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1848. late Spring Mullá Husayn went to the house of Quddús in Bárfurúsh (now called Babol), Mázindarán, and realized that the `hidden treasure' was his recognition of the station of Quddús. [DB261–5; MH148–54]

Mullá Husayn proceeded to Mashhad and built a `Bábíyyih', a centre for the Bábís, as instructed by Quddús. He and Quddús took up residence in it and began to teach the Bábí religion.

  • See DB288–90 and MH158–68 for the result of this effort.
  • Among those who come to the Bábíyyih was Sám Khán, the chief of police. [MH158]
  • See MH156 for a picture of the Bábíyyih.
  • Barfurush; Mazandaran; Mashhad; Iran; Babol Mulla Husayn; Quddus; Babi centre; Letters of the Living
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