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1925 May Louise Gregory travelled from Graz, Austria to Budapest where she met Frau Szirmai, the president of the Women's League for Peace and Freedom. Frau Szirmai had met 'Abdu'l-Bahá when He visited in 1913. During her time there she made the acquaintance of the Szántó family, who she would meet on subsequent trips.

After a stay of three weeks she travelled to Wiesbaden in Germany to visit a contact and spent five days at the home of the Schweitzers in Suffenhausen. She visited friends in Esslingen and stayed one night in Frankfurt before sailing from Antwerp on the 17th of June for the United States. During this trip she visited Liverpool in England, Luxembourg, Vienna and Graz in Austria, Budapest in Hungary, Zuffenhausen, Esslingen, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Nuremberg in Germany as well as Spa and Brussels in Belgium. [SYH132-134, 240]

Budapest; Hungary; Wiesbaden; Suffenhausen; Esslingen; Germany Louise Gregory; Teaching

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