Bahai Library Online

>   Software
TAGS: - Cross-reference; Bahá'í Reference Library; Bahá'í studies; Internet; Libraries; Software; Websites; Wikis
Broswer add-on (software) overlaying the official Bahá'í Reference Library ( with links back to collaboratively editable wikis (at,,, and for compiling info by work/paragraph.
Software licensed under open source MIT/X11 license.

Has since been made available in other browsers:

Bahá'í Reference Library Wiki Overlay

Brett Zamir


Note added January 2021:
Since this add-on was created, browsers have since made changes which probably will not allow the continued use of this add-on at the current point. The Firefox add-on no longer appears to be available to modern Firefox as a result of these browser changes and the Chrome extension, while installable, doesn't seem to work against the current version of the browser.

The information below is being preserved, however, for any developers who might wish to update and modernize the functionality (a note for this has been added below) as well as for the sake of any historical interest.

See the add-on for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
About this Add-on: Overlays the official Bahá'í Reference Library site ( with links back to collaboratively editable wiki pages (at,,, and allowing compilation of quotations and resources pertaining to any given work. Next to the heading title of each work are links which, when clicked, will visit the wiki page dedicated to collecting resources for the given book (authoritative quotations and resources, Bahá'í encyclopedic, public encyclopedic, or source text, respectively).

Where available, even individual paragraphs can be clicked to visit a wiki page dedicated to that specific paragraph (at present, this functionality is only available for the Kitab-i-Aqdas and links only lead to which provides links to topical compilation pages or provides other background on the verse in question).

Currently works for English only. This add-on is an individual initiative, not sponsored by any Bahá'í administrative institution.

Download from

Note to developers:

The source code is available on GitHub.

Note that the still incomplete "webextensions" branch might allow the add-on to be updated to work in modern browsers. However, it would need to take account for the fact that a migration has been ongoing to the new site, and the code would need to be modified to mostly overlay instead of There would be an additional potential concern in undertaking such work in that links to any paragraph on the official site might not continue to work into the future, especially as the scheme currently in use on the official current site is not always intuitive (i.e., a link to a particular paragraph may include a unique ID in the URL rather than a transparently evident paragraph number which can be understood and changed by the user (or tools) in the URL). God willing, the official library will have the resources at some point to settle on stable page anchors, both for the sake of not breaking and making intuitive and convenient, any bookmarking, linking, and automated tooling such as this.

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VIEWS4553 views since posted 2013-03-07; last edit 2021-01-26 00:10 UTC;
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