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Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh

Author Bahá'u'lláh
Title of item
Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh
Editor, translator, etc.  
Bahá'í World Centre, trans
Date of this edition 2018/2023
Permission Open copyright (see Baha'i Reference Library sharing terms, BIC copyright statement, and uhj_permission_electronic_texts)
Posted 2023-08-24 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Bahá'í Writings
Abstract 80 selections, updated August 2023.
Notes Mirrored from, where it is also available in HTML format. Please check there for the latest version. A press release mentions these translations. Also available as updated Microsoft Word document, prepared by M. Thomas (2023).
Tags Abdul-Baha, Family of; Abdul-Baha, Life of (documents); Abdul-Baha, Station of; Additional texts (; Afterlife; Allegories and metaphors; Angels; Arising; Arts; Ayyam-i-Ha; Bahaullah and the Bab; Bahaullah, Life of (documents); Bahaullah, Revelation of; Bahaullah, Writings of; Bahaullah, Writings of; Betterment of the world; Bible; Children; Christianity; Closer than your life vein; Courtesy; Crafts; Cycles; Detachment; Education; Equality; Ethics; Family; Freedom and liberty; Gender; Grammar; Haji Amin (Abul-Hasan-i-Ardikani); He Is God (Invocation); Huququllah; Husayn (son of Abdul-Baha); Imitation; Interfaith dialogue; International auxiliary language; Isaac (Bible); Ishmael (Bible); Islam; Judgment; Justice (general); Khadijih Bagum (wife of the Bab); Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book); Lawh-i-Bagh-i-Ridvan (Tablet of the Garden of Ridvan); Lawh-i-Times (Tablet to the Times); Laws; Listening; Love of God; Martyrdom; Media; Mercy (general); Mirrors; Mirza Hadiy-i-Dawlat-Abadi; Mirza Yahya (Subh-i-Azal); Moderation; Nearness to God; News; Newspapers; Obligatory prayer; Opposition; Parents; Parents of believers; Persecution; Persecution, Deaths; Persecution, Iran; Persian language; Pilgrimage; Prayer; Press (media); Priesthood (clergy); Prophecies; Quran; Radiyih (sister of Munirih Khanum); Reconciliation; Religious leaders; Remembrance (general); Return; Ridvan Garden; Sacrifice; Service; Siyyid Abdul-Karim-i-Urdubadi; Social action; Steadfastness; Tablet of Visitation for Mulla Husayn; Tablets of visitation; Tahirih; Teaching; Tests and difficulties; Truthfulness; Unity; Virtues; Water (general); Wealth and poverty; Will of God; Women; Word of God; Wordplay; Youth; Ziyarat-Namih-i-Mulla Muhammad Ali-i-Barfurushi (Tablet of Visitation for Mulla Muhammad Ali-i-Barfurushi (Quddus))
Locations London; United Kingdom; Iran (documents); Caucasus; Ishqabad; Turkmenistan; Akka
Cross-referencesSee also Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks by 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
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2023-09-27 22:45 EDT. See previous versions [].

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