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TAGS: * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of; - Poetry; Bahá'u'lláh, Poetry of; Lawh-i-Shams-i-Jamal-i-Ilah (Tablet on the Daystar of Divine Beauty)
Poetic Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh dating from the Baghdád, Istanbul, or Edirne periods.

Tablet on the Daystar of Divine Beauty


Necati Alkan, translator


originally written or published as


[1] He is God![1]
The Daystar of Divine Beauty hath risen from the dawning-place of ancient glory and shineth upon all created things. Happy art thou, who hast been illumined by its splendours.

[2] He is God!
The Burning Bush exclaimeth with the tongue of "I, verily, am God." Blessed art thou, inasmuch as thou hast hearkened unto its melodies.

[3] He is God!
The Lamp of God shineth resplendent and hath set afire the candles of the hearts of men with its light. Happy art thou, who hast been illumined with its glory.

[4] He is God!
The Divine Cup-Bearer proffereth the celestial draught from the wine of the All-Merciful. Blessed art thou, inasmuch as thou hast quaffed from His wine.

[5] O Darvísh!
Free thyself from the transient world, that thou mayest wing your flight to the everlasting world. Detach thyself from this world that God may cause thee to ascend unto the exalted heaven of holiness.

[6] He is God!
The Phoenix of Holiness casteth its shadow upon the creation. Happy art thou, who hast sought shelter beneath it.

[7] O Darvísh!
Divest thyself from the colour of the world, that thou mayest be adorned with the wondrous colour of the Best-Beloved.[2] Blessed art thou, inasmuch as thou hast acted accordingly.

[8] O 'Alí!
Free thyself from the outward form of creation, that thou mayest ascend unto the placeless Throne of the Ancient of Days.

[9] He is God!
The Tree of detachment hath been planted on this sacred soil through the Hand of the Best-Beloved and hath cast its shadow upon the paradise of holiness. Happy art thou, who hast sought shelter beneath it and hast partaken of its fruits.

[10] He is God, the Desire of the world!
The all-glorious and peerless Beauty hath risen from the dawning-place of the everlasting Realm of the Unseen. Blessed art thou, inasmuch as thou hast presented thyself before Him and been honoured with His most manifest Beauty.

[11] O thou who art adorned with truth!
The Nightingale of Holiness singeth with the most excellent melodies. Happy art thou, who hast hearkened unto it.

[12] O 'Alí!
Abandon not the everlasting life for a life evanescent, that thou mayest soar unto the celestial heaven of Nearness. Blessed art thou, inasmuch as thou hast acted accordingly.

[13] He is God!
With mystic wings soar unto the celestial heaven of holiness and abandon the world that thou mayest enter the gate of the All-Merciful in the realm of the Beloved. Happy art thou, who hast hearkened unto My call.

[14] He is God!
Open the eyes of truth that thou mayest behold the radiant and resplendent Beauty and exclaim with the tongue of mystery: "O Thou, the most excellent of Makers!"[3]

[15] He is God!
The Immortal Bird hath passed by the mortal nest of the world and found its abode in the eternal nest of the divine Dove.

[16] He is God!
With the ears of mystery hearken unto My sweet utterances from this eloquent Tongue and let your ears be attentive unto naught else but His Word.

[17] He is God!
The Divine Fire is kindled within the Burning Bush and converseth with the Moses of the Spirit: "Verily I am God, thy Lord, and the Lord of the worlds!" Blessed art thou who hast, with the ears of truth, hearkened unto its utterances and hast, with the eyes of fire, behold the flames within it.

[18] He is God!
The Phoenix[4] of Eternity singeth with the melodies of the Dove upon the Tree of Attainment, "O people! This is the most great Beauty of God, Who hath shone forth from this most resplendent horizon and removed the veil from the most pure Countenance." Happy art thou, inasmuch as thou hast attained unto His Beauty.

[19] He is God!
The Royal Falcon of love hath appeared above the horizon of holiness in such wise that all birds are intoxicated and bewildered by its wondrous accents.

[20] He is God!
The Celestial Hoopoe[5] hath appeared above the horizon of holiness of the Praised One. Happy are ye, who have fixed your gaze upon its Beauty.

[21] He is God, the Best-Beloved!
This is the Flower of Glory, shedding its wondrous fragrance over the flowers of the heavenly Kingdom. Blessed art thou, inasmuch as thou hast inhaled its fragrances.

[22] He is God!
The Peacock of Glory spreadeth wide its fully adorned feathers and embellisheth the most highest paradise. Happy art thou, who hast fixed thy gaze at its glory with a most luminous and clear eye.

[23] He is God!
This is the Flower of Eternity which sheddeth its fragrance over the throne of the Concourse on High, above the most exalted heavens. Blessed art thou, inasmuch as thou hast hearkened unto its ringing Call.

[24] He is God!
This is the Flower of Eternity that dieth not, the Flower through which the heaven of grandeur and this world are scented with its fragrances. Happy art thou, who hast inhaled its sweet savours.

[25] He is God!
This is the Tree of Holiness that hath been planted upon the Sinai of the Spirit and voiceth the call: "There is none other God but Him." Happy is the one that hearkeneth unto its sweet accents, seeketh shelter beneath its shade and partaketh of its fruits.

    [1] The title Lawh-i-Shams-i-Jamál-i-Ilahí was given to this text by Stephen Lambden and derives from the first line of the Tablet. Alternatively, it can be designated the Lawh-i-Darvísh-Sidq-'Alí, since the text was probably addressed to Darvísh Sidq 'Alí; Text is both Persian and Arabic. Likely revealed by Bahá'u'lláh in the Baghdád, Istanbul or Edirne periods. Published source: INBA- Iranian National Bahá'í Archives-, Xerox coll., Vol. 32, pp. 31-4; MS text discovered in the Baflbakanlík Osmanlí Arsivi (Istanbul), among miscellaneous confiscated Tablets; Iradeler, Meclis-i-Mahsûs, no. 1475/35, pp. 7-13; discussed in Stephen Lambden, "The Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs in Bábí and Bahá'í Scripture." in Moojan Momen, ed. Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, vol. 5. Los Angeles: Kalimat, 1988). (NA's notes, modified slightly by MW).

    [2] Cf. Qur'án 2:138 (Arberry): "the baptism of God; and who is there that baptizes fairer than God?" Yusuf 'Alí's commentary, n 137: "Sibghah [sic]: the root-meaning implies a dye or colour; apparently the Arab Christians mixed a dye or colour in the baptismal water, signifying that the baptized person got a new colour in life. We do not believe that it is necessary to be baptized to be saved. Our higher baptism is the "Baptism of God", by which we take on a colour (symbolically) of God and absorb His goodness." (NA's note).

    [3] Cf. Qur'án 23:14, and 37:125. (NA's note).

    [4] The original text says baqá, but since there is no such word for "bird" and the like after having consulted various dictionaries, it should be assumed that it is a scribal error. Thus, I have translated it as "phoenix" ('anqá). (NA's note).

    [5] In the Súrah of "The Ants" (an-Naml) of the Qur'án the story of Sulayman (King Solomon) who spoke the language of the birds. The hoopoe bird conveys him the news of Bilqis, the queen of Sheba (Saba), whereupon Sulayman meets her and brings her the message of the one God. (27:20 ff.). Also, in the Mantiq at-Tayr ("Conference of the Birds") of the great Persian mystic Faridu'd-Dín 'Attar, the hoopoe bird leads all other birds in their "great pilgrimage to visit the court of the great King of Birds, the Simurgh. Only thirty birds survive the journey but they meet the Object of their quest and, in a final act of fana' (q.v.) and baqa' (q.v.) become one with the Simurgh."; s.v. "'Attar, Farid al-Dín", in A Popular Dictionary of Islám by Ian Richard Netton Curzon Press: London 1992. (NA's note).
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