasion see BW12:191–3.
  • For accounts of commemorations around the world see BW12:205–8.
  • A small group of Bahá'í pilgrims visited the site of the Báb's martyrdom and other places associated with His life. [BW12:217–26]
  • The columned arcade and parapet of the Shrine of the Báb were completed. [ZK284–5]
  • Haifa; Mount Carmel; Iran; Worldwide Centenaries; Bab, Martyrdom of; Bab, Shrine of; Pilgrimage; Pilgrims
    1957 3 Feb Enoch Olinga arrived in the Holy Land, the first black African Bahá'í to go on pilgrimage. [BW13p288] Haifa Enoch Olinga; First pilgrims; Pilgrims
    1969 (In the year) Owing to the increased flow of pilgrims, the pilgrim house in Haifa was converted to a pilgrim centre and the decision was taken to accommodate pilgrims in hotels. [DH178] Haifa; BWC Pilgrim Houses; Pilgrim House, Eastern; Pilgrimage; Pilgrims
    1983 (In the year) The Diary of Juliet Thompson with a foreword by Marzieh Gail was published by Kalimat Press. The diary was of one of the earliest Bahá'ís of New York, covering her many hours with 'Abdu'l-Bahá in 1909, 1911, and 1912. It was a vivid personal account of spiritual love and the tests of her faith. [Collins7.2553] Los Angeles; United States Pilgrims notes; Diary of Juliet Thompson; Juliet Thompson; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Marzieh Gail
    2000 18 Sep The announcement of the opening of the new Pilgrim Reception Centre near the Shrine of the Báb to receive Bahá'í pilgrims and visitors to the Bahá'í holy places in Haifa and Acre. The Centre was housed in two historic buildings that formerly served as a clinic. Remodeling these two structures began in 1998. The larger one was built during the time of the British Mandate and the smaller structure has a more Middle Eastern appearance, with patterned ceramic floors and stone arches. The first Bahá'í Pilgrim House in Haifa was built near the Shrine of the Báb by a Persian believer in 1909 and continued to serve as the primary gathering place for pilgrims until the new facility was completed. [BWNS67] BWC; Haifa Pilgrim Reception Centre; Pilgrimage; Pilgrim Houses; BWNS; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre; Pilgrims
    2017. 25 Aug The announcement of the opening of the new Pilgrim Reception Centre.
  • The three-story stone structure, which is located immediately to the west of the Shrine of the Bab, was opened in time to receive the season's first pilgrim group in October, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Bahá'u'lláh. [BWNS1188]
  • BWC; Haifa Pilgrimage; Pilgrim Reception Centre; Pilgrim Houses; BWNS; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre; Pilgrims

    from the main catalogue

    1. 1906 Pilgrim Notes of Ali Kuli Khan, by Ali-Kuli Khan (2010). Large volume in English of the words, stories and actions of 'Abdu'l-Bahá on many topics recorded by the Bahá'í translator Ali Kuli Khan in Persian in 1906 and partly corrected by 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    2. 239 Days in America: Compilation of Essays from, by Various (2012/2023). Compilation of text and visuals from the website, covering Abdu'l-Bahá's visit from April 11 - Dec 5, 1912. [about]
    3. Abbas Effendi: His personality, work, and followers, by E. S. (Ethel Stefana) Stevens, in Fortnightly Review, Volume 95 (1911). Overview of the Bahá'í Faith, including a personal interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    4. `Abdu'l-Bahá: Speaking in America, by Allan L. Ward, in World Order, 6:2 (1971-72 Winter). Overview of Abdu'l-Bahá's travels through North America, newspaper coverage of his talks, and first-hand accounts of meeting him. [about]
    5. 'Abdu'l-Bahá in California (1912/1918). Over 1000 pages of notes from Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to California in 1912, written between 1912-1918, some hand-written and some published in Star of the West. Includes notes by Frances Allen, Howard MacNutt, Ameen Fareed, Mirza Sohrab, et al. [about]
    6. Abdu'l-Baha in New York: The City of the Covenant, April-December 1912 (1931). A record of Abdu’l-Bahá’s talks in New York, with foreword by John Herman Randall. [about]
    7. 'Abdu'l-Bahá in New York, by Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman (2012). History of Abdu'l-Bahá's visit, concepts and principles he spoke about, the social context of New York at the time, and personal stories of the lives of early American Bahá'ís. Includes video interview with the author, and Spanish translation. [about]
    8. 'Abdu'l-Baha's Meeting with Two Prominent Iranians, by Muhammad Qazvini, in World Order, 30:1 (1998 Fall). Muhammad Qazvini's and Siyyid Hasan Taqizadeh's descriptions of their 1911 meetings with `Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris. Preceded by a brief biography of Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    9. Abdu'l-Bahá's Year in Egypt: A Compilation of Eyewitnesses, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 10 (2008). Annotated excerpts from Bahá'í News. Includes 8-page overview of Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to Egypt, his companion and diarist Ahmad Sohrab, and the trip's press coverage. [about]
    10. 'Abdul Baha in Egypt: The Diary of Ahmad Sohrab, by Ahmad Sohrab (1929). A detailed record of three months of Abdu'l-Bahá's time and activities in Egypt, July-September 1913. Includes translations of his talks. [about]
    11. 'Abdul Baha Talks to Kate Carew of Things Spiritual and Mundane, by Kate Carew, in New York Tribune (1912-05-05). [about]
    12. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá (2018/2023). 167 selections, updated August 2023. [about]
    13. Arches of the Years, by Marzieh Gail (1991). Early days of the Bahá'í Faith in America and of Abdu'l-Bahá's visit in 1912; Phoebe Hearst; Versailles Conference; and about Marzieh Gail herself. [about]
    14. Bab and Babism, by Isaac Adams, in Persia by a Persian: Personal Experiences, Manners, Customs, Habits, Religious and Social Life in Persia (1900). Overview of history and teachings; includes Anton Haddad's "A Message from Acca," "A Declaration to the Americans," and "Selected Precepts of El-Hak," pilgrim notes from Lua Getsinger, and letters from Mrs. Getsinger, Mrs. Kheiralla, and Mrs. Hearst. [about]
    15. Báb in Shiraz, The: An Account by Mírzá Habíbu'lláh Afnán, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 16 (2008). Recollections of the early years of the Bab and his family, and the times following his declaration; written by a relative. [about]
    16. Báb's Farewell Address to the Letters of the Living, The, by Báb, The and Nabil-i-A'zam (1844). The Báb's farewell speech to the Letters of the Living, extracted from Nabil-i-A'zam's The Dawn-Breakers, pp. 92-94. [about]
    17. Bábís of Nayriz, The: History and Documents, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 2 (2006). Extensive collection of historical documents: autobiographies, narratives, genealogies and chronologies, the transition from the Bábí to the Bahá'í community, provisional translations, and a list of Bábí martyrs. [about]
    18. Bahá'í Movement, with Some Recollections of Meetings with Abdul Baha, The, by Maude M. Holbach, in The Nineteenth Century and After, 77 (1915-02). Overview of Bábí and Bahá'í history, and an account of a multi-day visit with Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    19. Bahá'í Pilgrimage to Israel, by Gandhimohan Viswanathan, in Pilgrims and Travelers to the Holy Land (1996). A short scholarly article accompanied by numerous photographs of sacred Bahá'í sites in the Holy Land. [about]
    20. Bahá'í Pilgrimage, A, by Chris Manvell (1996-11). Contemporary notes and photographs of a pilgrimage in 1996. [about]
    21. Bahá'í Pilgrimage, A, by Cher Holt-Fortin (1998). Contemporary notes about a pilgrimage in 1998. [about]
    22. Bahá'í Pilgrimage, A, by Charles Uzzell (2000-03). Contemporary notes about a pilgrimage in 2000, with photographs of Dr. Varga and 'Ali Akbar Furutan. [about]
    23. Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era Regarding the Explanation of Daniel 12:12: Beckwith's Allegations, by Universal House of Justice (1990-11-06). Responses to allegations Francis Beckwith makes in his booklet "Bahá'í" about changes to this book. [about]
    24. Barstow Collection: Contents, Index, and Compiler's Notes, by Thellie Lovejoy (2000). Introduction to and contents list of the 478 translated tablets and other English documents from the library of American collector Dwight Barstow. [about]
    25. Biblical References in Baha'i Writings, by Marian Lippitt (1955/2016). Correlation between verses of the Bible and references to these verses in Bahá'í literature, including published pilgrim notes. In Excel format. [about]
    26. Brief Account of My Visit to Acca, A, by Mary L. Lucas (1905). Detailed notes of a visit to Haifa, January-February 1905, and Abdu'l-Bahá's interpretations of several passages from the Bible. [about]
    27. Chosen Highway, The, by Lady Sarah Louisa Blomfield (1940/1967). Oral Bahá'í histories collected by an eminent early English Bahá'í, first published in 1940. [about]
    28. Conversations with Shoghi Effendi, by May Maxwell (1924). A set of informal notes taken by Maxwell at Haifa in 1924, and "reproduced for the information of the Bahá'í friends with the permission of the National Spiritual Assembly." [about]
    29. Crown of Glory: Memoirs of Jinab-i-Aziz'u'llah Azizi, by Aziz'u'llah Azizi (1991). Autobiography of Jináb-i-Azízí, "the Tailor," a companion of 'Abdu'l-Bahá who travelled with the Master to London and Paris, and also met with Shoghi Effendi. Includes photographs, and provisional translations of several Tablets. [about]
    30. Daily Lessons Received at Akka: January 1908, by Helen S. Goodall and Ella Goodall Cooper (1979). Includes translations of three Tablets of Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    31. Diary of Ahmad Sohrab, The: Diary Letters and Notes, by Ahmad Sohrab (1913-1914). Letters from Abdu'l-Bahá's secretary during His travels to North America, written July 1913 - Oct 1914. [about]
    32. Diary of Juliet Thompson, by Juliet Thompson and Marzieh Gail (1983). Experiences in the life of Juliet Thompson, a prominent early Bahá'í and friend of Abdu'l-Bahá. Includes preface by Marzieh Gail. [about]
    33. Dwight Barstow Collection (2000). Partial scans of the 478 translated tablets and other English documents from the archive of American collector Dwight Barstow. [about]
    34. Dynamics of Prayer, by Ruhaniyyih Ruth Moffett (1973). Pilgrims note from the words of Shoghi Effendi about "five steps" for prayer and action (from 1954), followed by explanatory notes from the Universal House of Justice (from 1978). [about]
    35. Eagle and Pillar over Shoghi Effendi's resting place, and his visits to Scotland, by Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum (1981). Transcript of Ruhiyyih Khanum talking about Shoghi Effendi's visits to Scotland and how the pillar and eagle came to be over his resting place [about]
    36. Early Pilgrimage, An, by May Maxwell (1917). Notes from an 1898 pilgrimage by the mother of Ruhiyyih Khanum, published in 1917 and reprinted in 1953. [about]
    37. Episodes in the Life of Munirih Khanum, by Munirih Khanum (1924). A short autobiography by the wife of 'Abdu'l-Bahá; early draft of Munirih Khanum: Memoirs and Letters. [about]
    38. Excerpts of Notes during Pilgrimage to Haifa, by Alice Dudley (1957-04). Excerpts of notes by Alice Dudley of Orleans, France, during pilgrimage to Haifa April 15-23, 1957. [about]
    39. Explanation of Spiritual Evolution as Taught from the Bahá'í Teachings, by Lua Getsinger and Edward C. Getsinger (1899/1911/1958/1997). Chart "Cycle of Life" allegedly drawn on Abdu'l-Bahá's behalf (1899) to refute reincarnation; accompanying text quoting Lua's pilgrim's notes by Curtis Kelsey (1958); a letter from the Universal House of Justice (1997); and a talk by Lua Getsinger (1911). [about]
    40. Extracts from Notes Taken at Acca, by Aline Shane-Devin (1907-10). [needs abstract] [about]
    41. Eyewitness Impression of the Dedication, by Sophie Loeding, in Bahá'í News, 494 (1972-05). Brief recollections of Abdu'l-Bahá on the occasion of the dedication of the Wilmette temple, May 1, 1912. [about]
    42. Five Books About 'Abdu'l-Baha: Review, by Kazem Kazemzadeh and Firuz Kazemzadeh, in World Order, 6:1 (1971 Fall). Brief reviews of books by Myron Phelps (1904), Howard Colby Ives (1962), Mirza Mahmud-i-Zarqani (1914), Habib Mu'ayyad (1961), and Yunis Khan-i-Afrukhtih (1952). [about]
    43. Fourth Dimensional Consciousness, by Marie A. Watson (1921). (Alleged) words of Abdu'l-Bahá, taken from notes from a pilgrimage to Haifa in 1921. [about]
    44. Genesis of the Bábí-Bahá'í Faiths in Shíráz and Fárs, The, by Mirza Habibu'llah Afnan, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 1 (2008). Detailed account of the early years of the Bab, events of the 1880s and 1890s, the Constitutional Revolution years, and appendices for the study of the Bahá'í community in Shíráz. [about]
    45. Glimpse of Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris, by Alice R. Beede, in Star of the West, 2:18 (1912-02-07). Short account of a brief meeting in Paris, and brief speech by Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    46. Glimpses of Early Bahá'í Pilgrimages, by Annamarie K. Honnold, in Bahá'í News (1972). Discussion of early pilgrimages based on the resulting pilgrim's notes. Includes text from a variety of memoirs. [about]
    47. Haifa Impressions, by Valera Allen and John Allen (1954-12). Notes from a pilgrimage in December, 1954. [about]
    48. Haifa Notes, by Artemus Lamb (1953-10-21). Notes of a 5-day visit with the Guardian, by a pioneer to South America. [about]
    49. Haifa Notes, by Ramona Brown (1954). Notes from a pilgrimage in 1954. [about]
    50. Haifa Notes, by Clara Edge (1954-05). Notes by the author of the biographical novel Tahirih, taken during her visit to Haifa in 1954. [about]
    51. Haifa Notes, by Gayle Woolson (1956). Notes from a pilgrimage in 1956. [about]
    52. Haifa Notes of Shoghi Effendi's Word: Volumes 1 and 2, by May Maxwell and Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum (1937). Transcriptions of talks given by Shoghi Effendi by May Maxwell and Ruhiyyih Khanum, taken during their pilgrimage in 1937. [about]
    53. Haifa Talks, by Keith Ransom-Kehler and Lorol Schopflocher (1932-05-13). Two slightly different versions of these notes. Includes introduction by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. [about]
    54. Heart is a Little Bird that Longs to Soar, The: Impressions of Pilgrimage in Haifa, Bahji and Akká in the Days of the Universal House of Justice, by Jack McLean (2007). Short notes from a contemporary pilgrimage, and comparison with pilgrims' visits in the past. [about]
    55. Heavenly Feast, A: Some Utterances of Abdul-Baha to Two American Pilgrims in Acca, Syria, by Charles Haney and Mariam Haney (1909). Notes taken verbatim stenographically by Mariam Haney, from interpreter Dr Ameen U Fareed, during nine days in Akka. [about]
    56. Heavenly Vista, A: The Pilgrimage of Louis G. Gregory, by Louise G. Gregory and Abdu'l-Bahá (1911). The journal of Gregory's visit to 'Abdu'l-Bahá in 1911, including statements of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, stories of the believers in the Holy Land, and Gregory's experiences at the Shrines. Followed by a selection of tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá addressed to him. [about]
    57. How Parrots Are Taught to Speak, by Hadi Rahmani Shirazi, in Payám-i-Baháʼí, 366 (2010-05). An experience of Muhammad Quli Khan Nakha’ee, who went on pilgrimage to meet Bahá’u’lláh. [about]
    58. I, Mary Magdalene, by Juliet Thompson (1940). Semi-autobiographical account of Juliet Thompson's contact with 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    59. In Galilee and In Wonderland, by Arthur S. Agnew and Thornton Chase (1985). Two essays of a pilgrimage to Akka in 1907. [about]
    60. In His Presence: Visits to 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Roy Wilhelm and Stanwood Cobb (1989). Re-publication of Wilhelm's Knock and It Shall Be Opened Unto You (1908), Cobb's Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1962), and Coy's A Week in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Home (1921). Text missing quotation marks. [about]
    61. In Memoriam: Dr. Zia M. Bagdadi, in Bahá'í World, Vol. 7 (1936-1938) (1938). Biography of one-time editor of Star of the West. [about]
    62. In the Footsteps of 'Abdu'l-Bahá: The Master in the British Isles 1911, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom (2011/2021). A collection of extracts from the Writings, pilgrims' notes, and newspapers summarizing Abdu'l-Bahá's first visit to the United Kingdom, prepared by the NSA of the United Kingdom for centenary observations. [about]
    63. Julia's Journey: A Life Illumined by the Light of Akká, by Robert Gregory Shaw (2023). A brief record of the background of Julia M. Grundy and her lifelong services to the Faith following a 1905 pilgrimage, based on genealogical and internet sources, with extracts from her pilgrim notes relating to personal encounters with 'Abdu'l-Baha. [about]
    64. Letter to Frau Alice Schwarz-Solivo of a Talk by Abdu'l-Baha, by Josephina Fallscheer, in Der Sonner Der Wahrheit (1933-04). On the 'freedom of will', inheritance and instinct. [about]
    65. Letter to Lili Hermann re Abdu'l-Bahá envisioning a break in the line of Guardians, by Anna Grossmann (1958-06-05). From letter written by Frau Anna Grossmann (wife of Hermann Grossmann, Hand of the Cause and member German-Austrian NSA) to Mrs. Lili Olitaki Hermann, pioneer in Salzburg, June 5, 1958. [about]
    66. Letter to Mrs A.M. Bryant re interment of the remains of The Bab on Mt. Carmel, by May Woodcock and A.M. Bryant (1909). Brief description of the interment of the remains of the Bab on Mt. Carmel on 21 March 1909. [about]
    67. Letter to Mrs. A. Schwarz, Stuttgart, by Josephina Fallscheer (1910-01). Philosophic conversations of the Master with a French consular official. The nineteenth letter from Dr. Fallscheer to Schwarz. [about]
    68. Life and Teachings of Abbas Effendi, by Myron Henry Phelps and Bahiyyih Khanum (1903). Abdu'l-Bahá's life, as told by his sister Bahiyyih Khanum in 1903, with additional experiences by Myron Phelps. [about]
    69. Lifetime with 'Abdu'l-Bahá, A: Reminiscences of Khalíl Shahídí, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 9 (2008). Extensive recollections of four decades with the Holy Family in the time of Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi. Includes appendices on the next Manifestation, Bahá'í holy days, avoidance of tobacco, penmanship, and observations on daily life of the time. [about]
    70. Lifetime with Bahá'u'lláh, A: Events in Baghdad, Istanbul, Edirne and ‘Akká while in the Company of Bahá'u'lláh, by Aqa Husayn Ashchi, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 14 (2007-03). One-third of a lengthy primary-source history, annotated by translator. [about]
    71. Lighting the Western Sky: The Hearst Pilgrimage and the Establishment of the Bahá'í Faith in the West by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson: Review, by Janet Ruhe-Schoen, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 24:1-4 (2014). [about]
    72. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (1988). The classic Bahá'í reference book. This is its first online edition. [about]
    73. Lua Getsinger: Herald of the Covenant, by Amine De Mille, in Bahá'í News, 489 (1971-12). Biography of Getsinger, with recollections of Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    74. Mahmúd's Diary: The Diary of Mírzá Mahmúd-i-Zarqání Chronicling 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey to America, by Abdu'l-Bahá and Mirza Mahmud-i-Zarqani (1998). Extensive account of the 1912 travels of Abdu'l-Bahá in the West. [about]
    75. Memoirs of Frances Bradford Jones Edelstein, by Frances Bradford Jones Edelstein (1999). Memoirs of the first pioneer to Famagusta (as requested by Shoghi Effendi to pioneer from the City of the Covenant to the City of the Arch-Breaker of the Covenant), and pilgrim to Haifa in December 1953. First written June 1985, completed April 1999. [about]
    76. Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Stanwood Cobb (1962). Recollections by eminent American Bahá'í author Cobb (1881–1982). [about]
    77. Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Ali M. Yazdi, in Bahá'í World, Vol. 18 (1979-1983) (1986). Recollections by a prominent Iranian-American Bahá'í. [about]
    78. Memories of Talks with the Guardian, by Hiroyasu Takano (2016). Memories of a pilgrimage in 1954. Takano was the only Japanese Bahá'í other than Saichiro Fujita to meet the Guardian. [about]
    79. Memories of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá: Memoirs of Mírzá Habíbu'lláh Afnán, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 4 (2005). Autobiography of a close confidant of the holy family. Includes appendices on Bahá'í historical places in Shiraz, the Afnán family genealogy, and excerpts from Houshmand Fatheazam’s diary [about]
    80. Message from Acca, by Anton Haddad (1900). A lengthy report of Abdu'l-Bahá's teachings to the Bahá'ís in America. Can be seen as a precursor to Tablets of the Divine Plan. [about]
    81. Message of the World Spiritual Crusade received from the Guardian, by Ali-Akbar Furutan (1953?). Notes taken by Furútan in the early years of the 10-year plan (1953-63) and distributed at the request of Shoghi Effendi. [about]
    82. Miracles, by Robert Stockman (1995). [about]
    83. Munirih Khanum: Memoirs and Letters, by Munirih Khanum (1986). Autobiography of Khanum (1847-1938), the wife of Abdu'l-Bahá. Includes the arrangements for her marriage, her travel to Akka, her time with the wife of the Bab, and memorial letters written on the anniversaries of the passing of Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    84. My Memories of Baha'u'llah, by Ustad Muhammad-'Ali Salmani (1982). Memories of one of Baha'u'llah's companions during his exile. [about]
    85. My Pilgrimage to the Land of Desire, by Marie A. Watson (1932). Account of a pilgrimage to Haifa to visit Abdu'l-Bahá in July–August 1921. [about]
    86. My Visit to Abbas-Effendi in 1899, by Margaret B. Peeke (1911). Visit to Abdu'l-Bahá in 1899 by an American mystical author who subsequently became a Bahá'í. [about]
    87. Notes of Shoghi Effendi's Words, by Agnes Baldwin Alexander (1937-05-12). Notes from the dinner table in Haifa, May 11 1937, taken before Alexander's departure the following day. [about]
    88. Notes of the Pilgrimage of Edith McLaren, by Edith McLaren (1954-05). Notes of a pilgrimage May 2-10, 1954. [about]
    89. Notes on 1954 Pilgrimage, by Sara M. Kenny (1954). Notes from Kenny (1900-1968), Knight of Bahá'u'lláh to Medeira. [about]
    90. Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa: April 15-23, 1957, by Alice Dudley (1957). Notes on a pilgrimage in 1957. [about]
    91. Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa: Parallel edition of five manuscripts, by Alice Dudley (1997). Multiple manuscripts of Dudley's notes of a pilgrimage in 1957, and a case study in how much different manuscripts of Pilgrim's Notes can differ. [about]
    92. Notes on Shoghi Effendi's Table Talk, by Mabel Hyde Paine (1931). Notes from a pilgrimage in 1931. [about]
    93. Notes Taken in the Presence of Shoghi Effendi, by Agnes Baldwin Alexander (1937). Notes from a pilgrimage in spring, 1937. Two editions of the notes are presented in parallel. [about]
    94. On Marie Watson's Pilgrim's Notes Titled "Fourth Dimensional Consciousness", by Wm. Keith Bookwalter (2020-05). Circumstances regarding notes that Watson took from interpreted statements made by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during her pilgrimage in 1921. [about]
    95. Opening of the Terraces (May 2001), The: Reflections of a Participant, by Thelma Batchelor (2001-05). Contemporary pilgrim's note from May 20-26, 2001, witnessing the historic completion of the Arc project. [about]
    96. Our Pilgrimage to Haifa, by Elmer Beasley and Gladys Beasley (1957). Notes from a pilgrimage in 1956. [about]
    97. Pilgrim Notes, by Myron Henry Phelps (1917). Notes taken by Phelps during his second visit to Acca, 1917, from the words of Abdul-Baha. [about]
    98. Pilgrim Notes Recorded after the Nightly Dinner-table Talks of the Beloved Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, by Isobel Sabri (1957). Table-talk notes from April 19-28 1957. [about]
    99. Pilgrim's Notes, by Nellie French (1952-04-21). Notes from a pilgrimage in 1952. [about]
    100. Pilgrim's Notes, by Anonymous (1953-01). Anonymous notes from January 1953. [about]
    101. Pilgrim's Notes, by Ben Levy (1953-03-09). Notes from a pilgrimage March 9-16, 1953. [about]
    102. Pilgrim's Notes, by William Allison and Thelma W. Allison (1957). Notes from a 1957 pilgrimage; Allison was one of the last Bahá'ís to visit the Guardian in Haifa. [about]
    103. Pilgrim's notes about Shoghi Effendi, by Ramona Brown, in Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá: Recollections of the Early Days of the Bahá'ís of California (1980). Notes from a pilgrimage in 1954. [about]
    104. Pilgrim's Notes on Teaching and Administration, A, by Beatrice Ashton, in Bahá'í News, 262 (1952-12). Statements made to the National Spiritual Assembly after Ashton's return from pilgrimage to Haifa, which ties the Tablet of Carmel to the Guardianship. [about]
    105. Pilgrimage: Notes by LeRoy Jones, by LeRoy Jones (1998-02). Contemporary notes from a 1975 pilgrimage. [about]
    106. Pilgrimage to Haifa and Akka: Parts Two-Three, by William Sears (1954-04). Notes on his pilgrimage in 1954 by American Baha'i and pioneer (and later Hand of the Cause) William Sears. [about]
    107. Pilgrims Notes, by Marguerite R. Sears (1953). Pilgrimage to Haifa, Israel, February 26 to March 9, 1953. [about]
    108. Pilgrims Notes and the "Calamity", by International Teaching Centre (1984-07-01). Status of Pilgrims' Notes and their discussion of the catastrophic events some Bahá'ís believe might occur around the turn of the millennium. [about]
    109. Pilgrims' Notes, by Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, in Lights of Guidance (1988). [about]
    110. Pilgrims' Notes: Considerations for Sharing, by Universal House of Justice (2013-08-12). Some points to consider when sharing or publishing pilgrims notes. [about]
    111. Pilgrims' Notes from U.S. Archives, by Various (1898-1959). Pilgrim notes from the U.S. Bahá'í National Archives, organized by year, 1898-1959, unsorted, in 60 PDF and TIF files. [about]
    112. Pilgrims' Notes Online, by Universal House of Justice (1997-12-14). No policy other than the exercise of wisdom currently exists regarding the publishing of pilgrims' notes on the internet. [about]
    113. Pilgrims' Notes, Status of. "Pilgrims' Notes" are unofficial records of meetings with central figures of the Bahá'í Faith, like 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi. They may contain inaccuracies, and are not considered authentic, but can be of help, guidance and inspiration. [about]
    114. Portals to Freedom, by Howard Colby Ives (1983). A collection of anecdotes and history of Abdu'l-Bahá's travels to the United States, as told by one observer. [about]
    115. Precious Glimmers: The Bahá'í Faith in New York, 1892-1932, by Hussein Ahdieh (2020). Highlights of the first forty years of the Bahá'í Faith in the City of the Covenant, 1892-1932. Includes chronology of meetings, conferences, activities, and milestones, and photographs. [about]
    116. Principles of Bahá'í Administration, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (1950/1973). A guide to procedure in the life and organic activity of the Bahá'í community, prepared from three main sources from the US National Spiritual Assembly: Bahá'í Administration, Bahá'í Procedure, and Bahá'í Community. [about]
    117. Questions about Science and Religion: Interviews with Abdul Baha at Tiberias and Haifa, by Anna Kunz, in Star of the West, 13:6 (1922-09). Questions asked of Abdu'l-Bahá by two Christians visiting Haifa in 1921. [about]
    118. Quote from Ruhiyyih Khanum to Mrs. J.E. Bolles, by Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum (1953-06). One short note about the "urgency of this particular time in history," from Ruhiyyih Khanum to Mrs. J.E. Bolles, contained in a letter from Agnes Alexander to "Lucy," June, 1953. [about]
    119. Recollections of My Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Meeting the Beloved Guardian, The, by Olivia Kelsey (1954/1979). Notes of a pilgrimage in 1954. [about]
    120. Recollections of Pilgrimage: Nine Days with the Guardian in 1957, by Bill Washington (2014). Lengthy account of 9 days in the Holy Land. Appendixes include list of items in the Archives, stories told by other pilgrims, and discussion of the Ten-Year Plan. [about]
    121. Reincarnation, The Return, and the "Cycle of Life" Chart, by Edward C. Getsinger (1916-04). The concepts Reincarnation and Return in the context of pilgrims' recollections of the words of 'Abdul-Baha, with tablets translated by Ali Kuli Khan, and on Lua Getsinger's "Spiritual Evolution" chart. [about]
    122. Sacred Pilgrimage: Visits with The Guardian, by Bill Washington, in Herald of the South (1957). Letter to the Australian newsletter, summarizing of nine days in the Holy Land and talks with Shoghi Effendi. [about]
    123. "Share your time with God", by Universal House of Justice (2004-09-19). Source of the quotation "Share your time with God. Spend half of the day in search of livelihood," from a pilgrim's note. [about]
    124. Sheltering Branch, The, by Marzieh Gail (1959). The life and teachings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    125. Shoghi Effendi, by Marcus Bach, in The Circle of Faith, Chapter 3 (1957). Dr. Bach set out to meet the five people of his time whom he felt best exemplified the teachings of Jesus Christ. He travelled the world to pursue this aim, interviewing Helen Keller, Pope Pius XII, Albert Schweitzer, Therese Neumann, and Shoghi Effendi. [about]
    126. Shoghi Effendi: Recollections, by Ugo Giachery (1973). Biography of Shoghi Effendi from the close standpoint of the author's personal experiences. [about]
    127. Shoghi Effendi on the Book of Certitude, by Ugo Giachery, in Shoghi Effendi: Recollections (1973). Brief pilgrims' note with some interesting comments on the Kitab-i-Iqan. [about]
    128. Shoghi Effendi's Question, by Emeric Sala, in The Vision of Shoghi Effendi (1983). Recollections of Sala (1906-1990) on Shoghi Effendi discussing the meaning of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. Includes audio version. [about]
    129. Star of the West: Complete issues, in Star of the West (1910-1935). Star of the West was a US Bahá’í newsletter published between 1910 and 1935. [about]
    130. Star of the West: Use of, in Electronic Form, by Universal House of Justice (1999-03-03). Guidance on use of the publication Star of the West in electronic form as well as advice on how to describe the authoritativeness of the material [about]
    131. Summon Up Remembrance, by Marzieh Gail (1987). Memoir left by Ali-Kuli Khan, one of the first translators of Bahá'í Writings; writings of his wife Florence; other family papers and memories. [about]
    132. Table Talks and Notes Taken at Acca, by Corinne True and Mirza Hadi (1907). Notes of a pilgrimage in 1907, and Abdu'l-Bahá's answers to questions posed by True, published as a book. [about]
    133. Table Talks at Acca, by Arthur S. Agnew (1907). Description of his visit to 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Akká in 1907 by an early American Bahá'í. [about]
    134. Table Talks with Abdu'l-Baha, by George F. Winterburn and Rosa V. Winterburn (1908). Lengthy notes taken in February 1904, published as a 32-page book in July 1908 at the request of Thornton Chase. [about]
    135. Tablets and Utterances of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Quoted in Compilations and Letters of the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (2003-07-14). Discusses the authenticity of quotations included in letters from the Universal House of Justice, plus comments on pilgrims' notes. [about]
    136. Ten Days in the Light of Akka, by Julia M. Grundy (1907). A lengthy recollection of conversations with Abdu'l-Bahá and notes of his lectures. [about]
    137. Twenty-Five Years of the Guardianship, by Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum (1948). An early account of Shoghi Effendi's ministry, written by his wife while he was still alive. [about]
    138. Twin Pilgrimages of Núru'd-Dín Mumtází, by Nureddin Mumtazi (2015). Accounts of Nureddin Momtazi's pilgrimages in 1920 and 1955-56. Includes foreword and numerous notes, both covering much history and context. Documents reviewed and annotated by multiple members of Momtazi's family. [about]
    139. Two brief pilgrims' notes, by Valera Allen and Charlotte Linfoot (1954). Brief notes on (1) the infallibility of the Guardian in his choice of successor an (2) atomic energy. [about]
    140. Unofficial Bahá'í Lore, by David Piff: Review, by Iarfhlaith Watson, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 10 (2001). [about]
    141. Utterances of Abdul Beha Abas to Two Young Men, American Pilgrims to Acre, by Abdu'l-Bahá (1901). Talks to pilgrims William Copeland Dodge and Wendall Dodge in Akka, November-December, 1901, published as a 24-page booklet. [about]
    142. Visiting the Bahá'í World Centre, by Ruhaniyyih Ruth Moffett (1954-09). Detailed memories of Ruth Moffett's visit to the Baha'i World Centre in 1954; words of Shoghi Effendi; travel teaching in Europe; questions of authenticity. [about]
    143. Week in Abdu'l-Baha's Home, A, by Genevieve L. Coy and Cora Grey, in Star of the West, 12:10-13 (1921). Notes of a pilgrimage by Mabel Paine, Sylvia Paine, Cora Grey and Genevieve L. Coy in 1920, published as a series in 4 parts in 3 issues of Star of the West. [about]
    144. With Abdu'l-Bahá: The Diary of Mirza 'Isa Khan Isfahani, by Mirza `Isa Khan Isfahani, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 11 (2008-03). Account of a visit to Haifa, December 1919 - January 1920, by a little-known author Mírzá 'Isá Khán Isfahání Darágáh'í. Includes table of an old Persian solar calendar and its Western astrological correspondences, and anecdotes about Esslemont. [about]
    145. Witness to Shaykh Tabarsi: The Narrative of Haji Nasir Qazvini, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 8 (2007). Biography of Qazvini, sources for the study of the conflict at Shaykh Tabarsi, and Qazvini's narrative. Includes the Persian text, and bios of Táríkh Samandar and M. A. Malik-Khusravi (in Persian). [about]
    146. Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, by Ahang Rabbani (1996-2010). Multiple volumes of historical materials, translations, and original research. [about]
    147. Word Portraits of Abdu'l-Baha (2012). Short descriptions of Abdu'l-Bahá by Horace Holley, Louis Gregory, Howard Colby Ives, Wellesley Tudor Pole, E. G. Browne, Ali Yazdi, Florence Khan, Stanwood Cobb, and Albert Vail. [about]
    148. Writing on the Ground, by Wellesley Tudor Pole (1968). PDF of the entire book, followed by HTML-formatted excerpt of Part Three, "The Bahá'í Faith." [about]
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