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from the Chronology Canada

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1954 (Early in the year) Florence Mayberry made a tour of Eastern Canada with stops in Bellville, Kingston, Montreal, St Lambert, Westmount, Quebec City, Charlottetown, Ingersoll, Hamilton, and Peterborough. [CBN No 51 April, 1954 p5] Bellville, ON; Kingston, ON; Montreal, QC; St Lambert, QC; Westmount, QC; Quebec City, QC; Charlottetown, PE; Ingersoll, ON; Hamilton, ON; Peterborough, ON Florence Mayberry; Travel Teaching
1954. 30 Apr - 2 May The. seventh Canadian Bahá'í National Convention was held at Victoria Hall, Westmount, Montreal. followed by a Teaching Conference held Sunday, May 2nd in the Assembly Hall of the YMCA across the street. The following were elected to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly: Lloyd Gardner (chair), Allan Raynor, (vice), Audrey Westheuser (sec'y), Peggy Ross, (treasurer), Rolland Estall, Angus Cowan, Winnifred Harvey, Donald MacLaren, Albert Rakovsky. [CBN No 53 June 1954 p3; CBN No 54 July 1954 p1]
  • On Saturday afternoon, May 1st, the delegates and friends gathered at Victoria Hall in Westmount for a brief commemoration and prayers. [CBN No 63 April 1955, Insert p4]
  • A memorial service for Marion Jack, the beloved Canadian pioneer to Sofia, Bulgaria, was held. Miss Jack was born in St. John, N .B. As an artist, as well as a believer, she was invited to Haifa to paint many of the scenes there. She was in Bulgaria during the war and suffered greatly. Because of this, the Guardian invited her to leave and return to Haifa. She decided, however, to remain, even though the difficulties were great, and stayed at her post until her passing March 27, 1954. She is interred in the British Cemetery in Sofia. [CBN No54 Jul 1954 p1]
  • Polly Pollexfen, Ethel Martens and Hart Bowsfield were injured in a motor vehicle accident while travelling from Winnipeg to the National Convention in Montreal. It was a serious accident and recovery was slow. [CBN No57 Oct 1957 p2]
  • Westmount, QC National Convention; NSA; Lloyd Gardner; Allan Raynor; Audrey Westheuser; Peggy Ross; Rolland Estall; Angus Cowan; Winnifred Harvey; Donald MacLaren; Albert Rakovsky; National Spiritual Assembly, election of
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