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1920. 3 Apr The founders of Teheran branch of Societé Nonahalan ‘Children's Savings Fund' were Mirza Mohammed Tabib, Miss Lillian F. Kappes, Mirza Nuredin, Doctor Susan I. Moody, and Goodsea Ashraf Khanom. [Women's Worlds in Qajar Iran]

The Bahá'í Children's Savings Company, known in Iran as Shirkat-i Nawnahalan, began as a savings bank for Bahá'í children in 1917 and was founded through 'Abdu'l-Bahá's encouragement. [Bahá'í Teachings 4 Oct 2012]

Tihran; Iran Childrens Savings Fund; Nonahalan Society; Mirza Mohammed Tabib; Miss Lillian Kappes; Mirza Nuredin; Doctor Susan Moody; Goodsea Ashraf Khanom; Nawnahalan
1979 Feb Revolutionary Guards raided the offices of Nawnahálán, a Bahá'í investment company, and the Umaná' Corporation, a foundation for the purchase and maintenance of Bahá'í properties, and impoundeded the keys. [BW18:252]
  • In the weeks following, the offices were occupied by the Revolutionary Guards and the staff were dismissed. [BW18:252]
  • Iran Persecution, Iran; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Nawnahalan
    1979 (early June) In Iran, the offices of Nawnahálán and the Umaná' Corporation were taken over by Revolutionary Guards. [BW18:252]

    The Bahá'í Children's Savings Company, known in Iran as Shirkat-i Nawnahalan, began as a savings bank for Bahá'í children in 1917. As successive generations of Bahá'í children grew up, they kept their savings–primarily intended for their future educations–with the company, and local and national Bahá'í institutions also placed their deposit funds there. The Iranian government raided and took over the offices of this company in early June of 1979, freezing and then confiscating all of its assets, estimated at $5 million—literally stealing money from children. [Bahá'í Teachings 4 Oct 2012]

    Iran Persecution, Iran; Persecution, Other; Persecution; Nawnahalan
    1979. 21 Nov The assets of three smaller institutions owned by the Bahá'í community, the Vahhaj, Matla and Huqúq companies, institutions that had served as holding companies for various types of funds and properties, were formally confiscated as well as those of the Trustees Company and the Children's Savings Company, (Shirkat-i Nawnahalan) in verdicts handed down by the Central Islamic Revolutionary Court, Branch 1. [Bahá'í Teachings 4 Oct 2012; BW18:252; Documentation (Page 3 and 5)]

    The Bahá'í Hospital, the Missaghie Hospital, in Tehran was confiscated. See the documentation (page 7) for the list of charges against it.

    Iran Persecution, Iran; Vahhaj Company; Matla Company; Huquq Company; Trustees Company; Childrens Savings Company; Nawnahalan; Missaghie Hospital
    1981. 11 Jun All the title deeds, deeds of ownership and the plans [buildings] in various cities which were available and registered in the books of the Nawnahalan Company, were forfieted to the Iranian government. In addition, the title deed of Gypsum Mines in the Village of Mesgarabad, which belonged to the company, was also confiscated. [Archives of Bahá'í Persecution in Iran]

    Tehran, Iran Nawnahalan; Persecution, Iran
    2007 24 May The passing of Hadi Rahmani-Shirazi (b. 1914) in the United Kingdom. He was buried in New Southgate Cemetery.
  • pioneered to Afghanistan at the Guardian's behest,
  • served on the National Spiritual Assembly and the Auxiliary Board in the Cradle of the Faith,
  • served as the executive director of the Nonahalan Company, (A Bahá'í investment company in Iran)
  • among first appointed to institution of the Counsellors created by the Universal House of Justice in June 1968,
  • relocated to the United Kingdom in the early 1980s,
  • contributed greatly to the development of the Institution of Huququ'llah through his services as a Deputy. [UK BAHA'I NEWS EMAIL SERVICE message from the National Spiritual Assembly 24 May 2007]
  • Find a grave
  • United Kingdom; Afghanistan; Iran Hadi Rahmani-Shirazi; Nawnahalan Company; Counsellors; Huququllah; In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Auxiliary Board Members
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