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1978. 5 Jul The passing of Ruth J. Ellis Moffet (b. 19 January 1880 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin). She was buried in Glendale Cemetery in Des Moines, Iowa. Ruth Moffet has been described as a "champion teacher for of the Cause of God" and as being "instrumental in helping establish the Bahá'í Faith in the United States". Her travels took her through Europe, the Near East, Asia, Egypt and Canada as well as the United States. [BW17p463]


  • Do'a: On Wings of Prayer: First published in 1933, then in 1938 and 1953 as Do'a: The Call to Prayer. It was reprinted in 1974 and later in 1984. The book has been described as "A broad Bahá'í approach to prayer and mediation of 'the practice of the presence of the Spirit of God', using quotations from the Bahá'í Faith and other religions." [BELp105] Her formula, which has become known as the "Five Steps of Prayer", and was printed in Principles of Bahá'í Administration published by the National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles in 1953 and was cited by the Universal House of Justice in its message of the 11 October 1978.
  • New Keys to the Book of Revelation: Published in New Delhi in 1977 and reprinted in 1989. [Collins p105] It contains a chronology of the events in the Holy Land.
  • A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Published in Honolulu 1980. This was also entitled Visting the Bahá'i World Centre. It consisted of notes from her pilgrimage May 17 - September 17, 1954. [Collins p105]
  • The Cause of the Rise and Fall of Civilizations: This was a chart that she produced after her pilgrimage. It is her own interpretation of history.
  • Her essay, The Dynamics of Prayer was published in SoW Vol 21 Issue 2 p47 in May 1930. A 'cleaner' PDF is available here.
  • See Bahaipedia for a detailed biography.
  • Find a grave.
  • Eau Claire, WN; Des Moines, Iowa Ruth Moffett; In Memoriam; Prayer, Five Steps of; Prayer

    from the main catalogue

    1. Cause of the Rise and Fall of Civilizations, The, by Ruhaniyyih Ruth Moffett (1954). A chart correlating the growth of maturity of humanity and the evolution of religions with major events in history. [about]
    2. Dynamics of Prayer, by Ruhaniyyih Ruth Moffett (1973). Pilgrims note from the words of Shoghi Effendi about "five steps" for prayer and action (from 1954), followed by explanatory notes from the Universal House of Justice (from 1978). [about]
    3. Visiting the Bahá'í World Centre, by Ruhaniyyih Ruth Moffett (1954-09). Detailed memories of Ruth Moffett's visit to the Baha'i World Centre in 1954; words of Shoghi Effendi; travel teaching in Europe; questions of authenticity. [about]
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