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Les Bahaïs du Caucase: b.a.-ba d'une communauté méconnue

AuthorAzer Jafarov
Author 2
Bayram Balci
Title of item
Les Bahaïs du Caucase: b.a.-ba d'une communauté méconnue
Parent publication   Religion et politique dans le Caucase post-soviétique
Publisher of this ed.
İstanbul: Institut français d’études anatoliennes
Date of this edition 2007
Permission Fair use (see notes on copyright)
Posted 2022-08-10 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Encyclopedia articles
Abstract Chapter on "the Bahá'ís of the Caucasus, the basics [lit. the ABCs] of an unknown community."
Notes Mirrored from; see Table of Contents.
Tags Bahai history by country; Communism; Opposition; Persecution; Persecution, Russia
Locations Caucasus; Turkmenistan; Georgia; Azerbaijan; Russia; Iran (documents); Ishqabad; Armenia; Soviet Union
Cross-referencesSee also The Bahá'ís of the Caucasus.
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2022-08-12 23:59 EDT. See previous versions [].

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