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1907 26 Nov The first national Bahá'í conference was held in America. [BFA2:XVI; BW10:179]
  • At the invitation of the House of Spirituality of Chicago, nine Bahá'ís from various communities joined some ten from the Chicago area at a one-day conference to foster national cooperation on the Temple project and to choose a suitable site for the Temple. [BFA2:280; CT78; GPB262, 349]
  • M. Momen posits that this was probably the first Bahá'í convention. [BAHAISM xi. Bahai Conventions]
  • Chicago; United States Conferences; Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, National; Spiritual Assemblies; Mashriqul-Adhkar, Wilmette; Mashriqul-Adhkar (House of Worship); First conferences
    1968 22 – 23 Jun The first National Youth Conference of the Bahá'ís of the United States opened in Wilmette, Illinois. [BW15:327 8]
  • For picture see BW15:325.
  • Wilmette; Illinois; United States Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Youth; Conferences, National
    1969 4 – 6 Apr The first National Youth Conference of Australia opened at Bolton Place summer School. [BW15:329]
  • For picture see BW15:328.
  • Bolton Place; Australia Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Youth; Conferences, National; Conferences, First
    1969 24 – 25 May The first Bahá'í Youth Conference of Japan opened on Jogashima Island. [BW15:329] Jogashima Island; Japan Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Youth; Conferences, National; Conferences, First
    1970 (In the Year) Botswana held its first National Youth School. [BW15:329] Botswana Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Youth; Conferences, National; Conferences, First
    1978 15 Jan The first National Bahá'í Women's Conference of Niger took place. Niger Women; Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Women; Conferences, National; First conferences
    1989 23 – 26 Mar The First National Women's Conference of Spain was held in Madrid. [BINS201:6] Madrid; Spain Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Women; Conferences, National; Women; First conferences
    1990 24 Jan – 5 Feb The first All-Union Bahá'í Conference was held in Moscow with 250 people gathered from all over the Soviet Union and from 17 other countries. This was the first national Bahá'í conference held in the USSR in about 60 years. [BINS224:8; VV112] Moscow; Russia Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, National; First conferences
    1990 19 – 21 Oct The first National Children's Conference of Nicaragua was held in Retiro, Aurora, Managua, attended by more than 40 children. [BINS243:8] Retiro; Aurora; Managua; Nicaragua Children; Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Children; Conferences, National; First conferences
    1991 26 - 27 Jan The first National Teaching Conference of Yugoslavia was held in Belgrade. [BINS243:3] Belgrade; Yugoslavia Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Teaching; Conferences, National
    1991 25 – 27 Oct The first National Teaching Conference of Bulgaria was held in Plovdiv. [BINS258:2–3] Plovdiv; Bulgaria Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Teaching; Conferences, National
    1994 May 19 The first National Bahá'í Conference of Armenia was held in Yerevan. [BINS318:5–6] Yerevan; Armenia Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, National
    1995 Jan The first National Teaching Conference of Cambodia was held in Phnom Penh, attended by more than 50 Bahá'ís. [BINS334:2] Phnom Penh; Cambodia Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Teaching; Conferences, National; First conferences
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