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1941 May Lulu Barr pioneered to Saskatoon from Hamilton where she had learned of the Faith from Mabel Rice-Wray Ives two years earlier in May 1939. She stayed for two years with no apparent results. [OBCC186] Hamilton, ON; Saskatoon, SK Lulu Barr; Mabel Rice-Wray Ives
1946 - 1950 Helen Poissant who had learned of the Faith in Winnipeg from Lillian Tomlinson, pioneered to Saskatoon. [OBCC186] Winnipeg, MB; Saskatoon, SK Helen Poissant; Lillian Tomlinson; Pioneering
1951 Aug An anonymous believer provided for a one year scholarship at the University of Saskatchewan for a Bahá'í youth willing to serve as a pioneer in Saskatoon for one year. The scholarship was awarded to Suzanne Pawlowska of Winnipeg. [CBN No 21 August 1951 p2] Saskatoon, SK Scholarship; Suzanne Pawlowska
1952 Oct It was announced in the Canadian Bahá'í News that Mrs Catherine Jones was the first resident of Saskatoon to accept the Faith. [CBN No 35 November, 1952 p7] Saskatoon, SK Catherine Jones
1953 (In the year) Spiritual Assemblies were formed in London, Verdum, Saskatoon, Oshawa, St Catharines, Kingston, New Westminster, Westmont, Belleville, Pickering and Etobicoke, the 20th to the 30th to form. [CBN No 46 November, 1953 p2] London, ON; Verdun, QC; Saskatoon, SK; Oshawa, ON; St Catharines, ON; Kingston, ON; New Westminster, BC; Westmont, QC; Belleville, ON; Pickering, ON; Etobicoke, ON Local Spiritual Assembly, formation
1953 Jun Hand of the Cause Siegfried Schopflocher made a tour of Western Canada to inform the friends of his trip to Haifa, his talks with the Guardian and his plans for the Ten Year Crusade. Stops were made in Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton. [CBN No 43 August, 1953 p2] Winnipeg, MB; Regina, SK; Saskatoon, SK; Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB Hands of the Cause, Activities; Siegfried Schopflocher; Travel teaching
1953 Oct Florence Mayberry of Santa Paula, California made a tour of Western Canada with stops in Victoria, Vernon, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Calgary, Regina, Moose Jaw and Brandon. [CBN No 47 December, 1953 p4] Victoria, BC; Vernon, BC; Saskatoon, SK; Winnipeg, MB; Calgary, AB; Regina, SK; Moose Jaw, SK; Brandon, MB Florence Mayberry; travel teaching
1960 Mar Twenty-seven communities in seven provinces participated in the Promulgation Campaign. 12,000 ministers, priests and laypersons received the letter and the newspaper ads reached a total of one million readers. The results could be analyzed in three ways: the spirit of the believers; the response from the churches; and the immediate effect in the teaching work.
  • It was noted that in small communities where economic conditions were more difficult, the level of sacrifice appeared greater.
  • While the responses from the Christian communities was encouraging there was opposition from the pulpit in such places as Saskatoon, Regina, Saint John and Winnipeg. The Premier of Alberta, Ernest Manning, on two occasions, attacked the universal nature of the Cause on national network broadcasts. Other indications are that the awareness of the claims of the Faith is high among some groups and that it is a topic of their discussions.
  • There were some 300 promulgation meetings across Canada and over 50 persons wrote for literature in response to the advertisements.
  • It was realized that with a mass-education program that repetition was essential and so sustained local follow-up was necessary to maintain the momentum. [CBN No 122 March 1960 p4-5]
  • Saskatoon, SK; Regina, SK; Saint John, NB; Winnipeg, MB Proclamation I; Opposition; Promulgation Campaign
    1960 Mar As part of their Promulgation Campaign, the Bahá'ís of Saskatoon sent out some 950 letters. Bill Lacey of Minot, ND spoke to an audience of 68 at a public meeting at the University. There was a barrage of opposition from the floor but there were many who responded in defence of the Bahá'ís. At a subsequent meeting with one of those who rose to defend the Bahá'ís came the idea of having an inter-religious meeting. That brought out 32 people of different nationalities, 11 of which gave short talks on their faith. Members of the International Students Club who attended decided to hold a meeting at the University that was attended by some 150 people. Bill Gossen made a presentation on behalf of the Bahá'í Faith. [CBN No 122 March 1960 p6-7] Saskatoon, SK Proclamation I; Opposition; Bill Lacey; Bill Gossen; Promulgation Campaign
    1960 May The Promulgation Campaign moved into the fifth stage. The National Spiritual Assembly approved the participation of Toronto, Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke, York Township, Forest Hill, Montreal, Vancouver, Verdun, Westmount, St. Lambert, Ottawa, Eastview, Kingston, Victoria, Nanaimo, New Westminster, West Vancouver, Penticton and Vernon.
  • In Regina there were six declarations, in Saskatoon and Moose Jaw two. [CBN 123 April, 1960 p1]
  • Regina, SK; Moose Jaw, SK, Saskatoon, SK Proclamation I; Promulgation Campaign
    1972 Jan Jalál was founded by three members of the Mozart Group, Larry Brown, Rodney Konopaki, and Garry Brown, and then joined by keyboardist Jack Lenz in July of the same year. After having toured across Canada for nine months and the group eventually settled in Toronto. [Facebook posting THE SPARK: 1967 - 1973 9 FEBRUARY 2020] Saskatoon, SK; Toronto, ON Jalal; Mozart Group; Larry Brown; Rodney Konopaki; Garry Brown; Jack Lenz
    1970. 12 Jan An animated presentation entitled "The Community of Baha'u'llah" made its initial presentation at the Art Centre in Ottawa. They had just come from their trial run in St. Lambert, Quebec and had a plan to visit Oshawa, Hamilton, Guelph, North Bay, Fort William (Thunder Bay), Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Kelowna, Vancouver, Nanaimo and Victoria before doing their final presentation in Toronto just before the National Convention.
  • The hosts for the presentation were: Al Houdek, Gerry Bourassa; Leslie Houdek, Sandra Kostaschuk, Garry Berteig; Larry Brown, and Valerie Berteig with Dick Stanton as the Tour Manager.
  • Travelling exhibit was intended as a vehicle to introduce the Message of Baha'u'llah. They utilized film, sound and slides, as well as traditional art forms. The plan was to have the local communities integrate interested person into the community after the team had made the initial contact. The eight member team made the three month trip in two vehicles, an Econoline van and a station wagon. [CBN No 236 January-February 1970 BE 126 p1]
  • The tour continued into the Maritimes for several more months with some changes in the team to include Gale Bundy, Fred Ward, and Bob Kingdon. The tour ended at Rochdale College in Toronto. [email exchange with Garry Berteig 4 January 2020] iiiii
  • St Lambert, QC; Ottawa, ON; Oshawa, ON; Hamilton, ON; Guelph, ON; North Bay, ON; Fort William, ON; Thunder Bay, ON; Winnipeg, MB; Brandon, MB; Regina, SK; Saskatoon, SK; Edmonton, AB; Lethbridge, AB; Kelowna, BC; Vancouver, BC; Nanaimo, BC; Victoria, BC; Toronto, ON Proclamation; The Community of Bahaullah; Al Houdek; Gerry Bourrassa; Leslie Houdek; Sandra Kostaschuk; Gary Berteig; Garry Brown; Valerie Berteig; Dick Stanton; Fred Ward; Gale Bundy; Bob Kingdon
    1973. 09 Feb Jalál performed with the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra (73 musicians) at the Centennial Auditorium. The band had been commissioned in late 1972 to write an orchestrated work to perform with the symphony orchestra conducted by Dwaine Nelson. Their work was in two parts; the first was called ‘Prologue', and the second ‘Love is the Mystery of Divine Revelation'.
  • Prior to the performance they had two rehearsals with the Symphony. They were greeted by a packed house of more than 2,000 persons. The group opened with a pop song from the Turtles called Elenore, backed by the symphony string section. Also included in the performance were a number of other original tunes which Jalál played without orchestra. In additon, Larry Brown performed a 15 minute solo classical guitar piece; Chaconne by J.S. Bach, transcribed by Segovia for classical guitar. It was the first time he had played classical guitar in public.
  • After the intermission Jalál and the orchestra came back together to perform Prologue, and Love is the Mystery of Divine Revelation. At the conclusion of the formal concert in the auditorium, the audience was invited to the cabaret room on the lower level to "rock out" with Jalál and a number of musician-friends. [Facebook post THE SPARK: 1967 - 1973 9 FEBRUARY 2020]
  • Saskatoon, SK Jalal; Dwaine Nelson
    1979. 28 - 30 Dec In June of this year the executive office of the Canadian Association for Studies on the Bahá'í Faith moved to Ottawa. After consultation on the message to Canada from the Universal House of Justice which stated to ‘‘... further develop the Canadian Association for Studies on the Bahá'í Faith'', the executive committee decided to lower membership rates to encourage wider membership. It was also decided to renew memberships each Naw-Ruz.

    Four regional conferences were held in this, the 4th year of the Association for Bahá'í Studies, in Halifax, Toronto, Saskatoon and Vancouver, all on the same dates. [BC Vol 2 No 3 July/August 1979 p9]

    Halifax, NS; Toronto, ON; Saskatoon, SK; Vancouver, BC Bahai Studies, Associations for
    1981. (In the year) The Department of Immigration signed an agreement with the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada permitting that body to sponsor the immigration of several hundred Iranian Bahá'ís. Iranian Bahá'ís were also named specifically by the Minister in his December 1982 submission to the House of Commons on the 1983 quota for Government sponsored refugees. Some 2,300 Iranian Bahá'í refugees arrived in Canada and settled in all of the provinces and territories. [The Future of Canada: A Bahá'í Perspective; A Symposium on the Iranian Bahá'í Refugee Movement to Canada, 1981-1989]

    This cooperative partnership between the Bahá'í Community and the Department of Immigration became a model for some 25 other countries.

      Note: This brief was presented to The Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects of Canada by the Canadian Bahá'í Community through its National Spiritual Assembly in Saskatoon November 21-22, 1983.
    Saskatoon, SK Presentations
    1983 21 - 23 Nov A brief entitled The Future of Canada: A Bahá'í Perspective was presented to The Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects of Canada on behalf of the Canadian Bahá'í Community through the National Spiritual Assembly in Saskatoon. [The Future of Canada: A Bahá'í Perspective]
  • Photographs in this publication were contributed by Elizabeth Martin. [HNWE44]
  • Saskatoon, SK Social action; Ethics; Economics; Consultation; Agriculture; Women; Indigenous Peoples; Elderly; Education; Presentations
    2021. 13 Aug The passing of Bruce Kenneth Filson (b. 4 December 1952 in Saskatoon). He was interred at the Valley View Memorial Gardens in Surrey, BC. [Saskatoon Star Phoenix 18 August 2021] Saskatoon, SK; Surrey, BC In Memoriam; Bruce Filson
    2021. 17 Nov The premier of the film The Legacy of Saskatoon's Secret Forest [CBNS17 November 2021]
      The inspirational story of Richard St. Barbe Baker, aka the "Man of the Trees," The heritage documentary The Legacy of Saskatoon's Secret Forest tells the story of his remarkable life and achievements. Note there is a 15 minute version heritage documentary and a one hour long presentation with greetings from around the world. The 15 minute prequel film "Richard St. Barbe Baker Park" tells how the heritage documentary came to be. From roots in Saskatoon he went on to inspire tree planting and forest protection around the world. The International Tree Foundation, which he founded in 1922, is still active in 14 countries. Countless people motivated by him are environmental champions today. A companion curriculum describes his holistic world view, and his daring life of action on behalf of the earth.
    Saskatoon, SK The Legacy of Saskatoons Secret Forest; Richard St. Barbe Baker
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