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Social Basis of the Bábí Upheavals in Iran (1848-1953)

AuthorMoojan Momen
Title of item
Social Basis of the Bábí Upheavals in Iran (1848-1953)
Subtitle of item
A Preliminary Analysis
Parent publication   International Journal of Middle East Studies
Date of this edition 1983
Permission author
Posted 2017-08-10 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract In the mid-19th century, Iran was shaken by unrest caused by the Bábí movement, which set off a chain of events that led on the one hand, to the constitutional movement in Iran, and on the other, to the establishment of the now world-wide Bahá'í Faith.
Notes PDF generated by a lightly re-formatted Word document posted by author at
Tags Babism; Iran, General history; Letters of the Living; Nayriz upheaval; Persecution; Persecution, Deaths; Persecution, Iran; Seven martyrs; Seven martyrs of Tihran; Shaykh Tabarsi; Sociology; Statistics; Upheavals; Women; Zanjan upheaval
Locations Nayriz; Zanjan; Iran (documents)
Page views 2761 hits since 2017-08-10
Last edited
2017-08-13 01:05 EDT. See previous versions [].

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