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1921 (In the year) Mohi al-Din al-Kurdi, (Sheikh Muhyí's-Dín Sabrí) a Bahá'í from Egypt, from the noble elders of Al-Azhar, arrived in Tunisia to make known the message of Bahá'u'lláh. [Website of the Bahá'ís of Tunisia]
  • 100 year later this event was commemorated. [BWNS1577]
  • Tunisia Mohieddine Kurdi; pioneering
    1928 Ridván 'Abdu'l-Hamid Khemiri arrived in Haifa from Tunis. He was the first from that country to make a pilgrimage. [SETPE1p153] BWC; Tunis; Tunisia Pilgrims
    1956 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa was formed with its seat in Tunis, Tunisia. [BW13:284]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco (International Zone), Spanish Morocco, French Morocco, Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara, French West Africa, Gambia, Portuguese Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gold Coast, Ashanti Protectorate, British Togoland, French Togoland, Nigeria, British Cameroons, French Cameroons, Northern Territories Protectorate, Spanish Guinea, St Thomas Island, Cape Verde Islands, Canary Islands and Madeira. [MBW71-72]
  • See the Guardian's message to this Assembly. [That Promising Continent 27, 32]
  • Tunis; Tunisia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The existing National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa that had been formed in 1956 was split into two regions, the Spiritual Assembly of West Africa and the "new" North West Africa region with its seat in Tunis included the following countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara, Ifni, Madeira, Canary Islands. [BW14p96]
  • The seat of the National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa was transferred from Tunis (1963-1967) to Rabat (1967-1974). [BW14p97]
  • Tunisia; Algeria; Morocco; Mauritania; Rio de Oro; Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara); Ifni; Madeira; Canary Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván Formerly a part of the National Assembly of North West Africa, the National Spiritual Assembly of Algeria and Tunisia (Sometimes called "North Africa") was formed with its seat in Algiers. [BW14p96; BW14p473]
  • It had to be disbanded owing to unfavorable local circumstances. [BW15p189Notes]
  • Algiers; Algeria; Tunisia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Tunisia was formed. [no substantiation can be found) iiiii Tunisia National Spiritual Assembly, formation Find reference
    1984 Oct In Tunisia, the activities of the Faith were curtailed and Bahá'ís were interrogated. [BW19:50] Tunisia Persecution, Tunisia; Persecution, Bans; Persecution
    2020. Dec As part of the series of events to mark the 10 year anniversary of the revelation in Tunisia, the Bahá'í community hosted a gathering, coinciding with UN Human Rights Day, to explore new conceptions of citizenship. The gathering brought together distinguished guests including Member of Parliament Jamila Ksiksi, Omar Fassatoui from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as academics and representatives of religious communities. In addition to participants who attended in person, thousands more were connected to the discussions through a live stream of the event.

    Mr. Ben Moussa of the Bahá'í Office of External Affairs expressed the opinion that new notions of citizenship must be based on inclusivity and not exclusivity, stating: "Societies have historically been built hierarchically: believer and nonbeliever, free person and slave, man and women. As a result, many segments of society have not been able to contribute to public life. In such an environment, a society is not able to reach its potential. [BWNS1476]

    Tunis; Tunisia Ben Moussa

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    1. References to the Bahá'í Faith in the U.S. State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, by United States Department of State (1991-2001). Excerpts from the State Department's annual compilation of Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on discrimination against the Bahá'í Faith and persecution of its adherents in twenty countries. [about]
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