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1953. (In the year) Mr. Mohammad Ali Djalali was among the first Baha'i's to reside in Morocco, for which Shoghi Effendi gave him the title "Knight of Baha'u'llah." [BW34p239]

It is not certain which "Morocco".

Morocco Knights of Bahaullah
1953 30 Sep Manúchihr Hizárí and Hurmuz Zindih arrived in Tangier and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Morocco (International Zone). [BW13:454] Tangier; Morocco Knights of Bahaullah
1953 11 Oct Fawzí Zaynu'l-‘Ábidín and his wife, Bahíyyih ‘Alí Sa‘di'd-Dín, and their sons Kamál and Sharíf arrived in Tetuán from Egypt and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Spanish Morocco. [BW13:456]
  • For the story of Fawzí Zaynu'l-‘Ábidín's life see BW16:544–6.
  • Tetuan; Spanish Morocco Knights of Bahaullah; Fawzi Zaynul-Abidin; Bahiyyih Ali Sadid-Din; Kamal Zaynul-Abidin; Sharif Zaynul-Abidin
    1953 24 Oct Elsie Austin arrived in Tangier from the United States and Muhammad-‘Alí Jalálí, an Iranian, also arrived. They were both named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Morocco (International Zone). [BW13:454] Tangier; Morocco Elsie Austin; Muhammad-Ali Jalali; Knights of Bahaullah
    1953 24 Oct Luella McKay, John and Erleta Fleming, and Alyce Janssen arrived in Spanish Morocco and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:456] Morocco Knights of Bahaullah; Luella McKay; John Fleming; Erleta Fleming; Alyce Janssen
    1953 Nov Husayn Rawhání Ardikání and his wife, Nusrat, arrived in Tangier with their daughter, Shahlá, and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Morocco (International Zone). [BW13:454] Tangier; Morocco Knights of Bahaullah; Husayn Rawhani Ardikani; Nusrat Ardikani; Sahla Ardikani
    1953 Nov ‘Alí Akbar Rafí‘í (Rafsanjání) and his wife, Sháyistih, and their 19-year-old son, ‘Abbás, arrived in Tangier and all were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Morocco (International Zone). [BW13:454] Morocco Knights of Bahaullah
    1954 Apr Corporal Richard Walters and his wife, Evelyn, and Richard and Mary L. Suhm arrived in Tangier from the United States and were all named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Morocco (International Zone). BW13:454] Tangier; Morocco Knights of Bahaullah
    1956 (In the year) A Roman Catholic priest lodged a complaint against the Bahá'ís of Morocco with the Moroccan Security Service. Morocco Persecution, Morocco
    1956 Ridván The first local spiritual assembly was formed in Morocco (International Zone). Morocco Local Spiritual Assembly
    1957 c. Apr - 1958 Apr The first Tuareg to become a Bahá'í enrolled in Rabat, Morocco. Rabat; Morocco First believers by background
    1961 7 Dec An article appeared in the nationally prominent Moroccan newspaper Al Alam lamenting the decline of Islám and attacking the Bahá'í Faith. [MoC17]
  • This gave rise to persecution of the Bahá'ís in ensuing months.
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution
    1962 (In the year) Bahá'í homes in Morocco were searched by the police and Bahá'í literature seized. [MoC17] Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution
    1962 25 Jan A Bahá'í Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Tetuan, Morocco, Faouzi Zine Al Abidine, was dismissed from his post and warned to have no association with other Bahá'ís. [MoC17] Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution
    1962 10 Apr Four Bahá'ís were arrested in Nador, Morocco. [BW13:289; BW14:97]
  • Eventually 14 Bahá'ís in total were arrested: 7 in Nador, 2 in Fez and 5 in Tetuan. [MoC17]
  • For an outline of the situation as it developed over 20 months see MC16–19.
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Arrests; Persecution, Other; Persecution
    1962 22 Aug The Custodians ask the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States to make representations to the diplomatic missions of Morocco in Washington and at the United Nations concerning the 14 Bahá'ís imprisoned in Morocco. [MoC368–9] United States; Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; NSA; Custodians; United Nations
    1962 23 Sep The Custodians ask the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States to obtain an interview with the personal representative of the King of Morocco who heads that country's delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in New York in connection with the Bahá'ís imprisoned in Morocco. [MoC373–4] United States; Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; NSA; United Nations
    1962 31 Oct The 14 Bahá'ís imprisoned in Morocco were arraigned before the Regional Court of Nador. [BW13:289; MC18]
  • They were charged with rebellion and disorder, attacks on public security, constituting an association of criminals and attacks on religious faith. [BW13:289; BW14:97; MoC18]
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights
    1962 10 Dec The trial of the 14 Bahá'ís imprisoned in Morocco on charges of sedition opened. [BW13:289; BW14:97]
  • The prosecution made no attempt to prove the charges against the accused. The only evidence presented was that they practised their faith and ignored the faith of Islám. [BW13:289; BW14:97; MoC414-418]
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights
    1962 14 Dec The Regional Court of Nador gave its verdict in the case of the 14 Bahá'ís imprisoned in Morocco on charges of sedition: four were acquitted on the grounds that they claim to be Muslims; one was acquitted apparently through family connections; one was released on 15 years' probation owing to his diabetes; five were committed to life imprisonment hard labour; and three were condemned to death. [BBRSM174; MoC18–19]
  • The sentences were appealed to the Supreme Court. [BW13:289; BW14:97; MoC19]
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights
    1962 17 Dec The Custodians asked the Bahá'í International Community to issue press releases deploring Morocco's persecution of religious minorities and pointing out its failure to adhere to the UN charter condemning religious intolerance. [MoC397] Morocco Custodians; Bahai International Community; Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights
    1962 21 Dec Telegrams were sent by the Bahá'í International Community to Secretary-General U Thant and 35 United Nations delegations appealing for help under the Genocide Convention for the Bahá'ís sentenced to death and imprisoned for life in Morocco. [BW13:794] Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; United Nations; Bahai International Community
    1962 23 Dec The Custodians asked national spiritual assemblies to cable Secretary General of the United Nations U Thant requesting his intervention on behalf of the Bahá'ís under sentence of death and imprisoned for life in Morocco. [BW13:794; MoC397–8] Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; Custodians; NSA; United Nations
    1962 27 Dec The Custodians asked national and local spiritual assemblies to write to the Moroccan ambassador in their respective countries pleading for justice and religious freedom. [MoC398–9] Morocco; Worldwide Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; Custodians; NSA; LSA
    1963 Jan The publication of Freedom of Religion on Trial in Morocco: The Nador Case by Bahá'í International Community. It was a report on the situation in Morocco to that point in time. Morocco Bahai International Community; Persecution, Morocco
    1963 1 Jan The Custodians ask all national and local spiritual assemblies to cable the King of Morocco appealing for justice for the Bahá'ís under sentence of death and imprisoned for life in his country. [BW14:97; MoC19] Morocco; Worldwide Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; Custodians; National Spiritual Assembly; Local Spiritual Assembly
    1963 31 Jan Roger Baldwin, Chairman of the International League for the Rights of Man, appeared before the UN sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities and stated that, as far they know; the Bahá'í prisoners in Morocco were the only example in recent history where members of a religion had been condemned to death solely for holding and expressing religious views regarded as heretical. [MoC415–16] Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; United Nations
    1963 31 Mar King Hassan II of Morocco stated in a televised interview in the United States that the Bahá'í Faith was not a religion and was ‘against good order and also morals'. [MoC415] Morocco King Hassan II; Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution
    1963 2 Apr King Hassan II of Morocco made a public statement promising that if the Supreme Court upheld the decision condemning three Bahá'í prisoners to death, he would grant them a royal pardon. [MoC416] Morocco King Hassan II; Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights
    1963 4 Apr The Custodians issued a statement of information to the national spiritual assemblies of the United States and Europe regarding the Bahá'ís imprisoned in Morocco and under threat of death, reminding them that clemency or a pardon are not sufficient, as the condemned Bahá'ís cannot be pardoned for a crime they did not commit. [MoC414]
  • For text of statement see MC414–20.
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Human rights; Custodians; National Spiritual Assembly
    1963 23 Nov At the request of the Universal House of Justice, Bahá'ís around the world prayed at the Feast of Qawl for favourable action to be taken in the case of the Bahá'ís under threat of death and imprisoned in Morocco. [BW14:98]
  • Shortly after the Feast the Moroccan Supreme Court heard the appeals, reversed the decision of the trial court and ordered the release of the prisoners. [BW14:98]
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights; Custodians; UHJ
    1963 13 Dec The Bahá'í prisoners in Morocco were released on order of the Supreme Court. [BW14:98; MoC19]
  • For a picture of the release of the Moroccan Bahá'í prisoners see BW14:97.
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights
    1964 Ridván The existing National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa that had been formed in 1956 was split into two regions, the Spiritual Assembly of West Africa and the "new" North West Africa region with its seat in Tunis included the following countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara, Ifni, Madeira, Canary Islands. [BW14p96]
  • The seat of the National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa was transferred from Tunis (1963-1967) to Rabat (1967-1974). [BW14p97]
  • Tunisia; Algeria; Morocco; Mauritania; Rio de Oro; Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara); Ifni; Madeira; Canary Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The existing National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa that had been formed in 1956 and was split into two regions in 1964 was again divided. The Spiritual Assembly of the North West Africa region with its seat moved to Rabat now included the following countries: Morocco, Mauritania, Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara, Ifni, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. [BW15p188] Rabat; Morocco; Mauritania; Rio de Oro; Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara); Ifni; Madeira; Canary Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1968 26 Jan A Moroccan Bahá'í was arrested, tried and convicted on the charges of having abused the sacredness of Islám and using deceptive methods to convert people to another religion; he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment. [BW15:172] Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Arrests; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution; Court cases
    1968 9 Oct The widowed mother of seven children was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in Morocco for refusing to deny her faith. [BW15:172]
  • Despite the efforts of national spiritual assemblies to secure justice for her through their embassies and cables to the King of Morocco, she was made to serve the entire sentence. [BW15:172]
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Arrests; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights
    1968 24 Oct The Moroccan Bahá'í sentenced to three years' imprisonment in January 1968 appelled and his sentence was extended to four years. [BW15:172]
  • Despite the efforts of national spiritual assemblies to secure justice for him through their embassies and cables to the King of Morocco, he was made to serve the entire sentence. [BW15:172]
  • Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Court cases; Persecution; Court cases; Human rights
    1982 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Morocco. (Note: No reference can be found to substantiate the formation on this date. In BW18p58 there is a reference to the NSA of Morocco functioning in July of 1982.) Rabat; Morocco National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1983 Apr The Government of Morocco prohibited all Bahá'í meetings. [BW19:49] Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Bans; Persecution
    1983 Dec Bahá'ís were arrested in Mohammadieh and Casablanca, Morocco. [BW19:49]
  • The Bahá'ís in Mohammadieh were convicted of violating the ban on Bahá'í meetings, were sentenced to two years' imprisonment but were released. [BW19:49]
  • Mohammadieh; Casablanca; Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Arrests; Persecution
    1984 Jun A Bahá'í in Tetuan, Morocco, was arrested and sentenced to three years imprisonment for violating the 1983 ban on Bahá'í meetings. [BW19:49]
  • An appeal to the Supreme Court was unsuccessful. [BW19:49]
  • Tetuan; Morocco Persecution, Morocco; Persecution, Arrests; Persecution
    2020. (Mid year) As of mid year 2020 the U.S. Department of State in their Report on International Religious Freedom 2020. estimated there were between 350 to 400 Bahá'ís in Morocco, a country with a population of 36.7 million. More than 99% of the population was Sunni Muslim. Religions other than Islam and Judaism are not recognized by the constitution or laws. Voluntary conversion is not a crime under the law. The law can penalizes anyone who "employs enticements to undermine the faith" or converts a Muslim to another faith by exploiting a weakness or need for assistance, or through the use of educational, health, or other institutions. The law government may summarily expel any noncitizen resident determined to be "a threat to public order," and the government has used this clause to expel foreigners suspected of proselytizing.

    The challenge for the Bahá'í Community was the lack of legal recognition, which created difficulties for Moroccan Bahá'ís with regard to the personal status system. [Yabiladi]

    Morocco Persecution, Morocco

    from the Chronology Canada

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    from the Main Catalogue

    1. Freedom of Religion on Trial in Morocco: The Nador Case, by Bahá'í International Community (1963). A formal response to a court case in Morocco from the previous month in which three Bahá'ís were convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government, subvert religion, and disrupt the public order. [about]
    2. Impressions from the Rock of Gibraltar: The Journal of a Travelling Teacher, by Jack McLean (2010/2020). Book-length compilation of essays and poetry, written while travel-teaching in Spain and Morocco, August - December 2009. [about]
    3. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (1996). [about]
    4. References to the Bahá'í Faith in the U.S. State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, by United States Department of State (1991-2001). Excerpts from the State Department's annual compilation of Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on discrimination against the Bahá'í Faith and persecution of its adherents in twenty countries. [about]
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