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1898 (In the year)
`Abdu'l-Bahá instructed that the remains of the Báb be brought from their hiding place in Tihrán to the Holy Land. [BBD209]

In the 48 years since His martyrdom the Remains of the Báb had been secreted from a silk factory in Tabriz to Ṭihrán, Iṣfáhán, Kirmansháh, Baghdád, Damascus, Beirut and finally to 'Akká and then to the Mountain of God. [CoF54]

He insisted that the utmost secrecy be observed. "The dangers inherent in conserving such s precious Trust were enhanced tenfold with the defection of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's brothers….Spies in the employ of these disloyal members of Bahá'u'lláh's own family could be found in the telegraph offices and ports throughout the region." [LWS147]

  • Picture of the shipping crate.
  • Báb, Remains of; Báb, Shrine of; Tehran, Iran; Iran
    1898 (In the year)
    The first anti-Bahá'í polemical tracts were published by Christian missionaries in Iran. [SBB111:69] Criticism and apologetics; Firsts, other; Iran First anti-Bahá'í polemics by missionaries in Iran
    1898 (In the year)
    The Tarbíyat School for boys was established in Tihrán by the Bahá'ís. [BBD221] Tarbiyat School, Tihran; - Bahá'í inspired schools; Social and economic development; Tehran, Iran; Iran Founding of the first Tarbíyat School for boys
    1898 (In the year)
    Several Bahá'ís were arrested and imprisoned in Qazvín. [BW18:384]

    Hájí Muhammad was set upon and killed in Hisár, Khurásán. BW18:384]

    Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Qazvin, Iran; Hisar, Iran; Khurásán, Iran; Iran
    1898 Feb
    Kheiralla arrived in New York and began classes on the Bahá'í Faith. [BFA1:XXVIII, 116] Ibrahim George Kheiralla; New York, USA
    1898 9 Feb
    Hájí Muhammad-i-Turk was shot, beaten and then burned to death in a main street in Mashhad by four religious students. [BBRXXX, 406; BW18:384]
  • For Western accounts of the episode see BBR406–17.
  • Hájí Muhammad-i-Turk; Mashhad, Iran
    1898 Apr
    Nine Bahá'ís attending a Ridván meeting were arrested, beaten and imprisoned in Hamadán. [BW18:384] Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution; Hamadán, Iran; Iran
    1898 Jun
    In New York City, 141 people became Bahá'ís in the five months since Kheiralla's arrival. [BFA1:XXVIII, 125] Ibrahim George Kheiralla; New York, USA; USA
    1898 1 Jun
    Áqá Ghulám-Husayn-i-Banádakí was killed by a mob in Yazd after refusing to deny his faith. [BW18:384] Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Mobs; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Yazd, Iran; Iran
    1898 Jul or Aug
    Phoebe Hearst became a Bahá'í in California through the efforts of Lua and Edward Getsinger. [BFA1:XXVIII 139; LDNW14-15]
  • SBBH1:93 says this was July, based on Kheiralla's autobiography; BFA1 is based on a letter from Phoebe Hearst.
  • Phoebe Hearst; Lua Getsinger; Edward Getsinger; California, USA; USA
    1898 20 Aug
    Jamál Effendi passed away in `Akká. [EB128; Momen-Jamal Effendi]

    Note: Balyuzi gives the date of August 20th with giving a source. Momen says that Jamál Effendi lived out the last days in Akka. He died on 9 November 1898. He was buried in the Akka cemetery near the grave of Mírzá Músá, the brother of Bahá'u'lláh. 'Abdu'l-Bahá wrote a tablet of visitation for him and instructed that on his grave be written the following words:

    Verily, Jamál ad-Dín, a traveller famous in every clime, the spreader of the fragrance of the love of God, has now become a traveller in those realms of God which are hidden from the eyes of the people of realm of veils. 1316 AH

    Jamal Effendi; In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Akka, Israel
    1898 (Autumn)
    Eighteen people became Bahá'ís in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following the visit of Kheiralla in the autumn of 1897. [BFA1:XXVIII]
  • This marked the establishment of the third Bahá'í community in North America. [BFA1:110]
  • Ibrahim George Kheiralla; Kenosha, WI; Wisconsin, USA
    1898 22 Sep
    The first Western pilgrims departed for `Akká, travelling via New York and Paris. [BFA1:XXVIII, 140–1, 230]
  • It was arranged by Phoebe Hearst, who had already planned a journey to Egypt for the autumn. [BFA1:140, AY60]
  • There were 15 pilgrims in all. Among them was Ibáhím Kheiralla and his family. [AB68; AY111]
  • Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Phoebe Hearst; Lua Getsinger; Edward Getsinger; Robert Turner; Ibrahim George Kheiralla; New York, USA; USA First Western pilgrims
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