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Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action

Author Bahá'í World News Service
Title of item
Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action
Parent publication   Bahá'í World
Date of this edition 2018-10-12
Permission Open copyright (see Baha'i Reference Library sharing terms, BIC copyright statement, and uhj_permission_electronic_texts)
Posted 2021-01-27 by Arjen Bolhuis
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Brief overview of the histories of various Bahá'í journals: Star of the West, Khurshid-i khavar, Sonne der Wahrheit, Wirklichkeit, The Dawn, Herald of the South, The Bahá'í World, World Order, and Bahá’í World News Service.
Notes Mirrored from, where this article is also available as HTML or downloadable as PDF (part of the collection Arts, Culture & the Media).
Tags - Periodicals; Afnan library; BWNS; Bahai International Community (general); Bahai News; Bahai World News Service (BWNS); Bahai World volumes; Internet; Khurshid-i khavar (Sun of the East); Media; Newspapers; Publishing; Star of the West; World Order magazine
Locations United States (documents); Germany; Ishqabad; Turkmenistan; Iran (documents); India; Myanmar (Burma); Australia; New Zealand
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