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1912 23 Sep `Abdu'l-Bahá arrived in Denver in the afternoon. [239D:152; SoG221-222; MD282-283] Denver; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour
1912 24 Sep Talk at Home of Mrs. Roberts Denver, Colorado. [PUP334] Denver; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour; Abdul-Baha, Talks at homes
1912 25 Sep Talk at Second Divine Science Church, 3929 West Thirty-eighth Avenue, Denver, Colorado . [PUP337] Denver; Colorado; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour; Abdul-Baha, Talks at churches
1912 26 Sep `Abdu'l-Bahá left Denver and arrived in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. [239D:158] Denver; Glenwood Springs; Colorado; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour
1912 27 Sep `Abdu'l-Bahá left Glenwood Springs for Salt Lake City. [239D:159] Denver; Glenwood Springs; Salt Lake City; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour
1912 26 Oct Talk at Assembly Hall, Hotel Sacramento, Sacramento, California. [PUP376]
  • In His talk 'Abdu'l-Bahá said that, "the greatest need in the world today is international peace," and after discussing why California was well-suited to lead the efforts for the promotion of peace, He exhorted attendees: "May the first flag of international peace be upraised in this state." [The Cause of Universal Peace: 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Enduring Impact by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson]
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá left Sacramento for Denver. [239D:172; AB316]
  • Sacramento; California; Denver; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour; Abdul-Baha, Talks at public places
    1912 28 Oct `Abdu'l-Bahá arrived in Denver at midnight. [239D:175; AB316] Denver; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour
    1912. 29 Oct During a 24-hour stopover in Denver, Àbdu'l-Bahá met Cardinal John Murphy Farley who had come from New York to dedicate the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on behalf of the Pope. [239 Days website; MD356-357]

    See a provisional translation of a talk Àbdu'l-Bahá gave in Port Said on the 23rd of Jun 1913 on His meeting with the Cardinal.

    In the afternoon He gave a public talk at the home of Mrs Sidney Roberts and in the evening He spoke at the Church of the Messiah. [MD357; 239Days175]

    Denver; USA Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour
    1912 30 Oct `Abdu'l-Bahá left Denver for Chicago. [239D:175] Denver; Chicago; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour

    from the Chronology Canada

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    from the Main Catalogue

    1. Strangers Passing Through Town, by Duane L. Herrmann (2021-08-02). Brief historical fiction short story, based on the finding that 'Abdu'l-Bahá passed through Kansas on his way to and from Denver when he visited North America in 1912. [about]
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