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1953 2 Aug Fred Schechter, an American, arrived in Djibouti and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for French Somaliland. [BW13:451]
  • Mr Schechter went on to pioneer to several Latin American countries, he spent thirteen year on the Continental Board of Councillors for the Americas and served on the International Teaching Centre. He passed away on 27 January 2017 in California, U.S.A. He was 89 years old. [BWNS1149]
  • See In Memoriam Fred Schechter: Bahá'í House of Worship Memorial Program.
  • French Somaliland (Djibouti); Djibouti Fred Schechter; Knights of Bahaullah; Counsellors; International Teaching Centre, Members of; In Memoriam; Births and deaths; BWNS
    1973 5 Jun The International Teaching Centre was established at the Bahá'í World Centre for the purpose of continuing the work of the Hands of the Cause of God into the future. [BBD118–19; BBRSM132–3; BW16:134, 411–14; BW17:322–5; VV16, CEBF200; Wikipedia]
  • For cable of the Universal House of Justice see BW16:413.
  • Hands of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, ‘Alí-Akbar Furútan, Paul Haney and Abu'l-Qásim Faizí and Counsellor members Hooper Dunbar, Florence Mayberry and Aziz Yazdí were appointed. [BW16:413]
  • For pictures see BW16:412 and VV16.
  • The duties and the organization of the International Teaching Centre were deliniated in the Message from the Universal House of Justice of June 8th, 1973.
  • See Wikipedia article for the names of the Counsellor members since its inception.
  • BWC; Haifa International Teaching Centre; International Teaching Centre, Members of; Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Counsellors; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline; Amatul-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum; Ali Akbar Furutan; Paul Haney; Abul-Qasim Faizi; Hooper Dunbar; Florence Mayberry; Aziz Yazdi; Appointed arm; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1973 14 Jun The International Teaching Centre met for the first time. [VV16] Haifa International Teaching Centre
    1979. 4 Jul The Universal House of Justice announced the appointment of a fourth Counsellor to the International Teaching Centre, Counsellor Anneliese Bopp. [Mess63-86p421] BWC International Teaching Centre; Anneliese Bopp; Counsellors
    1983. 19 May The Universal House of Justice announced a number of changes to the membership of the International Teaching Centre raising the number of members to nine. [BW19:27]
  • For reasons of health Counsellor Florence Mayberry took her retirement from the ITC. [Mess63-86p577]
  • Four new Counsellors were appointed: Mr Magdalene Carney, Mr Mas'úd Khamsí, Dr Peter Khan and Mrs Isobel Sabri. [Mess63-86p578]
  • The Hands of the Cause serving in the International Teaching Centre were: Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum and 'Ali-Akbar Furutan. [Mess63-86p578]
  • BWC International Teaching Centre; Counsellors; Florence Mayberry; Magdalene Carney; Masud Khamsi; Peter Khan; Isobel Sabri
    1983 23 May A five year term for the Counsellor members of the International Teaching Centre was established by the Universal House of Justice. [Message 19 May, 1983; BW19:27]

    "... a five-year term for the Counsellor members of the International Teaching Centre. Each term will start on 23 May immediately following the International Bahá'í Convention, and the current term will end on 23 May 1988. Should circumstances prevent the Universal House of Justice from making new appointments at the end of any five-year term, the Counsellors will remain in office until such time as new appointments can be made."

    BWC Counsellors; International Teaching Centre, Members of; Appointed arm; Universal House of Justice
    1987 31 Aug The Universal House of Justice called for the erection of the remaining three buildings along the arc at the Bahá'í World Centre—the Centre for the Study of the Sacred Texts, the Seat of the International Teaching Centre and the International Bahá'í Library—as well as an expansion of the International Archives building and the creation of 19 monumental terraces from the foot of Mount Carmel to its crest. [AWH50–4, 90; BBD21; VV96; Message 31 August 1987] Mount Carmel; BWC Centre for the Study of the Sacred Texts; International Teaching Centre, Seat; International Bahai Library; International Bahai Archives; Terraces; Arc project; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1988. 19 May The Universal House of Justice announced changes in the membership of the International Teaching Centre.
  • Those appointed were: Dr Farzam Arbab, Hartmut Grossmann, Lauretta King, Donald Rogers, Joy Stevenson, and Peter Vuyiya to join Dr Magdalene Carney, Mas'úd Khamsí, and Isobel Sabri.
  • Those taking their retirement were; 'Azíz Yazdí (1973) and Anneliese Bopp (1979). [Mess86-01p86]
  • BWC International Teaching Centre; Farzam Arbab; Hartmut Grossmann; Lauretta King; Donald Rogers; Joy Stevenson; Peter Vuyiya; Magdalene Carney; Masud Khamsi; Isobel Sabri; Aziz Yazdi; Anneliese Bopp
    1992 18 Jun The passing of Counsellor Isobel Sabri, (b. 19 July, 1924) member of the International Teaching Centre, in England. She was born in California in 1924. Letter from the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada to all Local Spiritual Assemblies dated the 16th of October 1992. [VV124]
  • She was buried at the New Southgate Cemetery
  • Find a grave
  • See Bahaipedia for the message of condolence from the Universal House of Justice.
  • California; United States; United Kingdom Counsellors; Isobel Sabri; International Teaching Centre, Members of; In Memoriam; Births and deaths
    1993 23 May The following Counsellors were appointed to the International Teaching Centre for a five-year term: Mr. Kiser Barnes, Mr. Hartmut Grossmann, Mrs. Lauretta King, Mrs. Joan Lincoln, Mr. Shapoor Monadjem, Mr. Donald Rogers, Mr. Fred Schechter, Mrs. Kimiko Schwerin, Mrs. Joy Stevenson. Retiring members were: Mr. Mas'úd Khamsí and Mr. Peter Vuyiya. [From a message from the Universal House of Justice dated the 13th of May, 1993] BWC Universal House of Justice; Counsellors; International Teaching Centre, Members of; Kiser Barnes; Hartmut Grossmann; Lauretta King; Joan Lincoln; Shapoor Monadjem; Donald Rogers; Fred Schechter; Kimiko Schwerin; Joy Stevenson; Masud Khamsi; Peter Vuyiya
    1994 Ridván Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre Lauretta King represented the House of Justice at the first National Convention of the Bahá'ís of Kyrgyzstan, (formerly part of the National Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia) held 23-24 April in Bishkek. The 150 adults, youth, and children gathered for the historic event expressed their "deepest gratitude and devotion to the Blessed Beauty, Bahá'u'lláh." [BW94-95p29; 26 November 1993; Ridván 151] Bishkek; Kyrgyzstan National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Conventions, National; First conventions; International Teaching Centre
    1998. 8 Apr The passing of Florence Virginia Wilson Mayberry (b. 18 September 1906 in Sleeper, Missouri) in Marshfield, Missouri. She became a Bahá'í in 1941 in Reno, Nevada. From 1954 to 1959 she served on the first Auxiliary Board for North America covering the Western States and Canada. While serving as an Auxiliary Board member, Florence was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States in 1959. Shortly after the Mayberry family pioneered to Mexico in 1961 where Mrs. Mayberry was elected to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly of that country and participated in the first International Bahá'í Convention in 1963. In 1968 she was appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors for North America, then in 1973 she was appointed as one of three Counselors of the newly established International Teaching Center where she served for 10 years. [BW26p275]
  • Her autobiography, The Great Adventure was published by Nine Pines Publishing in 1994.
  • She was a mystery writer. She had a number of stories published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.
  • Find a grave.
  • Sleeper, Missouri; Marshfield, Missouri In Memoriam; Florence Mayberry; Auxiliary Board Members; Counsellors; International Teaching Centre
    1998. 10 Jun In a message to the International Teaching Centre marking the 25th anniversary of its inauguration, the Universal House of Justice provided an overview of their duties and a general framework for their operations. The attachment was entitled Overview of Duties Exercised by the International Teaching Centre under the Guidance of the Universal House of Justice. [10 June 1998] BWC International Teaching Centre
    2000 23 Mar The publication of the document entitled Training Institutes and Systematic Growth by the International Teaching Centre as a sequel to the one dated April 1998. [Mess86-01p710] See also TP343. BWC Training Institutes; International Teaching Centre; * Institute process; Publications
    2001 8 - 17 Jan The inauguration of the International Teaching Centre Building at the World Centre with the meeting of the Institution of the Counsellors. Board members from 172 countries attended.
  • Message from the Universal House of Justice date 14 January, 2001 addressed To the Conference Marking the Inauguration of the International Teaching Centre Building.
  • This occasion was marked as "one of the historic happenings of the Formative Age". From the Ridván Message of 2000]
  • Construction of the International Teaching Centre Building began in 1987 and was completed in October 2000. [BWNS131]
  • For a full account of the event see BWNS131 and BW00-01p4148.
  • BWC; Mount Carmel; Haifa International Teaching Centre, Seat; Arc project; BWNS; Counsellors; Counsellors conferences; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    2001 9 - 13 Jan The Counsellors in all continents met at the World Centre to take part in deliberations on the general features of the Five Year Plan. They were joined by the Auxiliary Board members (849 from 172 countries) who gathered from throughout the world to participate in events marking the occupation by the International Teaching Centre of its permanent seat on Mount Carmel. [From the messages from the Universal House of Justice dated the 29th of October, 2000 and the16th of January, 2001] BWC; Haifa Counsellors; Counsellors conferences; Five Year Plan (2001-2006); Teaching Plans; Auxiliary Board Members; Assistants; International Teaching Centre, Seat
    2003 Apr The publication of Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth by the International Teaching Centre at the request of the Universal House of Justice. Because of the cancellation of the 9th International Conference this publication had to be sent to all National Spiritual Assemblies rather than giving a copy to the delegates as had been planned. [BW03-04p35] See also TP367. BWC * Institute process; Training Institutes; Growth; International Teaching Centre; Publications; Building Momentum (document); ITC publications
    2004 (In the year) The Universal House of Justice established the Bahá'í Internet Agency to operate under the guidance of the International Teaching Centre.
  • In a message to all National Assemblies stated that the Bahá'í Internet Agency were to assist the Counsellors and the National Spiritual Assemblies to address issues related to the propagation and protection of the Faith as they pertain to the internet. An office with a full-time director was established in the United States.
  • The Bahá'í Computer and Communications Association (BCCA) and the Security Advisory Group, which provided this service for a number of years were to function but now under the direction of the new agency. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 16 June 2005]
  • Documents by the Bahá'í Internet Agency.
  • BWC Bahai Internet Agency; International Teaching Centre; Bahai Computer and Communications Association; Security Advisory Group
    2004 19 Apr The passing of Mr Aziz Ismayn Yazdi (b. Alexandria, Egypt in 1909) in Vancouver, Canada at the age of 94. Aziz Yazdi lived in Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Great Britain, Uganda, Kenya, Israel, and finally Canada. In 1968 he was appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors in Central and East Africa and was an inaugural member of the International Teaching Centre in Haifa. [BWNS297, BW'03-‘04pg239] Vancouver; Canada; Egypt; Syria; Iran; Iraq; United Kingdom; Uganda; Kenya; Israel Aziz Ismayn Yazdi; Counsellors; International Teaching Centre, Members of; In memoriam; Births and deaths; BWNS
    2007. 30 Sep In a message from the International Teaching Centre to all Continental Counsellors it shared lessons learned at the recent meetings of the Continental Boards in which the focus had been the challenge of accelerating the movement of clusters and the launching of an increasing number of Intensive Programs of Growth. The message set the direction for the teaching work. BWC International Teaching Centre
    2012 20 Feb The passing of Anneliese Bopp, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre at Bad Bruckenau, Northern Bavaria, Germany. [BWNS892]
  • First appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors at Ridván 1970, she served at the International Teaching Centre from 1979 until 1988.
  • See Vimeo for a short biographical film on Anneliese Bopp entitled Miss Anneliese Bopp: A Champion of Faith.
  • Bahaipedia.
  • Bad Bruckenau; Germany Anneliese Bopp; In Memoriam; Births and deaths; International Teaching Centre; BWNS
    2013 5 Mar The passing of Mas'ud Khamsi, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre in Lima, Peru. [BWNS943; In Memoriam: Mas'úd Khamsí (1922-2013), Spiritual Father of Peru, Mentor and Counselor by Boris Handal translated by Samuel Duboisme]
  • Photo.
  • Slideshow in Spanish.
  • Bahaipedia.
  • He was the son of one of "The Five Siyyids" (Sádát-i-Khams in Arabic), so named by Bahá'u'áh. For the story of this family see The Khamsis: A Cradle of True Gold by Boris Handal. Mas'ud Khamsi's story is told in this book (p111-239).
  • Lima; Peru Masud Khamsi; Baqirof-Khamsi (Sadat-i-Khams); Counsellors; International Teaching Centre, Members of; In memoriam; BWNS
    2016 25 Apr The passing of former member of the International Teaching Centre, Joy Stevenson (b. 1919) in Queanbeyan, Australia. She made a distinctive contribution to the advancement of Bahá'í communities in Australasia as a Counsellor and an Auxiliary Board member and as a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Australia. [BWNS1103]
  • Bahaipedia.
  • Queanbeyan; Australia In Memoriam; Joy Stevenson; International Teaching Centre, Members of; BWNS; Auxiliary Board Members
    2018 15 Nov The passing of Shapoor Monadjem, (b. 3 October, 1933, Shiraz, Iran) at his last pioneer post in Maringá, Brazil. He had been a member of the International Teaching Center, a pioneer and member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Brazil (1963-1983), a Continental Councillor (1983-1993) as well as a Deputy Trustee of Ḥuqúqu'lláh. [BWNS1296; Bahaipedia] Maringa; Brazil Shapoor Monadjem; International Teaching Centre; Counsellors; In Memoriam
    2023. 15 May The Universal House of Justice announced the appointment of the members of the International Teaching Centre for the five-year term beginning 23 May 2023. Those appointed were: Antonella Demonte, Gloria Javid, Dinesh Kumar, Kanagaratnam Lakmeeharan, Rachel Ndegwa, Amir Saberin, Navid Serrano, Mehranguiz Farid Tehrani, and Holly Woodard. [message from the NSA of Canada to all assemblies, councils and groups S127916 dated 15 May 2023] BWC International Teaching Centre, members of

    from the chronology of Canada

    date event locations tags see also
    1998. 8 Apr The passing of Florence Virginia Wilson Mayberry (b. 18 September 1906 in Sleeper, Missouri) in Marshfield, Missouri. She became a Bahá'í in 1941 in Reno, Nevada. From 1954 to 1959 she served on the first Auxiliary Board for North America covering the Western States and Canada. While serving as an Auxiliary Board member, Florence was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States in 1959. Shortly after the Mayberry family pioneered to Mexico in 1961 where Mrs. Mayberry was elected to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly of that country and participated in the first International Bahá'í Convention in 1963. In 1968 she was appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors for North America, then in 1973 she was appointed as one of three Counselors of the newly established International Teaching Center where she served for 10 years. [BW26p275]
  • Her autobiography, The Great Adventure was published by Nine Pines Publishing in 1994.
  • She was a mystery writer. She had a number of stories published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.
  • Find a grave.
  • Sleeper, Missouri; Marshfield, Missouri In Memoriam; Florence Mayberry; Auxiliary Board Members, Continental Board of Counsellors; International Teaching Centre; National Spiritual Assembly
    2004 19 Apr The passing of Mr Aziz Ismayn Yazdi (b. Alexandria, Egypt in 1909) in Vancouver, Canada at the age of 94. Aziz Yazdi lived in Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Great Britain, Uganda, Kenya, Israel, and finally Canada. In 1968 he was appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors in Central and East Africa and was an inaugural member of the International Teaching Centre in Haifa. [BWNS297, BW'03-‘04pg239] Vancouver, BC; Egypt; Syria; Iran; Iraq; United Kingdom; Uganda; Kenya; Israel Aziz Ismayn Yazdi; Counsellors; International Teaching Centre, Members of; In memoriam

    from the main catalogue

    1. Authority of the International Teaching Centre in Expelling Covenant-Breakers, by Universal House of Justice (1998-01-05). On the role of the Counsellors and the ITC in protecting the Faith, and the process of expelling a person whose behavior is in conflict with the Covenant. [about]
    2. Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth, by International Teaching Centre (2003-04). Guidance for the Bahá'í world in advancing the process of entry by troops. Part 3 of a series, following "Training Institutes" (1998) and "Training Institutes and Systematic Growth" (2000). [about]
    3. Framework for Action: 2006-2016, Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice and Supplementary Material, by Universal House of Justice (2017). 58 letters from the House; "Social Action," by the Office of Social and Economic Development; "Insights from the Frontiers of Learning" and "Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning," prepared by the International Teaching Centre. [about]
    4. Hands of the Cause of God, by Universal House of Justice and Lilian Ala'i, in Bahá'í World, Vol. 18 (1979-1983) (1986). Six documents from Bahá'í World 18 part four section 2: The Hands of the Cause of God and their functions, their work and travels 1979-1983, Boards of Counsellors and the International Teaching Centre, and tributes by Lilian Ala'i and Ray Hudson. [about]
    5. Institution of the Counsellors, by Universal House of Justice (2001-01-29). Detailed discussion of the history and function of the highest level of the "Institution of the Learned." [about]
    6. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (1988). The classic Bahá'í reference book. This is its first online edition. [about]
    7. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (2023-11-28). Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guardianship, global expansion, community building and development, participation in societal discourse, and construction of the Bahá'í World Centre. [about]
    8. Women Serving as Continental Counselors or in the International Teaching Centre, Percentage of: 1980-2010, by Universal House of Justice (2013-01-23). Chart showing the percentage of women serving as members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors from 26 November 1980 — when the number of Boards was fixed at five — until November 2010. [about]
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