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Conspiracies and Forgeries

AuthorMoojan Momen
Title of item
Conspiracies and Forgeries
Subtitle of item
The Attack upon the Bahá'í Community in Iran
Parent publication   Persian Heritage
Date of this edition 2004
Permission Fair use (see notes on copyright)
Posted 2010-09-08 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Early attacks on the Bahá'í community in Iran were made mostly on the basis of religious accusations, but in the 20th century, non-religious accusations based on widely held and often fantastical conspiracy theories have become more prevalent.
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This paper is also available as PDF. See also Debunking the Myths: Conspiracy Theories on the Genesis and Mission of the Bahá'í Faith.

Tags Bahai history; Conspiracy theories; Criticism and apologetics; Forgery and interpolation; History (general); Iranian revolution; Opposition; Persecution; Politics; Zionism
Locations Iran (documents); Israel; United Kingdom; Russia
Page views 16495 hits since 2010-09-08
Edit qualityhigh: carefully proofread and edited
Format qualityhigh: well formatted
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2023-10-12 02:51 EDT. See previous versions [].

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