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  1. Lawh-i-Tibb (Tablet to the Physician), The: Beyond Health Maxims, by Misagh Ziaei, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 29:3 (2019). On the tablet's historical context, as well as some of its guidance regarding the study and practice of medicine, including attributes its practitioners must acquire and maintain. Published Articles. [about]
  2. Memoirs of a Bahá'í in Rasht 1889-1903: Autobiography of Mírzá Yahyá `Amídu'l-Atibbá Hamadání, in Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 7 (2007). Personal account of some activities of the Bahá'í community in Iran and persecutions they endured. Biographies. [about]
  3. Tabla de la Medicina, by Bahá'u'lláh (2022). Spanish translation of Lawh-i-Tibb, from an English translation by S. Lambden. Provisional translations. [about]
  4. Tablet of Medicine (Lawh-i-Tibb), by Bahá'u'lláh (n.d.). An anonymous translation of the Tablet to a Physician. Provisional translations. [about]
  5. Tablet to a Physician (Lawh-i-Tibb), by Universal House of Justice (2000-04-20). On translations of Bahá'u'lláh's "Tablet of Medicine/Tablet to the Physician"; includes a partial provisional translation. Letters from the Universal House of Justice. [about]
  6. Tablet to a Physician (Lawh-i-Tibb), by Universal House of Justice (1989-06-08). Complete version of a letter which has been excerpted in various compilations. Letters from the Universal House of Justice. [about]
  7. Tablet to the Physician, or Tablet of Medicine (Lawh-i-Tibb): Notes, by Stephen Lambden, in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 6:4-7:2 (1992). Study Guides. [about]
  8. Tablet to the Physician, or Tablet of Medicine (Lawh-i-Tibb): Tablet study outline, by Jonah Winters (1999). Study Guides. [about]
  9. Tablette de la Médecine (Lawh-i-Tibb), by Bahá'u'lláh (2019). Tablette de Bahá’u’lláh (début 1870?). Traduction provisoire incluant une note de la Maison Universelle de Justice ainsi qu'un commentaire de Stephen Lambden. Provisional translations. [about]
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