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1908 Sep
(New York) Bahá'í Bulletin Published September, 1908 to May 1909 (5 issues)
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Volume 1, Issues 1
September 1908
Volume 1, Issues 2 and 3
October 1908
Volume 1, Issue 4
December 1908
Volume 1, Issue 5
January-February-March 1909
Volume 1, Issue 6
April-May 1909

The Bahá'í Bulletin was succeeded a year later by the Bahá'í News which subsequently became Star of the West a year after that. [BWNS1289] See 1910 21 March
New York; United States Bahai Bulletin; Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
1910 21 Mar The first issue of the Bahá'í News was published in Chicago. [BFA2:XVII; BW10:179; BWNS1289]
  • See BFA2:320–2, BW8:927 and SBBH1:116–17 for the magazine's development.
  • It was the first Bahá'í magazine published in the West. [BBD2 14]
  • Star of the West was published as Bahá'í News (Volume 1, Issues 1-19 from 21 March, 1910 until 2 March, 1911) and later under Star of the West /The Bahá'í Magazine (Volume 2 to Volume 25, 21 March, 1911 until 25 March,1935).
  • Its editors were Albert Windust and Gertrude Buikema. Others involved with its publication over its history were Albert and Emily Vail, Dr. Zia Baghdadi, Ahmad Sohrab, Edna M. True; with Horace Holley and Stanwood Cobb being singled out as early contributors. [Duane Troxel]
    Star of the West Published March 1910 to April 1935
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             Volume # / Dates (links)   
    Vol 1 (Mar 1910) - Vol 10 (Mar 1920)
    Vol 11 (Mar 1920) - Vol 20 (Mar 1930)
    Vol 21 (Apr 1930) - Vol 25 (Apr 1935)

    For an access to the Star of the West archives see This site is not searchable.

  • Chicago; United States Star of the West; Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1917 (in the year) The news magazine, Khurshid-i khavar (Sun of the East) commenced publication. [BWNS1289] Ishqabad; Turkmenistan Khurshid-i khavar (Sun of the East); - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1919. 18 Nov The periodical entitled "The Magazine of the Children of the Kingdom" was published and distributed by Miss Ella Roberts from 1919 to 1924. [Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America: Native American creation stories, edited by Rosemary Skinner Keller, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Marie Cantlon p.782-783]
  • The story of the naming of the magazine...
      Margaret Randall told of the establishment of a Bahá'í Junior Magazine and asked 'Abdu'l-Bahá for a name for it. The Master was told who had charge of it, and His face lighted up with a beautiful smile as He said: "The name is The Magazine of the Children of the Kingdom. Who writes it? This (name) is suitable for it. [WHR128-129]
  • See A Compilation on Bahá'í Education #96 for a tablet by 'Abdu'l-Bahá to the children of the Bahá'í school, Urbana, Illinois found here.
  • See A Compilation on Bahá'í Education #102 for a tribute to the magazine by Shoghi Effendi found here. He called it "first and only organ of the Bahá'í youth throughout the world".
  • At the American National Convention in 1925 (July 4 - 9) it was reported that "The Magazine of the Children of the Kingdom", edited by Ella Roberts and "Bahá'í World Fellowship" edited by Mrs. Victoria Bedikian had merged. ["Bahá'í News Letter" #6 Jul-Aug 1925 p.6]
  • Haifa; United States Magazine of the Children of the Kingdom; Children; Youth; - Periodicals; Publications; First publications
    1921 - 1980 The Bahá'í community of Iran began publishing a monthly magazine called Aḵbār-e amrī, a publication whose name means "News of the Cause". Containing the holy writings of the Bahá'í faith, domestic and foreign Bahá'í news, official announcements of Bahá'í administrative bodies, and articles on various aspects of the Faith, the magazine became a vital means of communication and a register of the main historical events for six decades until its closing in 1980. It was published by "Lajnih-yi Nashr-i Nafahát" (Committee for the Diffusion of the Divine Fragrances) until 1978 and then by Mahfil-i Ruhání-yi Millí-yi Baháiyán-i Írán (National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Iran) [BAHAISM v. The Bahai Community in Iran by V. Rafati; BWNS1289]
  • Scanned copies from B.E. 102 to B.E. 111 and B.E. 116 were taken from bound copies of the journal originally owned by Mr Hormuzdiar Sabet and contain his annotations, frequently noting the original English text that has been translated in the journal.
  • Iran Akhbar-i-Amri (News of the Cause); - Periodicals; Newsletters; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1921 (In the year) A journal called Bahá'í News started publishing in English and Persian. [BWNS1289] India Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1921 Mar Two Bahá'í publications began, Sonne der Wahrheit, meaning Sun of Truth, and Wirklichkeit, meaning Reality. [BWNS1289; German Bahá'í website archive] Germany Sonne der Wahrheit (Sun of Truth); Wirklichkeit (Reality); - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1923 Sep The Dawn began publishing in Burma, in Burmese, English, and Persian. [BWNS1289] Myanmar (Burma) Dawn, The (newsletter); - Periodicals; Newsletters; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1924 24 Dec The first Bahá'í News Letter, forerunner of Bahá'í News, was published in New York by the National Assembly of the United States and Canada with Horace Holley as the editor. [BBRSM122; BW10:180; BW13:856; SBR232]
  • For links to the publications see entry at 1990-10-00.
  • New York; United States Newsletters; Bahai News; Horace Holley; Publications; First publications; - Periodicals
    1925 Sep Bertram Dewing began publication of the Bahá'í magazine Herald of the South in Auckland. [Collins174; SBR163; BWNS1289] Auckland; New Zealand Herald of the South (magazine); - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1926 (In the year) The Bahá'í World was first published. [BW1:4; GT77; PP209; SBR232; BWNS1289]
  • The first edition, April 1925 to April 1926, was called The Bahá'í Yearbook.
  • For Shoghi Effendi's impression of it see UD82–4.
  • This marked a new stage in the capacity of the Bahá'í community to provide reports and statistics, capture experience from diverse countries, and disseminate important insights and analyses. Each edition covered the progress of the international Bahá'í community over a defined period.
  • United States Bahai World volumes; First publications; Publications; - Periodicals; BWNS
    1935 Mar World Order magazine was founded. [SBR236; BWNS1289]
  • The publication included essays, poems, personal recollections, and historical pieces. The periodical brought together into one volume works by scholars, poets, artists, and practitioners from various fields of endeavour. The first volume also included excerpts from a letter by Shoghi Effendi titled "The Goal of a New World Order."
  • There was a break in publication from 1949 to 1966. [Bahá'í Works]
  • PDFs of most volumes are available for downloading from the Bahá'í Works website.
  • United States World Order magazine; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1989 Feb The inaugural publication of One Country, the newsletter of the Bahá'í International Community. It was a publication of the Office of Public Information of the Bahá'í International Community in New York. The periodical reported mainly on activities of the worldwide Bahá'í community in relation to issues of sustainable development, peace and world order, human rights, and the advancement of women. [BW'86-‘92 p.539] New York; United States One Country (magazine); Newsletters; Bahai International Community; First publications; Publications; - Periodicals Find date
    1990 Oct The publication of the last issue of the Bahá'í News by the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States after nearly 70 years of uninterrupted service. [CBN Feb1991pg15]
    • Issues 1 to 40 were published under the name Bahá'í News Letter. Subsequent issues, from #41 to #714, were entitled simply Bahá'í News.

    Bahá'í News Published December 1924 to October 1990
              Link (Will open in this window)            
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    "Bahá'í News" Issues 001-110
    Dec 1924 - Sep 1937
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 111-210
    Oct 1937 - Aug 1948
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 211-280
    Sep 1948 - Jun 1954
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 281-345
    Jul 1954 - Nov 1959
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 346-400
    Dec 1959 - Jul 1964
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 401-440
    Aug 1964 - Nov 1967
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 441-490
    Dec 1967 - Jan 1972
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 491-525
    Feb 1972 - May 1975
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 526-580
    Jun 1975 - Jul 1979
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 581-630
    Aug 1979 - Sep 1983
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 631-670
    Oct 1983 - Jan 1987
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 671-714
    Feb 1987 - Oct 1990

    Subscribers in the United States received an insert entitled US Supplement from 1958 to 1967 and the name of the insert was changed to National Bahá'í Review from 1968 until the Bahá'í News discontinued publication in 1990.
    United States Bahai News; Newsletters; - Periodicals; Publications

    from the main catalogue

    1. Bahá'í Journal of the United Kingdom (1997-2004). Eight years of news and essays from the Journal of the Bahá'í Community of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [about]
    2. Bahá'í News: Complete issues, in Bahá'í News (1924-1990). Link to offsite documents. [about]
    3. Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action, by Bahá'í World News Service, in Bahá'í World (2018-10-12). Brief overview of the histories of various Bahá'í journals: Star of the West, Khurshid-i khavar, Sonne der Wahrheit, Wirklichkeit, The Dawn, Herald of the South, The Bahá'í World, World Order, and Bahá’í World News Service. [about]
    4. Bahá'í World, The: Complete issues (1925-1986). [about]
    5. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), in Bahá'í World (1986). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith. [about]
    6. dialogue magazine: image scans of all issues (1986-1988). All six issues (in picture scans of each page) of an independent, short-lived journal containing scholarly discussion, news, interviews, and poetry. [about]
    7. From Iran East and West, in Studies in the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, Volume 2 (1984). Essays on Bahá'í history in the Middle East, the United States, and India. [about]
    8. List of Baha'i Studies and Translations, by Stephen Lambden. A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links to manuscripts, texts, introductions. Includes Shaykhi and Bábí studies, bibliographies, genealogies, provisional translations. [about]
    9. Los Angeles Bahá'í Study Class Newsletter (1976-1983). Informal study group notes and scholarly discussions, which were a precursor to dialogue magazine. [about]
    10. Reality magazine: Volumes 3-4, Volumes 3-4 (1921). Twenty-four issues, Volumes 3:1 (January 1921) through 4:12 (December 1921) of a short-lived journal designed to promote "liberal" approaches to the Bahá'í Faith. [about]
    11. Reality Magazine: Editorship and Ownership of an American Bahá'í Periodical, by Peter Smith, in From Iran East and West: Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 2 (1984). Development and eventual demise of an independent publication from the early years of the Faith in America. [about]
    12. Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 1 (1996). Selected papers presented at the first Singapore Bahá'í Studies Conference, held at the Singapore Bahá'í Centre, April 1996. [about]
    13. Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 2 (1997). Papers on the topic of the fundamental unity of religions, some of which began as talks given at the second Singapore Bahá'í Studies conference, April 1997. [about]
    14. Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 3 (1998). Papers on the topic of spirit and the never-ending journey of the soul, originally delivered at the third Bahá'í Studies conference in Singapore, April 1998. [about]
    15. Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 4 (1999). Papers on challenges for the New Millennium, some of which began as talks at the fourth Singapore ABS Conference, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore. [about]
    16. Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 5 (2000). Papers on Chinese culture and its place amongst the world's spiritual traditions, some of which were delivered at the fifth Singapore Association for Bahá'í Studies conference, April 2000. [about]
    17. Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 6 (2001). Papers on the topic of dialogue among civilizations, some of which were presented at the sixth Singapore Association for Bahá'í Studies conference, April 2001. [about]
    18. Star of the West: Complete issues, in Star of the West (1910-1935). Star of the West was a US Bahá’í newsletter published between 1910 and 1935. [about]
    19. Star of the West: Use of, in Electronic Form, by Universal House of Justice (1999-03-03). Guidance on use of the publication Star of the West in electronic form as well as advice on how to describe the authoritativeness of the material [about]
    20. Topical Index of Articles, Editorials, and Reviews Published in World Order (2014). Listing of articles from issues 1 through 38, 1966-2007, organized by topic. [about]
    21. World Order: Complete issues, in World Order (1935-1949, 1966-2006). [about]
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