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Search for tag "Recognition (Manifestation of God)"

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  1. Bahá'u'lláh as fulfilment of the theophanic promise in the Sermons of Imam 'Alí ibn Abí Ṭálib: Translation of al Tutunjiyya, Iftikhár and Ma'rifat bin-Nurániyyat, by Khazeh Fananapazir, in Online Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 1 (2007). Translations of Tutunjiyya "Sermon of the Gulf," Iftikhár "Sermon of Iftikhár," and Ma'rifat bin-Nurániyyat "Sermon of Ma'rifat bin-Nurániyyat." [about]
  2. Commentary on the Kitab-i Aqdas, verse one, by Sen McGlinn (1997). Meanings why recognition of God and his Manifestations are the first two laws of the Aqdas. [about]
  3. Compilation on the "Recognition of Him" (2007). On the subject of the recognition of the Manifestation of God. [about]
  4. Perspectives on the Inseparable Twin Duties Prescribed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, by Eamonn Moane, in Solas, 3 (2003). Religions differ in the balance of faith versus good works, the grace of God versus human strivings, and the scheme of salvation. To Bahá'ís, recognizing the Prophet and obedience to his laws are equal duties. For salvation, faith surpasses deeds. [about]
  5. Recognition of the Next Manifestation by the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (1997-06-06). Бахаулла говорит, что следующее Богоявление тоже столкнётся с преследованиями, но восторжествует над Своими гонителями. [about]
  6. Recognition of the Next Manifestation of God, by Universal House of Justice (1997-06-06). On concerns that a future Universal House of Justice might not recognize the next Manifestation of God. [about]
  7. Resurrection and Return of Jesus, by Universal House of Justice, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 9 (2008). The body of Christ; the burial of Christ; His return; and explaining the Bahá'í view to Christians. [about]
  8. Sermon of Recognition with Luminousness (Khutbih-i-Ma'rifat bin-Núráníyyat), by Imam Ali ibn 'Abu-Talib (2001). A sermon by Imam Ali, of interest to Bahá'ís because (1) it was often quoted by Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa'i­ and Siyyid Kázim Rashtí; (2) it concerns the true station of the Imáms; and (3) Bahá'u'lláh quotes it in the Kitáb-i-I­qán. [about]
  9. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature (2009-2023). Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging. [about]
  10. With Abdu'l-Bahá: The Diary of Mirza 'Isa Khan Isfahani, by Mirza `Isa Khan Isfahani, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 11 (2008-03). Account of a visit to Haifa, December 1919 - January 1920, by a little-known author Mírzá 'Isá Khán Isfahání Darágáh'í. Includes table of an old Persian solar calendar and its Western astrological correspondences, and anecdotes about Esslemont. [about]
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