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1973 5 Jun The International Teaching Centre was established at the Bahá'í World Centre for the purpose of continuing the work of the Hands of the Cause of God into the future. [BBD118–19; BBRSM132–3; BW16:134, 411–14; BW17:322–5; VV16, CEBF200; Wikipedia]
  • For cable of the Universal House of Justice see BW16:413.
  • Hands of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, ‘Alí-Akbar Furútan, Paul Haney and Abu'l-Qásim Faizí and Counsellor members Hooper Dunbar, Florence Mayberry and Aziz Yazdí were appointed. [BW16:413]
  • For pictures see BW16:412 and VV16.
  • The duties and the organization of the International Teaching Centre were deliniated in the Message from the Universal House of Justice of June 8th, 1973.
  • See Wikipedia article for the names of the Counsellor members since its inception.
  • BWC; Haifa International Teaching Centre; International Teaching Centre, Members of; Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Counsellors; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline; Amatul-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum; Ali Akbar Furutan; Paul Haney; Abul-Qasim Faizi; Hooper Dunbar; Florence Mayberry; Aziz Yazdi; Appointed arm; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1983. 19 May The Universal House of Justice announced a number of changes to the membership of the International Teaching Centre raising the number of members to nine. [BW19:27]
  • For reasons of health Counsellor Florence Mayberry took her retirement from the ITC. [Mess63-86p577]
  • Four new Counsellors were appointed: Mr Magdalene Carney, Mr Mas'úd Khamsí, Dr Peter Khan and Mrs Isobel Sabri. [Mess63-86p578]
  • The Hands of the Cause serving in the International Teaching Centre were: Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum and 'Ali-Akbar Furutan. [Mess63-86p578]
  • BWC International Teaching Centre; Counsellors; Florence Mayberry; Magdalene Carney; Masud Khamsi; Peter Khan; Isobel Sabri
    1998. 8 Apr The passing of Florence Virginia Wilson Mayberry (b. 18 September 1906 in Sleeper, Missouri) in Marshfield, Missouri. She became a Bahá'í in 1941 in Reno, Nevada. From 1954 to 1959 she served on the first Auxiliary Board for North America covering the Western States and Canada. While serving as an Auxiliary Board member, Florence was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States in 1959. Shortly after the Mayberry family pioneered to Mexico in 1961 where Mrs. Mayberry was elected to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly of that country and participated in the first International Bahá'í Convention in 1963. In 1968 she was appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors for North America, then in 1973 she was appointed as one of three Counselors of the newly established International Teaching Center where she served for 10 years. [BW26p275]
  • Her autobiography, The Great Adventure was published by Nine Pines Publishing in 1994.
  • She was a mystery writer. She had a number of stories published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.
  • Find a grave.
  • Sleeper, Missouri; Marshfield, Missouri In Memoriam; Florence Mayberry; Auxiliary Board Members; Counsellors; International Teaching Centre

    from the chronology of Canada

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    1953 Oct Florence Mayberry of Santa Paula, California made a tour of Western Canada with stops in Victoria, Vernon, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Calgary, Regina, Moose Jaw and Brandon. [CBN No 47 December, 1953 p4] Victoria, BC; Vernon, BC; Saskatoon, SK; Winnipeg, MB; Calgary, AB; Regina, SK; Moose Jaw, SK; Brandon, MB Florence Mayberry; travel teaching
    1954 (Early in the year) Florence Mayberry made a tour of Eastern Canada with stops in Bellville, Kingston, Montreal, St Lambert, Westmount, Quebec City, Charlottetown, Ingersoll, Hamilton, and Peterborough. [CBN No 51 April, 1954 p5] Bellville, ON; Kingston, ON; Montreal, QC; St Lambert, QC; Westmount, QC; Quebec City, QC; Charlottetown, PE; Ingersoll, ON; Hamilton, ON; Peterborough, ON Florence Mayberry; Travel Teaching
    1954 Jun In June of 1954 it was announced in the American Bahá'í News that the following had been appointed to the Auxiliary Board in North America: Gayle Woolson, Margery McCormick, Katherine McLaughlin, Florence Mayberry, Sarah Pereira, and Rowland Estall by the three Hands of the Cause in North America, Corrine True, Horace Holley and Paul Haney.
  • To make it possible for the Auxiliary Boards to fulfill their mission, the Guardian transmitted an initial contribution of five thousand pounds to be equally divided among the five continents, and appealed to both individuals and National Assemblies to augment these funds. [BN No 28 June 1954 p6]
  • In Africa there were eight new Auxiliary Board Members and among them were Elsie Austin, 'Alí Nakhjavání, John Robarts, William Sears, and 'Azíz Yazdi. [UC49]
  • Auxiliary Board Members; Gayle Woolson; Margery McCormick; Katherine McLaughlin; Florence Mayberry; Sarah Pereira; Rowland Estall; Elsie Austin; Ali Nakhjavani; John Robarts; William Sears; Aziz Yazdi
    1954. 29 Aug - 5 Sep A summer school was held at the Banff School of Fine Arts attracting 41 adults and 12 children. Speakers were Florence Mayberry, who spoke on "Spiritual Dynamics", Ron Nablo, Rex King, (who had just recently pioneered to Anchorage. [CBN No 58 November, 1954 p4] Banff, AB Summer School; Florence Mayberry; Ron Nablo; Rex King
    1954. 1 Oct Auxiliary Board Member Florence Mayberry launched the first weekly fireside effort and the first public meeting when she returned in October, 1956. [CBN No 117 October 1957 p1] Yukon Florence Mayberry; Auxiliary Board Member
    1998. 8 Apr The passing of Florence Virginia Wilson Mayberry (b. 18 September 1906 in Sleeper, Missouri) in Marshfield, Missouri. She became a Bahá'í in 1941 in Reno, Nevada. From 1954 to 1959 she served on the first Auxiliary Board for North America covering the Western States and Canada. While serving as an Auxiliary Board member, Florence was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States in 1959. Shortly after the Mayberry family pioneered to Mexico in 1961 where Mrs. Mayberry was elected to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly of that country and participated in the first International Bahá'í Convention in 1963. In 1968 she was appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors for North America, then in 1973 she was appointed as one of three Counselors of the newly established International Teaching Center where she served for 10 years. [BW26p275]
  • Her autobiography, The Great Adventure was published by Nine Pines Publishing in 1994.
  • She was a mystery writer. She had a number of stories published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.
  • Find a grave.
  • Sleeper, Missouri; Marshfield, Missouri In Memoriam; Florence Mayberry; Auxiliary Board Members, Continental Board of Counsellors; International Teaching Centre; National Spiritual Assembly

    from the main catalogue

    1. Promoting Peace: 100 Years of the Baha'i Faith in Santa Paula, California, 1914-2014, by Anne King Sadeghpour (2017). Detailed history of the community in southern California, including references to Marzieh Gail, Ethelwyn Drew Hall, Florence Mayberry, Molly King, the Yamamotos, Asadullah Fadil-i-Mazandarani, Guy Murchie, Isabella Brittingham, Louise Waite, et al. [about]
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